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Army of Two Mask with Paintball goggles?


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Old February 15th, 2010, 04:58   #1
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Port Coquitlam, BC
Army of Two Mask with Paintball goggles?

I was wandering around ebay when I stumbled across some Army Of Two masks. Now I must say that they look pretty bad ass, but the problem is that they ship with mesh and I know that mesh isn't very safe since the BB could shatter against the mesh and into your eyes. My question is that has anyone tried to put paintball goggles underneath the mask or some how incorporate the goggle into the mask to make it usable on an airsoft field ?
Armoury: CA M15A4 SPR, VFC HK416

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Everyone needs a hobby.

Airsoft is still cheaper than cocaine and plus I dont wake up naked in the woods anym....actually no that still happens with airsoft.

Last edited by MOARPOWER; February 15th, 2010 at 05:31..
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Old February 15th, 2010, 06:47   #2
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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I know some of the Blackbear guys (tattooedfreak, scooby etc...) wear there, or did at least. Maybe you can try PMing them to see what their setup was like and their experience with them.

Myself, along with some of the other TWATs wear/wore HFC Mesh Goggles and they withstood a large amount of gaming (wherever mesh was permitted) and I have yet to hear of anyone complaining of BBs shattering or penetrating the woven steel mesh. They were VERY comfortable and the best aspect is the fact that air easily passes through and theres zero fogging. I don't have my pair anymore as I seemed to have lost them but Ive been meaning to get another set. If I remember correctly the Ao2 masks have the stamped meshing from a sheet of steel/other kind of metal (instead of the woven steel wires as mentioned above) which is known to be more malleable when impacted with a BB. I'd suggest you wear something like safety glasses underneath the mesh in the event of a shattered BB, or something allot more low-profile than a set of PB goggles like Wiley-X (if you still want the full seal).

Best advice anyone can get when getting a new pair of eye protection is to take a gun shooting at the max of your local field limits, or maybe even higher, and take a shot. See how the protection stands up to close range shots with a hot gun, and then you will know how it will serve you in the field. A member here had done this test only to find his set of Wiley-X goggles were indeed fake and couldn't even take a shot from a gun shooting 350 with .20 at 10 (aprox) feet away. Had he been wearing them he would possibly be missing an eyeball.
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Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.

Last edited by TokyoSeven; February 15th, 2010 at 08:10..
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Old February 15th, 2010, 08:08   #3
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Im sure something could be safely securely rigged up with enough ingenuity and patience. As long as it confirms to the safety standards of the host of your game then you should be good to go. As recommended above, wearing another form of lower profile eye protection underneath would be ideal if you are not interested in performing any type of modification.

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Last edited by TokyoSeven; February 15th, 2010 at 08:11..
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Old February 15th, 2010, 08:45   #4
Shooting Addict
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If you read the description on ebay it states that he will install acylic glasses for no extra charge if your using the mask for paintball or airsoft
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
You can tell a person over and over that 4 + 5 = 9 and show them the mechanics of how addition works, but at the end of the day when you look into their eyes you know damn well that in their heads they still see 4 + 5 = pineapple.
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Harden the fuck up, you liberal pussies.
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Old February 15th, 2010, 09:26   #5
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I wear an army of two mask, rios style. Your 100% right about the bbs shattering when they hit the mesh, (mines actully a steel plate with holes punched in). At first when i bought the mask i over looked this, but with some test shots found out quickly the issue.
All you really have to do is cut out clear plastic and insert them in the eye slots. when the bb hits, if it shatters and goes through the holes, then the plastic stops it from hitting your eye.
I just used some clear plastic from some shit i know like the display case lol.
This technic works quite well as it has saved my eyes numours times... the only thing is you might have to cut and replace the plastic if it bends, or else youll have white lines blurring your vision.
Hope this helps,
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Old February 15th, 2010, 09:51   #6
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I just used some clear plastic from some shit i know like the display case lol.

Was that 'shit' ANSI rated?


