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Across the border


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Old June 14th, 2009, 11:40   #1
naminator's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Across the border


I am wondering exactly how much of an airsoft gun can come across the border. Example, if I purchased a Full Metal M16, M4 ect. how much of that gun could come back with me. I would be able to 100% disassemble it before returning. I am not planning on smuggling the remaining parts, I just want to know how much would be too much. I have read conflicting stories that mech boxes get confiscated and all kinds of other things.

Any insight would be helpful.

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
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Old June 14th, 2009, 11:47   #2
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The lower reciever is the only part that is technically restricted.

That being said, its basically at the disgression of the border agent that day, if he sees a big box of gun parts, he might confiscate it. You can always dispute it with CBSA, but that can take weeks
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Old June 14th, 2009, 12:01   #3
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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You would have to speak with the store you're buying it from to disassemble the gun which can take work and money and to remove away the lower reciever.
Mechboxes can get siezed if customs are dumbasses, but you would just have to bother them about it and say it's not a reciever.

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Old June 14th, 2009, 12:16   #4
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You can bring back everything except the lower, and certain optics that are covered by ITAR. The upper is fine don't take any other answer. It does not contain the firing mechanism and does not have "serial numbers" on it (to the best of my knowledge).

Also mechbox != receiver, if they want to confiscate it let them, don't argue or you may find your name/info/plates on "the list". Just appeal or ask for a supervisor (or someone who actually knows what a receiver is), although it may take months if not years.

Declare everything, just say you're bringing back replacement parts for a BB gun, which is true since you can replace broken parts of your current gun with the "replacement parts" that you just got.

Just remember you may get asked questions and to answer them honestly and truthfully. It looks especially sketchy if you have rails, fibre stocks etc. You've probably got a big bad "military" auto sniper WTF machinegun-assault rifle .
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Old June 14th, 2009, 12:45   #5
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Also mechbox != receiver, if they want to confiscate it let them, don't argue or you may find your name/info/plates on "the list". Just appeal or ask for a supervisor (or someone who actually knows what a receiver is), although it may take months if not years.

Just remember you may get asked questions and to answer them honestly and truthfully. It looks especially sketchy if you have rails, fibre stocks etc. You've probably got a big bad "military" auto sniper WTF machinegun-assault rifle .
Thank you everybody. @ L473ncy, first of all I am close personal friends with a Border guard that has offered to pick up stuff for me, so no worries on the upper :P.

As for the "WTF auto-machine gun tacticool gun" it is going to be a mostly complete SPR. Thanks for all your help again guys.

So no lower receiver, sucks but yah that's what we have to deal with in Canada.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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