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Sig 552 Newbie Question


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Old February 23rd, 2010, 21:56   #1
Join Date: Feb 2010
Sig 552 Newbie Question

I have a Swiss Arms Sig 552 commando AEG that I purchased for my son for X-mas at the local "big 5" sporting good store. I thought Metal gun = durability!! I couldn't have been more wrong. Now as I said I am a newbie so here is my problem. My son didn't even get a chance to go through the first weekend without completely trashing the gun. I put the strap on right out of the box and as soon as he crossed the street the end of the strap broke causing the gun to drop onto the pavement with him falling onto the gun. As far as I could tell in the field is the following....
1) rear sight - trashed
2) pistol grip - broke at the screws
3) strap - trashed
4) the bolt that is removed when you need to charge the battery - broke
5) there seems to be a spring of sorts near the above metioned bolt that has fallen out of the bolt location and no idea where it went or where it goes.

After taping the handle back on and sent him on his way he soon came back claiming the gun no longer worked. As a fix it yourself dad I took it apart expecting to see the problem. After getting into the gearbox and springs poping out at me I now realize I am over my head.
To make a long story longer, This is what I would like help with.
First, Where can I find replacement parts. I have tried everywhere and am abou ready to toss the gun.
Second, Is there a visual aid on reasembly of the gearbox. I am very mechanically inclined, Just need to reference A to B.
Lastly, Where can I get some upgrade parts like a top rail or longer barrel. I am on a budget (actually just ratholing money from the mrs.) so I cannot go to overboard.
Is this just a waste of my time and should I just get a different gun?

Thanks so very much for any help.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 22:03   #2
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Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
your right,when it rains the burger joint across the street does have cats for 4.99$ but that doesnt mean that i can just go get all the grape jelly i want
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 22:05   #3
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Sounds like it would be easier to buy a new gun than try to fix that one.

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Old February 23rd, 2010, 22:06   #4
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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First of all, if you are actually the father and not the son (we have kids pulling that line all the time) then I would advise you to teach your son some basic firearm handling principles (even though these aren't real they should be treated as such) like NOT BRANDISHING THEM IN PUBLIC! That should be common sense, but nevertheless never have him walk around with it. For everyones sake if not his own.

Second, I would advise you to research any purchases you make, especially when it comes to airsoft. Try and find as much material as you can and eventrually you will be able to differentiate between jackasses who don't know what the fuck their talking about (ex: idiots on youtube "this is the holds the bbs.......this is the grip......its cool....."etc...) Usually reviews on this website in the Reviews section are handy, same with ArniesAirsoft. Doing so you will find that the SwissArms has TERRIBLE tollerence issues with upgrade/replacement parts as its a clone of the model the parts were designed to fit into. I'd recomend for tutorials for how to (dis)assemble the gun. As for parts should be your first go-to as its based in Canada and saves you the hassle of dealing with the CBSA (Border) and you would be supporting local businesses (this is of course assuming that you are in Canada) Fill out your profile a bit more, like location, so that we can also help send you to someone who has knowledge on these and can show you first hand.
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Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 22:46   #5
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Thanks for the replies. Yes, I am the father, I live on 20 acres in Sandy Oregon USA. As far as research......well Thats a little too late. Now its all about damage control. I will try the website you recommended. I/We are strictly in it for the toying around and not the die hard "kill-em-all" warriors. Just trying to get this back to a "working" gun rather than a paperweight. What about a toprail or the longer barrel. Any suggestions?
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 22:48   #6
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Don't feel bad, there's a LOT of people that have made the same mistake.
But 'metal' is just about as generalized as a word as you can get!
Because 4041 chrome-moly steel is a metal, but pewter (90% tin and the rest is copper, antimony, bismuth and lead) is also a metal. So are zinc alloys, magnesium alloys, Chinese alloys (or lead alloys as I call them).
The problem is, most airsoft guns are made from metals that by all means, should NEVER be used with any kind of force trauma.
For example, magnesium alloys, which are a favorite of some manufacturers, are really big in the computer industry.... for computer parts.... that sit on a shelf for 10 years undergoing almost no stress at all....

Airsoft guns are by no means real guns, you cant stand on them, cut down trees with them, beat people with them, break windows with them, or use them to break your fall. Infact it's generally inadvisable to do all those things with real guns anyway.... lol
He's just going to have to learn to take care of his gun better!
And having learned this only a few years ago myself, you should make your son pay for the repairs, because kids typically won't care about expensive things unless they paid for it themselves! Learned that one with my first car lol
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 22:56   #7
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... Crossing the street... Yeah, try not to do that. I hope you're a responsible parent or at least will think about that before letting your kid do something like that next time. ERT/RCMP showing up is not good especially if you're trying to save face in front of the neighbours. will have what you need in regards to takedown and such.

