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Old June 11th, 2009, 15:37   #1
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gbb mags

how much gas if any should be kept in gbb mags while storing them.
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Old June 11th, 2009, 15:40   #2
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Some people store them full, others store them with just a little gas.
I think is that as long as there is gas in the mag to keep pressure on the seals then you should be fine,

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Old June 11th, 2009, 15:42   #3
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Some say no gas (empty their mags using the dump button, one of my teammates does this), some say enough for 2-3 shots.

I personally go with 2-3 shots worth just to keep the seals tight.

It should be all detailed in the "GBB thread" in the FAQ section
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Old June 11th, 2009, 15:49   #4
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ok thanks
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Gen Patton's words: "The object of war isn't to die for you country, it's to make the other bastard die for his."

Knowledge is power. And yet the biggest threat to our military is a bunch of cave dwellers who think 72 virgins blow you when you die. Weird
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Old June 11th, 2009, 16:21   #5
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It's not so much keeping gas in them as keeping them lubed. As long as you add oil to your propane when filling as suggested, then your seals will stay fresh and not dry out.

Thats the main reason for keeping some gas in the mags if your not using them for extended periods.
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Old June 11th, 2009, 16:59   #6
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Originally Posted by BloodSport View Post
It's not so much keeping gas in them as keeping them lubed. As long as you add oil to your propane when filling as suggested, then your seals will stay fresh and not dry out.

Thats the main reason for keeping some gas in the mags if your not using them for extended periods.
That won't help at all with the primary o-ring that is inside the mag that will dry out eventually. Silicone oil will only lube the valves.

Keep some gas in your mag, just enough to keep pressure on your primary o-ring in the bottom of the mag.
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Old June 11th, 2009, 17:46   #7
aka coachster
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from personal experience, I'd recommend anything less than a full fill to a 1/2 second spritz of gas in the mag. I've left mags with zero gas in them by accident and they all leaked when I realized they were empty and tried to fill them.
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Old June 11th, 2009, 18:05   #8
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I've always emptied my MK23 mag after use and had no problems.
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Old June 12th, 2009, 00:58   #9
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Originally Posted by Xero View Post
I've always emptied my MK23 mag after use and had no problems.
TM mags are better than most....probably the best.

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Old June 12th, 2009, 01:40   #10
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I use 1 second fills for storage and have never had any serious leaking problems.
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Old June 12th, 2009, 08:59   #11
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I use my pistol mags a lot (at least once weekly...usually every couple of days because I'm building something or other) I leave them however they are when I take them out of the pistol (empty of bbs though). Fully gas, partially empty, full empty, etc....doesn't matter. They've worked fine for years. They're failing from hard use...not from wearing out.

But, if you're going to use them once a month....or less than frequently, do the following.

1. Make sure your gas is oiled
a. put a drop or three onto the fill valve of each mag just before you gas it
b. oil the whole propane tank (I've got a special do-hickey that lets me inject a bunch of silicone oil right into the tank....never have to oil each mag separately again...just the tank once when I first use it...I go through a lot of gas though...I have 8 empties kicking around and 6 fresh cans ready to go...and that's just from Jan until now)

2. Fill your mag completely with BBs

3. Point your pistol in a safe direction and rip off a several shots. This will clear your chamber (you should still eyeball it to see that it's clear though)...and it will blow oil up into/around the loading nozzle, hopup rubber, piston/seal, etc...

4. Shoot until most of the mag is empty (i.e. if you normally get 30 shots...shoot 20-25). Then put it away.

Normally at a game you have rounds still left in your those off and put it away. Unless your mag runs empty of gas...there'll be enough to keep a little pressure (but not a full charge) on the seals.

Use your common don't want the seals to dry out (but if they do, a good soak of oil might bring them back to life).
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Old June 12th, 2009, 13:26   #12
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For off season storage, my mags are stored FULL, after over lubricating the mag and propane can (i now use "real green gas" for off season storage). and I store my mags upright with fill valve facing down)

During the playing season I pretty much do what M102404 does.
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Old June 12th, 2009, 13:37   #13
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Originally Posted by SNK View Post
That won't help at all with the primary o-ring that is inside the mag that will dry out eventually. Silicone oil will only lube the valves.

Keep some gas in your mag, just enough to keep pressure on your primary o-ring in the bottom of the mag.
False, it does help with all the o-rings inside. A properly oil mag will keep all seals lubed. Including the "primary" which I'm asuming your calling the one which seals the typical mag 1/2's together.
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