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Old December 22nd, 2008, 14:54   #1
Join Date: Dec 2008
How do they do?

I know i need to be age verified from ASC. But my question is about the world without ASC. I dont think ASC is a government site? I mean those guys they import airsoft and they are not ASC members. I dont think that border autorithy ask for your ASC ID when you import them. I wonder if border authority even know about ASC. So the age verified thing is just for the safety of ASC and there reputation. How do i buy airsoft in canada, how do i import them legaly.

If you know tell me please, so we stop arguing here about legal or not?! Its just a question for understanding the laws a little bit better, cause now iam all mixed up. Anyway be sure that i dont want to start a business and that all the airsoft(2 or 3) will be bought from ASC with the age verified thing.
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Old December 22nd, 2008, 15:02   #2
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If you actually read the links I gave, you will already have the answer to this.

importing airsoft
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Old December 22nd, 2008, 15:03   #3
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You need a Business Firearms License. to import prohibited devices.
my suggestion is get age verified and you can get your guns here
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Old December 22nd, 2008, 15:10   #4
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Geofocus View Post
I know i need to be age verified from ASC. But my question is about the world without ASC. I dont think ASC is a government site? I mean those guys they import airsoft and they are not ASC members. I dont think that border autorithy ask for your ASC ID when you import them. I wonder if border authority even know about ASC. So the age verified thing is just for the safety of ASC and there reputation. How do i buy airsoft in canada, how do i import them legaly.

If you know tell me please, so we stop arguing here about legal or not?! Its just a question for understanding the laws a little bit better, cause now iam all mixed up. Anyway be sure that i dont want to start a business and that all the airsoft(2 or 3) will be bought from ASC with the age verified thing.
You are right.. ASC is not a government website, not is is the gatekeeper for the Airsoft community.

it is however a clearing house for information .. your question is pretty common and has been asked many times, so the answer exist many times and has been summarized in the links to threads provided earlier.

the short answer is

as an individual, you can not import replica firearms.. which many airsoft guns are considerd by the CBSA.
If you wish to purchase clear plasitc airsoft guns ( so called "clearsoft") these items are not prohibited and you MAY be able to import them yourself. However CBSA MAY seize these as well..

At any rate you will need to be more than 18 years old to get anywhere either way.

Your best best.. as others have mentioned is to get age verified and then gain access to the may retailers and private sellers available on this site.
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
CAPS Range Officer
Toronto Downtown Age Verifier


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Old December 22nd, 2008, 15:10   #5
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Location: Calgary
I'll just answer you here Geo.

Question; are they all clear plastic the guns that get into our borders or you can legally have the prograde ones.

The plastic ones are just as good as the all black ones. We are getting clear ones so that it can go through customs as a toy gun and it also lowered the prices. Thanks to KENC of 007airsoft!

Why is it twice expensive as in USA for a gasblowback or aeg?

Because its not easy to get as stated in the thread I posted above.

Finally why is it so hard to get one and why then everyone has one, did all you guys paid twice the price or what.

Already answered above and yes, we all paid that much!

Can you import them part after part an then reassemble the gun here?

Not all parts can be imported, again see the link I gave.
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Old December 22nd, 2008, 15:47   #6
Join Date: Dec 2008
Thanks for all your answers. Quick and satisfying.

For all those who said its already answered somewhere under 3000000 pages of other questions, well, next time just answer again and again. Its quicker for you and the noob. sorry but a noob is a noob. More you help the noob quicker he becomes a pro. Lots of noobs = lots of popularity. This means a lot of future sales. So treat them good and they will buy from those who help and are patient.

Again when youre about to write 300 words telling me its already answered somewhere hard to find, just dont do it. Write down the answer only, its quicker for you and the noob. Afterall we are in the noob section?! Or the patience section i should say!
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Old December 22nd, 2008, 15:52   #7
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He meant people come and do not like the rules setup and go crazy about it and leave disappointed cause they thought ASC was a freedom site.

But in your case you did not go crazy and you know there are rules setup to respect so you should be fine, just don't go crazy.
- Pistolero Steve -

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Old December 22nd, 2008, 16:01   #8
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Please do understand, if you look at newbie tank section, we do get a lot of the same questions everyday all year round. As a proof, look around and the exact links I gave is just a copy paste answer that has been going for a long time. Read and Search before you post is one of the golden rule here. Even the vets do this before making a new thread. Again, welcome to ASC.
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Old December 22nd, 2008, 18:03   #9
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Yup I too have copied and paste my general responses and answers and saved it in a Word document.

Though there are a few unique questions here and there but generally most are the same.
- Pistolero Steve -

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