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questions about the JG HK614 and upgrades for it.


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Old January 4th, 2009, 11:38   #1
Join Date: Sep 2008
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questions about the JG HK614 and upgrades for it.

I've seen alot of HK416's around and i just have a few questions about them

1) Can you buy the iron sights that are on the VFC version seperate?

2)Is it possible to get a working IR unit and if so from where as i haven't found them on most sites.

3)Are the magpul PTS Pmag's any good or should i buy some normal m4/16 mags?

4)For the JG 416/614 are the internals any good or should i strip them out and put in a new gear box?

Thanks sorry for all the questions and any help is apreciated.
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Old January 7th, 2009, 17:57   #2
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JG are getting more and more decent in the past year the QC (quality control) has gone up substantially so just run it stock internal if u get a JG one (there decent FPS out of the box) you might want to put in shims and steel bushings tough
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Old January 7th, 2009, 19:09   #3
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For any of the non airsoft specific parts try this site the have loads for the m16/m15/c7 yada yada yada series of rifles and the HK 614 is just a remade AR with a different blowback system so any sights should be interchangeable and there for work on the airsoft counterpart. Well the receiver and grip are slightly different, same rail type I think.
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Old January 8th, 2009, 00:08   #4
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VFC discontinued their 416 so spare parts like sights are thin on the ground. Other parts folks like Hurricane have made the short barrel type front sight that doesn't fold (I'm guessing that's what your after).

A local guy has a JG 416, it seems to be pretty picky about what mag it will run with. Of course that could be unique to his.
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Old January 8th, 2009, 00:21   #5
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
A local guy has a JG 416, it seems to be pretty picky about what mag it will run with. Of course that could be unique to his.
That actually seems to be a problem with a lot of china guns. I hear of a lot of ACM clones being very picky about mags.

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Old January 8th, 2009, 00:45   #6
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My JG 416 feeds well with all my mags. I use King Arms 68 round mags mostly, but have a couple of mystery brand metal 120 rounders (definitely not King Arms) as well as JG, CA and TM hicaps, and they also all feed without issues.

You may want to PM Sepulcrum about PMags for more info. He bought some for his JG 416 and if I remember correctly, he had to lightly dremel inside the magwell at the front to get them to fit. They have more of a curve than a standard STANAG mag, and because of the slightly different shape of the 416 mag well, they don't seat properly.
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Old January 8th, 2009, 01:36   #7
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My HK 416 takes all my mags (King Arms and MAG brands) fine. The PMags have no real functional advantage. If you like the look, go for it but you might have to dremel (I've never tried those mags).

JG internals are fine. No need to strip them out and completely replace them. If you want, open it up and grease and shim it properly and everything. You may also want to downgrade the spring (it probably shoots +400 FPS out of the box).
JG HK416
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Old January 8th, 2009, 07:40   #8
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To add to what dpvu said - the JG's internals are fine. Mine has seen several thousand rounds so far. I've upgraded to metal bushings and reshimmed it, but all the other internals are stock. The parts are fine and I don't see the need to replace any internals unless something actually breaks. I would also recommend a spring downgrade, as it does shoot hot out of the box. Mine still has the stock spring. It was shooting 390, but once I added a new hopup rubber, that shot it up to about 425 fps, so I can't game it until I get a new spring for it.
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