I probably wouldn't trust it in front of the only two eyes I have.
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Last edited by youonlywish; February 15th, 2010 at 10:39..
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Old February 15th, 2010, 11:15   #7
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this is a really good website for airsoft i have two so far and i like it!
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Old February 15th, 2010, 11:20   #8
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Originally Posted by Shooting Addict View Post
If you read the description on ebay it states that he will install acylic glasses for no extra charge if your using the mask for paintball or airsoft
About that, I'm not sure how strong that stuff really is ?
And I don't know personally if Bigfoot would allow anything but paintball goggles, but since it's an airsoft field, it's polices might be different, So I'll check with them.
Thanks for all the replies, I'll look into it.

Edit: Just checked FVA website. It says "Only goggles that seal the face are allowed" and "Mesh goggles are allowed, but requrire safety glasses to be worn underneath". This might be a problem since I wear glasses.
Armoury: CA M15A4 SPR, VFC HK416

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Everyone needs a hobby.

Airsoft is still cheaper than cocaine and plus I dont wake up naked in the woods anym....actually no that still happens with airsoft.

Last edited by MOARPOWER; February 15th, 2010 at 11:25..
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Old February 15th, 2010, 11:39   #9
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I know for panther and such you MUST have ASTM approved lenses, it's an insurance thing.

Bigfoot since it's an airsoft field I was told sealed ballistics are allowed.

As for the mesh goggles, apparently that's a "myth" according to someone at Arnies, but I haven't looked into the science. I know for a fact though I wouldn't want to have hundreds of pieces of plastic headed for my eye, even if it's at a relatively low velocity so just to be on the safe side I'll use ballistics.
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Old February 15th, 2010, 11:41   #10
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Originally Posted by Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw View Post
I know some of the Blackbear guys (tattooedfreak, scooby etc...) wear there, or did at least. Maybe you can try PMing them to see what their setup was like and their experience with them.

Myself, along with some of the other TWATs wear/wore HFC Mesh Goggles and they withstood a large amount of gaming (wherever mesh was permitted) and I have yet to hear of anyone complaining of BBs shattering or penetrating the woven steel mesh. They were VERY comfortable and the best aspect is the fact that air easily passes through and theres zero fogging. I don't have my pair anymore as I seemed to have lost them but Ive been meaning to get another set. If I remember correctly the Ao2 masks have the stamped meshing from a sheet of steel/other kind of metal (instead of the woven steel wires as mentioned above) which is known to be more malleable when impacted with a BB. I'd suggest you wear something like safety glasses underneath the mesh in the event of a shattered BB, or something allot more low-profile than a set of PB goggles like Wiley-X (if you still want the full seal).

Best advice anyone can get when getting a new pair of eye protection is to take a gun shooting at the max of your local field limits, or maybe even higher, and take a shot. See how the protection stands up to close range shots with a hot gun, and then you will know how it will serve you in the field. A member here had done this test only to find his set of Wiley-X goggles were indeed fake and couldn't even take a shot from a gun shooting 350 with .20 at 10 (aprox) feet away. Had he been wearing them he would possibly be missing an eyeball.
I cant agree more about testing new googles and eye protection. I had picked up a set recently and a teammate mentioned testing them before play. As i didnt want to scratch them right away i was reluctant to do it but figured better safe than sorry. I shot the googles from very close with a gun shooting 400 fps and the lens cracked. I am very happy i found this out in the test and not on the field. We have had players bring out eyewear to our field and test fire destroyed the eyewear. I would recommend everyone to test the eyewear before using them.
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Old February 15th, 2010, 22:02   #11
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Thanks guys for the feedback. If I end up buying this mask, I'd test it out first with my M16 to see if it could withstand it. If not, then I'd probably find a way to put my paintball goggles into the mask.
Armoury: CA M15A4 SPR, VFC HK416

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Everyone needs a hobby.

Airsoft is still cheaper than cocaine and plus I dont wake up naked in the woods anym....actually no that still happens with airsoft.
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Old February 16th, 2010, 10:35   #12
Short Round
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illusion had a couple Rios mask for sale a while back, I'd PM him about them. They were roughly $120 each since it was not made of crappy plastic too(it may have been some sort of metal material but I can't remember).
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