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zero delay December 24th, 2005 02:27

RF Remote Claymore Airsoft mine Market Survey
I'd like to gauge market interest for Radio Frequency Remote controlled Pnuematic/Co2 powered Airsoft directional/Claymore mines. For those of you not up to speed on the lingo what that means is a mine design to produce a blast of 100-500BBs in a wide spread arc roughly 8 ft high x 30-50 ft across with an effective range of about 90ft, that uses a longe range radio remote(specs list has a range of 1000m optimum conditions, a more realistic conservative estimate is 300-500m under game circumstances) to trigger the mine. These mines can be set up using a number of triggering options, including but not limited to Tripwire mech (which is more sensitive than any tripwire on the market, basically less than one one-two ounces pull to trip) pressure switch which can be set up to trip when weight is added, or when it is removed (as in a boobytrap configuration, where picking up something as small as mag from the trail sets it off) or command detonated with either a RF remote or the conventional hardwired momentary pushbutton detonator. These triggering options allow the mine to be used with equal effectiveness either in deffencive or offencive applications. They are completely impervious to damage under normal use, as they are made entirely out of steel, it is no exageration to say that they could likely withstand being run over by a 1/2 ton and still function at %100 effficency. The units break down into 3 components for transport , and are small enough to be stored in a typical USGI Gas Mask bag, and weigh approx 3-4lbs.

These are actuall fully functional and thouroughly tested units that have been in R&D for 2 years and have been used on airsoft feilds across the country and have proven highly effective. The reason for this survey is that I'm about to embark on another production run and need an idea as whether or not their is any potential to widen the market for these units, and to guage what the market will bear in terms of cost. this will give me some kind of indication whether it is worth the time to pursue expanding production,

Cushak December 24th, 2005 02:45

I'd be willing to pay $100-$150 (know it's probably more, but that's more or less my budget for stuff like that), sounds like a great Idea. (Ya, I know I'm underage right now, but in a couple months these are definetly something I'd look at seriously) Sounds like a great idea. Especially the weight added/removed capabilities, and the overall effective range is really good. Lot of potential for these.

SockMonkey December 24th, 2005 02:48

100-200 depending on quality and such would seem reasonable. Ithink the new ASC7 claymores are in that range.

zero delay December 24th, 2005 03:48

I forgot to add that the RF units are capable of independantly triggering up to four mines jacked into the same master receiver pack. This allows some creative ambush configurations to be used. Additional mines will be available for anyone wishing to expand capbilities to suit the situation. These additional mines will be a fraction of the cost of the package, this will basically allow users to expand the system with out spending extra $ to purchase uneccessary additional electronics.

Since every mine comes will come with 3 triggering mechanisms as standard equipment (RF command detonator, tripwire mech, and pressure switch,) the user has many options in terms of deployment. Using a "L shaped" Ambush on a trail for an example, a tripwire could be strung across the path after a bend in the trial, as soon as the Point element is unfortunate enought to trip the initial mine, a second, (or even a third) mine concealed further down the trail is command detonated with the RF unit, basically decimating the rest of the oppostion traveling in the column. So the purchase of one package, and two mines enables the user to potentially field as many as three mines each employing a dfiffernt triggering mech or all daisy chained on the same circuit, the possibilities with these are massive to say the least.

JohnnyDo December 24th, 2005 03:56

ya i'm interested. very interested in fact. throw me on the mailing list for a price quote man :)

zero delay December 24th, 2005 04:06

The package also inlcudes a USGI Gas Mask bag, the older version that uses ALICE clips, the entire assembly stores in the mask bag fairly easily.

The price base price for a unit with the medium range remote, (150-250meter range) will be $190, with the long range remote will be $15 more, a bit more $ definately but possibly worth the additonal dollars for the expanded capabilities it offers.

R.A.T.M._JLD December 24th, 2005 04:22

hell sing me up.

Blastyman December 24th, 2005 11:46

Probably be in for it.

BiffTheAncient December 24th, 2005 12:21

That sounds awesome, I currently have an ASC& but you product sounds much better... Any pictures or more details available?

Yeoman December 24th, 2005 12:23

I know the IC boys would be interested.

Mulitkikr December 24th, 2005 12:23

I can guarentee Skunkworx airsoft will take at least 2 of these. If there anything like the directional mines you hooked us up with they'll be awesome.

zero delay December 24th, 2005 12:57

Another capability they have is as Anti Vehicular mines, with another attachment they can be converted to fire low velocity Nerf vortexs or the specialized 50mm mortar/AT-4 marking round that leaves a dinner plate sized splatter mark using either watersoulable pigment or Dry powder. Used in that fashion they can be riged up with the presssure switch, comand detonator or another elctronic component that uses an invisable beam to act as a trip wire, the only draw back with the electronic tripwire is that the span is limited to about 30ft and it is time consuming to set up.

Each unit also has a decal aplied to the mine that details the deployment sequence thoroughly so players unfamiliar with them are able to use them quickly and effectively, which also reminds that for a bit more $ $ (15) I can add a anti-tamper circuit to the mine which will detonate it if it i disturbed by the opposition after it has been armed, a handy feature that will keep the enemy from turning the mines 180degress into the user's defencive postions if they are discovered. The anti-tamper circuit has a status LED installed that indicates whether the tamper circuit is charging the firing circuit, so you dont have a unintentional ND (negligent dishcarge) accident while deploying the mine.

zero delay December 24th, 2005 13:30

Here is a link to some test footag shot last year, uisng the old hardwired command detonators. No sound, but i do have another clip with audio.

concept_8 December 24th, 2005 13:55

I'd be interested in these since I wasn't to impressed with the quality/build of the asc mines.

DonP December 24th, 2005 14:12

Pending the number of dollar signs. I'd be in. But I have an interest in heavy weapons as well, so I (like a couple other people on this thread) am probably not indicative of the general airsoft population insofar as market surveying goes...

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