I don't know your background, whether you're a social science or humanities guy or a biologist or a doctor or an engineer or a tradesman or what.

If you're not a "Sciency" type of guy, if it ain't broke don't fix it, but if you're an Engineer you'll probably have the world view of "if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet".

As for reviews on youtube, you'll know if it's good or not. If the person doing the review is a "screecher" then find another review, similarly if they're under 18 probably not a good review either (I've seen ONE review that was well done by a 16 year old). If they are 18+ then it might be good but use these other litmus tests to determine if it's good or not.

Rigidity of testing and structure of review, "scientific" style testing. Measured out distances, "proper targets" (not just a circle crappily drawn out but hopefully something at least printed out from a printer) as there are a tonne of free target sheets available and all it takes is an extra 3 seconds to print it out rather than take a sharpie and draw a crappy circle. No "ummmm" "so yeah", shows there was no preplanning or thought put into the review. Digging out things randomly in the middle of the review, not good, they should have it all prepared, sorted and organized out before.

EDIT: If you're in the US then scratch what I said about ERT and RCMP and replace with SWAT/Sheriff's or whatever.

As well you're lucky, just toss it away and pick something up like a TM (Tokyo Marui) they will last a long time if you don't fuck around with it and open it up. AirsoftGI and Airsoft Extreme are probably good places to order from (both located in Cali I believe).

Here, for $300 you can't go wrong:

Also fill out your profile so we know you're from the US and don't give you wrong info that applies to Canada (we have crazy laws that you Americans aren't subject to).
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Last edited by L473ncy; February 23rd, 2010 at 23:00..
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 23:00   #8
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The SiG552 is easily one of the biggest pain in the ass airsoft rifles to ever have to find replacement parts for. They are few and far between. Since you got it at a department store, I'm guessing it's a CyberGun SiG552. Typically most people wouldn't dare pick up a SiG552 unless they are and experienced player and plan to do some heavy work on it to make it a beautiful work of art. I own one, and just fixing it can be a pain in the ass, more less building it quite right.

Honestly, it's easier, and probably cheaper, to just buy a new gun. I smashed my pistol grip as well, and that thing is nearly impossible to find for replacement.

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Old February 23rd, 2010, 23:01   #9
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Well I tried The only thing I could find in the search tab was a V3 spring upgrade. I did not even see my gun on the site. What about replacement parts??? if the parts are not easily accessable then researching the gearbox is pretty much moot!!
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 23:08   #10
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Here's a picture by picture takedown, not as good as a video but it should do well enough.

Again if you want to try and repair it figure out how much your time is worth. Chances are it's not worth it to repair it and instead just use it as a parts gun or something.

PS: Don't spoil your kid, honestly. It's OK once in a while, my parents did that but I have to purchase my own car and stuff like that. I know the true value of work/money and try my best to be careful with my stuff.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 23:17   #11
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Look....I truely appreciate the help anyone could give me on some replacement parts for this gun. I would just as equally ask that my parenting skill remain out of the forum. If I was "spoiling" my son, I would have just bought another and not wasted my time researching spare parts. AGAIN....I do not wish to ruffle any feathers nor do I want to "shit where I eat", but I am ONLY looking for repair help. Thanks again.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 23:18   #12
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Yeah, that strap is useless.

Most of us get all our parts from, but a bit of Googling will find you either a US supplier or you can get it from a place like or

I hacked away at the same gun and ended up with a real sweet machine, so all is not lost.

Biggest concern is the handle. This holds the motor, which needs to be held perfectly straight and rigid. You may need to remove it and put in some thin washers and then reinsert the screws in order to hold the handle on straight. Also keep in mind that the motor height may need to be readjusted (using the screw on the centre of the bottom plate of the handgrip.

Sometimes the best way to learn how something works is to break it and then try to fix it. Unfortunately with this gun you will need to exercise those mechanical inclinations of yours- this one can be a bitch to take apart and reassemble.

Get a top rail too and mount a cheap RDS. Here's how mine turned out:

Fires 350 FPS at a wicked ROF with a tuned-up mechbox, tightbore barrel and lipo battery. Do some reading and research on all AEG airsoft guns- these "toys" are as customizable as the neighbour kid's rice-burner.

For more specific parts, it would be a huge help to post up some pictures including some close-ups.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 23:22   #13
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Toss that piece of crap and buy a TM/CA/G&P/whatever!
You've got it cheap down there!

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Old February 23rd, 2010, 23:22   #14
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that's what you get for giving an adult toy to a child

google works wonders ever hear of it?...

misc. parts near the bottom, didn't read what parts are broken, didn't get past the "bought it for my son...crossing the street" bit
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 23:28   #15
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post live in the US?

Toss that piece of crap and buy a TM/CA/G&P/whatever!
You've got it cheap down there!
+1, LOL
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