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Choosing starter weapons..


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Old July 20th, 2009, 09:14   #1
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Choosing starter weapons..

Hello everyone!
I think I have finally found the right weapons for me but I wanted to make sure there isn't any know major flaws in them. They are both clear reciever just for legalities, but they seem to be pretty solid.

The rifle: ICS M4. Very basic, looking at upgrading a bit at a time. Like I said, I'm looking at the newer tinted reciever version(clear if need be.)
The pistol: KJW M92F. Also clear reciever(tinted??) and the first real steel weapon I ever fired.

Just wondering what my options for upgrades and such would be with these. ie. TM compatablility, known flaws, good for DM, etc.

Thx for any help!

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Old July 20th, 2009, 13:38   #2
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Since your AV'ed why worry about the cansoft guns and the legalities?
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Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old July 20th, 2009, 14:46   #3
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Yes, why worry about the clear receiver. I haven't seen someone got pinned down because of owning black evil metal body airsoft gun.
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Old July 20th, 2009, 15:14   #4
Malice Army
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ICS guns have a split gear box that doesn't take all other manufacturers parts
ie: TM, CA, G&G who can all use the same gearbox parts
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Old July 20th, 2009, 15:16   #5
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Originally Posted by Malice Army View Post
ICS guns have a split gear box that doesn't take all other manufacturers parts
ie: TM, CA, G&G who can all use the same gearbox parts
Dude, tell me which part on ICS M4 split mechbox that didn't take the V2 mechbox part beside the mechbox itself and anit-reversal latch. Both of them are easily to acquire.

People are always misunderstand that ICS M4 split mechbox is taking different part beside the V2 mechbox on other M4 like TM, CA, G&G.. etch. But there are only two parts that basically won't work on ICS M4 is the mecbox itself, Anti-reversal latch, of course the body.
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Old July 20th, 2009, 19:46   #6
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well, there are a few reasons I choose to go with the clear recievers.
1. I live in a high-crime area and I would just rather not have any confusions. Being shot for real sucks, so I hear. Especially over a game.
2. My occupation relies on me having a clean record, a silly firearms charge over an airsoft rifle is not worth it to me.
3. It will be the ONLY plastic piece of the weapon when I am finished with it, so it dosen't matter so much to me as long as I can at least get a tinted one.

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Old July 20th, 2009, 19:55   #7
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Originally Posted by KiloSixNiner View Post
well, there are a few reasons I choose to go with the clear recievers.
1. I live in a high-crime area and I would just rather not have any confusions. Being shot for real sucks, so I hear. Especially over a game.
2. My occupation relies on me having a clean record, a silly firearms charge over an airsoft rifle is not worth it to me.
3. It will be the ONLY plastic piece of the weapon when I am finished with it, so it dosen't matter so much to me as long as I can at least get a tinted one.
Are you a fucking idiot who does stupid shit with imitation firearms? Will you go run around in public with your gun where people can see you? Do you honestly think the normal pinko liberal peace hippy in Canada is going to make a distinction between a full black airsoft gun and an almost full black one? Did you in fact know that there is no legal requirement to have a clear airsoft gun?

If you answered NO to any of those questions, stop being a pussy and get a full black gun.

And to anyone who keeps telling people full black guns are illegal in Canada please STOP. I'm seriously getting tired of repeating that.

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Old July 20th, 2009, 20:09   #8
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You shouldn't be owning any airsoft guns clear or otherwise if there is a risk of being seen with them playing in public
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Old July 20th, 2009, 20:32   #9
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If you do it right then what's the point of getting a tinted gun?


First, you should transport your guns in a case, in a bag (put your rifle in a case and put that case in a hockey or duffel bag or something). Make it seem like you play paintball and aren't a "trigger-happy-gun-nut-wacko".

Remember subterfuge is the key here, a paintball mask and a paintball jersey will work wonders. Once you get to the field take off that neon yellow/green shit and get in your BDU's and other gear.

Finally, it's not illegal to own black rifles just illegal to import them (CBSA decision) a black rifle once in-country is 100% legal.
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Old July 20th, 2009, 22:22   #10
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Doesn't it bog down to not being seen in public with an Airsoft gun in the first place? If you're going to own an Airsoft gun, you might as well own a full metal one (following the logic that you won't be seen in public with it).

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Old July 21st, 2009, 00:29   #11
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I don't think you quite understand the situation I am in. I live in a place that cops drive through every 10 minutes, and suspect anyone who is consistantly placing any form of bag/case/carry-thing into and vehicle, or even transporting it, they even like to do random pull-overs of consistant traffic. Yeah it sucks, but it's the way things are. The police have an absolute 0 tolerance rule in effect for my area, paintball guns, pellet rifles etc. are explicitly checked for any small infraction of the law, they chrono them even. So, if metal recievers are TRUELY and completely legal to POSESS in my area I will consider it, untill then I unfortunately have to play it safe.

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Old July 21st, 2009, 00:33   #12
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Originally Posted by KiloSixNiner View Post
I don't think you quite understand the situation I am in. I live in a place that cops drive through every 10 minutes, and suspect anyone who is consistantly placing any form of bag/case/carry-thing into and vehicle, or even transporting it, they even like to do random pull-overs of consistant traffic. Yeah it sucks, but it's the way things are. The police have an absolute 0 tolerance rule in effect for my area, paintball guns, pellet rifles etc. are explicitly checked for any small infraction of the law, they chrono them even. So, if metal recievers are TRUELY and completely legal to POSESS in my area I will consider it, untill then I unfortunately have to play it safe.
then get a G36 it's all black and plastic
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Old July 21st, 2009, 00:34   #13
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funny how the other Londoners never told us about this, lol London I'm in Scarborough and that shit doesn't happen here
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Old July 21st, 2009, 00:45   #14
The Saint
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
And to anyone who keeps telling people full black guns are illegal in Canada please STOP. I'm seriously getting tired of repeating that.
To an extent, they're right and you're wrong.

The issue is that airsoft guns are currently by-and-large regarded as replica firearms. Replica firearms are prohibited devices. The law says one is not suppose to acquire prohibited devices without a proper licence (none which exists for individuals) or transfer prohibited devices to anyone other than a lawfully licenced business (thus excluding individual-to-individual sales).

Yes, there are no possession or use (in a responsible recreational manner) offences for prohibited devices. No, that does not mean other offences cannot exist.
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Old July 21st, 2009, 00:48   #15
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In that case I would probably GTFO out of there. Instead of dumping money into airsoft instead you should dump money into a mortgage for a nice house in the suburbs where all the soccer moms live and will suspect you're either a terrorist (constantly moving bags in and out of the house), or someone who really likes to play "hockey" or "paintball".
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