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RF Remote Claymore Airsoft mine Market Survey


Accessories Discussion

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Old April 18th, 2006, 11:31   #61
zero delay
Join Date: Jul 2002
Base price per complete system is $215, and $120 per additional mine, (price is subject to increase due to availibility/cost of components)
In a Time of Universal Deceit, Telling the Truth Becomes a Revolutionary Act - George Orwell, 1984
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire
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Old May 4th, 2006, 21:22   #62
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would you be able to post some pics of the unit
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Old May 5th, 2006, 18:48   #63
zero delay
Join Date: Jul 2002
They dont look anything like real claymores but sort of resemble a coiled snake, which is the reason I named them APWS-2 KRAIT, (the designation that apears on the top of the instructional sticker applied to each mine to aid in the deployment sequence). A Krait is a hyper-deadly snake found only in Southeast Asia that was often refered to as the "Step and half or Two step" snake, named so becase it was a commonly held belief among troops during the war that you had roughly two steps after a strike, before the neurotoxin in the snake's venom shut down your nervous system. the Krait is said to have venom 15x more powerful than the King cobra's. These aren't as deadly as their name sake is, but as far as a airsoft mine there is nothing more effective ;-)

I forgot to add that the new components have actually boosted the mines performance, with greater range than the previous models (which were capable of about 90ft effective range). I haven't taken the time to measure the exact distance increase but I'd esstimate the range now to be in excess of 110ft, when you need to reach out and touch sombody this baby is twice as effective as it's competition.
In a Time of Universal Deceit, Telling the Truth Becomes a Revolutionary Act - George Orwell, 1984
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire
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