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Old July 25th, 2009, 01:07   #31
chronic's Avatar
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Ok to be fair, in my first game (at the TWAT field) I did camp a bit. Here's why

1. I did not know the field. I had no idea where the enemy was coming from.
2. I had never been hit by a BB before
3. The feild was a bit muddy and I was not wearing the right footwear.

Eventually I got over it. Ideally, it would be cool if newbies were assigend a more experienced "battle buddy".
The beatings will continue until morale improves
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Old July 25th, 2009, 01:14   #32
Suburban Gun Runner
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Here is what I find happens at games. Experianced players usually team up with guys they know and go out together leaving new players to stand alone feeling awkward and stupid for not knowing what to do. Then when the new playes try to attach themselves to more experianced players they get bitched at for giving away hiding places etc... Chronic is right. Remember we were all new at one time. Take the time to mentor new players. Who know with a little effort they may turn out to be a valuable addition to your fireteam.
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eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old July 25th, 2009, 01:29   #33
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Originally Posted by chronic View Post
Ok to be fair, in my first game (at the TWAT field) I did camp a bit. Here's why

1. I did not know the field. I had no idea where the enemy was coming from.
2. I had never been hit by a BB before
3. The feild was a bit muddy and I was not wearing the right footwear.

Eventually I got over it. Ideally, it would be cool if newbies were assigend a more experienced "battle buddy".
Then you came to TTAC3.

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Old July 25th, 2009, 01:41   #34
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Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
Then you came to TTAC3.
Was there tonight again..
TTAC3 rocks! Best way to spend a Friday night!
The beatings will continue until morale improves
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Old August 18th, 2009, 15:06   #35
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This was actually the first I'd heard of this problem. I'll remember to keep an eye out for it, but personally, my biggest problem is with explorers. You know, the noob who you tell to follow you, you turn your back for a second and he's wandered off to try out this brilliant idea (usually involves climbing trees). Sometimes they end up being useful, but mostly they pop out after you've already killed everyone and frindly fire you, bump into the enemy and die, or find a hole ad aren't seen again until long after the game is over, obliging you to go looking for them. I guess it's a matter of surroundings; where we play, there's absolutely nowhere I'd consider secure enough to camp in.
Originally Posted by PhattyTatty666 View Post
I havent shot anyone in so long so today i shot myself... it's not the same.
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Old September 29th, 2009, 11:57   #36
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Originally Posted by Sasha View Post
This was actually the first I'd heard of this problem. I'll remember to keep an eye out for it, but personally, my biggest problem is with explorers. You know, the noob who you tell to follow you, you turn your back for a second and he's wandered off to try out this brilliant idea (usually involves climbing trees). Sometimes they end up being useful, but mostly they pop out after you've already killed everyone and frindly fire you, bump into the enemy and die, or find a hole ad aren't seen again until long after the game is over, obliging you to go looking for them. I guess it's a matter of surroundings; where we play, there's absolutely nowhere I'd consider secure enough to camp in.
hey everybody's once a noob. i think we should be nicer to them. anyhow, everybody has their own gaming style, whether its considered Good or not

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Old September 29th, 2009, 12:26   #37
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by cerealmaniac View Post
hey everybody's once a noob. i think we should be nicer to them. anyhow, everybody has their own gaming style, whether its considered Good or not
Indeed.. and as a NOOB they should shut up .. listen, follow direction .. and do as they are told, rather than stumble around.. chat and giggle like school girls , wander off, or try to execute their "individual Style"

Vets .. ignore NOOBS because the NOOBS don't respect them... Everyone reckons they are "Equal" so no one has any grounds to tell anyone what to do when to do it and how. And so the guys that have a clue do what they can to reduce frustration and stay clear of NOOBs

NOOB= someone who is new to an activity .. but already figures they have it all figured out.. and their "individual Style" does not mesh well with the plans of others who have more experience.

This is different from a new player.. who shows up, asks for help, listens, does as he/she is told and end up being useful.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old September 29th, 2009, 12:31   #38
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
This is different from a new player.. who shows up, asks for help, listens, does as he/she is told and end up being useful.
up until this part i was about to say WTF your wrong, But I agree with you 100%.
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Old September 29th, 2009, 15:10   #39
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I like all types of noobs except
the ones who try to command
without a clue. Those guys I let
move up while I wait at spawn a
few moments until they're all dead.
Then after a couple defeats they're
willing to step back and listen up.

New guys on my squad always
go in first (meat shield), or hold
a line for us to advance. Either
way they take fire and get over
the jitters.

If I get wanderers, I'll turn into
a trap door cave camping spider.
Find some area I can hold and try
to survive. Dishing out ass shots
is fun so I don't mind. With the
Tornadoes in play their should be
no complaints about campers
(CQB), deal with them.
Retired — Freedom 35

Last edited by safx; September 29th, 2009 at 15:11.. Reason: typos, can't spell
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Old September 29th, 2009, 15:12   #40
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I just go get'em
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Old September 29th, 2009, 15:32   #41
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If we had more time before the game start, I would take a bunch of noob and put them in my team and we could all do some battle drills. That way, they would have a clue of what we are doing and what all that yelling is about when we shoot and move.

But since the games always start flush on time or late, I don't even have time to practice with my own team.

At my first airsoft game as a noob, I sticked close to experienced players and watched what they did. Keeping my mouth shut. I quickly learned the dynamics or milsims and I quickly became effective as a player.

No one should be intimidated by other players, even if they look mean in their armor.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old September 29th, 2009, 16:15   #42
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armor on a airsoft field is for pussies
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Old December 28th, 2009, 19:57   #43
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strange, when I invite my friend. He never try airsoft before (after game, he hate it). He try to do what I do, move and cover. Engage enemy with burst fire. Then he said he get boring, and start to play as Rambo. Run and shoot in auto.

At my first airsoft game as a noob, I sticked close to experienced players and watched what they did. Keeping my mouth shut. I quickly learned the dynamics or milsims and I quickly became effective as a player
I done same thing, also I just stand and watch. only have mp7 this game with enemy team make up nothing but sniper.
my english is bad. however, It don't make up different on your ignorance.
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Old January 3rd, 2010, 16:19   #44
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I normally take new players out with me and my friends = and we just skrim and teach them, try our best to even out the fng to vet ratio, and just show them the ropes and have a good time, not really hardcore milsim but just get their feet wet if they like it they come again
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Old January 3rd, 2010, 17:00   #45
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Camping - if that's what it can boil down to... is a GREAT way to play.

There is a time and place for EVERYTHING.

That said... I'm a ghillie-user... camping at it's best.
The Devil's Bench - Gaming Cafe, Brantford, ON.
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