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how do you tell if your battery is ni-cd or ni-mh


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Old July 7th, 2009, 22:55   #1
Join Date: Jun 2009
how do you tell if your battery is ni-cd or ni-mh

I just got a jing gong a47s (the ak-47 with simulated wooden stock, and folding metal stock). The website that I bought it from didn't say what type of battery it came with, just that it was 8.4v and 1050 mah. The charger that it came with is 250 mah (basic wall charger).

The battery is a thin "stick" battery, and contains 7 cells. It is green in color. All it says is the mah and the voltage, and the fact that it has 7 cells. Also, it says "A-47" on it.

Why on earth can't they tell you whether or not it is Ni-CD or Ni-MH???

If I look this same gun up on (this is not where I bought the gun) it says that it comes with a Ni-CD battery. However, I think that is wrong; I think that the battery may be a Ni-MH.

This is driving me INSANE. In order to know how long to charge the battery for, I need to know what kind of battery it is. This is because Ni-MH batteries need to be charged for slightly longer than Ni-CD batteries (Charge Time = Mah divided by the Mah output of the charger, then multiplied by either 1.4 or 1.5, depending on if it is Ni-CD or Ni-MH).

Does anyone know how to tell what kind of battery I have?

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Old July 7th, 2009, 22:58   #2
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Well doesn't sound like there is much way to know, unless someone already knows. But if its green on the outside, I would say more often than not if its green its a NiCd. But again, this is just a guess.
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Old July 7th, 2009, 23:00   #3
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Old July 7th, 2009, 23:01   #4
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More likely then not it's ni-cd. But My advice is, toss it and buy a good battery, one with minimum 8.4v 1500 mah.
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Old July 7th, 2009, 23:06   #5
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And also get a good smart charger. Throw that POS wall charger in the garbage.

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Old July 8th, 2009, 00:44   #6
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Originally Posted by Sepulcrum View Post
More likely then not it's ni-cd. But My advice is, toss it and buy a good battery, one with minimum 8.4v 1500 mah.
What is the benefit of having a higher Mah Rating? Does it make the Rate of fire (RPM) of the gun any higher? Or does it last longer or something?

Also, do you know how high of a mah my gun can handle? or is the voltage the only thing that matters as far as that. I DO have to stick with a 8.4 volt battery right?

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Old July 8th, 2009, 00:49   #7
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each cell is 1.2 volts x 7 = 8.4 volts
mah is the amount of energy the batt holds i.e. how many shots you will get per charging
voltage affects the firerate and is dangerous if the gun cannot handle it
you won't be able to fit anything longer than an 8.4 in that gun without modding the front end
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Old July 8th, 2009, 00:57   #8
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You can handle an infinite amount of mAh.

What it does is that it allows your gun to run longer between charges (my large battery lasts me a whole day). The general consensus is that 1 milliamp = 1 shot give or take depending on climatic conditions that you're playing in (winter vs spring vs summer, daytime (hot) vs nighttime (cooler), etc).

I believe that you can do Li-po to fit a higher voltage in a smaller space but it's not really recommended unless you upgrade your gun to handle the inherent higher voltage as you can do lots of damage to your gun that may be expensive to fix.
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