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Going overseas, need help building a rig.


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Old October 26th, 2008, 20:56   #1
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: CFB Petawawa
Going overseas, need help building a rig.

Going overseas on the 110 Roto, and need help setting up a rig.

So far it looks like they have me slated as a LAV Driver, but who knows. So with that in mind I need help getting the best bang for my buck.


1. Has to be durable as fuck. I don't care if It looks cool, smells cool, and is cool. If this thing doesn't last a week under real conditions, its junk. I don't want buckles breaking off, straps ripping, or key components falling off over time.

2. Storage; Has to carry a reasonable amount. 10 Mags balmed, and preferably 5 boxes somewhere on the rig. 2l Quart, and a 1l Canteen. Pocket for pens and pencils and maps, compass (IT HAS TO STAY DRY!!!). general Utility pouch, for socks and muntions and other little odds and ends. Preferably a place to store a GPS, and a good hunting knife, but not essential as I got lots of pockets.

3. Comfort; mainly, load distrobution. If it can carry an elephant, but it still feels like i'm carrying an elephant, I don't want it. I gotta wear this thing for long periods of time over all kinds of body positions. I like sleeping with my gear on, so if the vest prevents that, means i take it off, take it off, its not on when i need it most.

4. Bells and Whistles; I don't need a vest that turns into a life raft with the pull of a cord. I want something practicle. If its honestly a good improvemnt over other designs, by all means lemme know, but if its just fancy for being fancy, fuck it.

5. Price; not really a major factor as this is something you really can't put a price on. But I ain't made of gold either. Ferraries are nice, but the queen doesn't pay that much.

Sorry if it all comes off like I'm demanding something, but I figure i've come to the best spot for advice. Ya sure I were this shit all day, but know one at work really knows the different options out there. A lot of you guys were these chest rigs all the time in all different types of conditions, so you have first hand account of there function. Maybe you don't use it to its full potentiol, but you use it, I don't.

Thanks for the help.


Don't worry about it being a plate carrier. I already got one, and I like it. Makes me feel big!
Originally Posted by Sydney J. Harris
"Terrorism" is the violence of the weak, and we condem it; "war" is the violence of the strong, and we glorify it.
Originally Posted by Hannah Arendt
The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution.
Originally Posted by Thucydides
The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.
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Old October 26th, 2008, 21:11   #2
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I don't know how comfortable it would be in a LAV, I wore it in a M113 and found it difficult to move around. I have IDF Recon Vest. This is by far one of the move comfortable vests I have ever worn, excellent load distribution. My only peeve with it, is you need to take it off or get a buddy to help in order to access the compartments on the back of the vest. There are two currently being sold on the forum, one is mine, an older version and Knyte has a never version thats been modified a bit.

Otherwise, I would recommend a HSGI Warlord Bravo 3 with a HSGI hydration pack. (I bought this from someone who used it on tour - so that has to say something)

I also see that your local, your more than welcome to come over and try it on. The HSGI is not for sale though, but I would definitely recommend it. The HSGI I find isn't as comfy to wear as the IDF vest though.

Last edited by T_A_N_K; October 26th, 2008 at 21:21..
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Old October 26th, 2008, 21:15   #3
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Go to the guys at wannabe. They are a military re-enactment group so to speak and know the ins and outs aside from being on one of the teams.
Those guys know a hell of a lot more than most of the guys on here.
Also, chat up your fellow guys that may have been there already, they will have the best knowledge of what to bring and what not to.

If your driving though I wouldn't want something bulky, try to get something more streamlined.

Last edited by Beazer; October 26th, 2008 at 21:18..
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Old October 26th, 2008, 21:28   #4
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I really like the HSGI line, but I was more leaning towards the Weestach cause of the mag layout. I like having 'em by my belly. (Who ever made the issue tac vest is a fucking moron)

Also, I get issued the hydration pouch, so a built in one isn't really needed.

Thanks though, at least its giving me visual ideas.


The guys that've been over know there shit, but a lot of 'em went with the issued rig, or something they picked up at a surplus store, or on a whim. For them the rig either worked or it didn't, they don't really know the ins and outs of 3rd party companies (never mind most the stuff they wear is blackhawk, and all i hear is bad things). Hence my other dilema being a driver. I probably won't be wearing the rig inside the boat, but there is the off chance I might so yes, it can't be that bulky.
Originally Posted by Sydney J. Harris
"Terrorism" is the violence of the weak, and we condem it; "war" is the violence of the strong, and we glorify it.
Originally Posted by Hannah Arendt
The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution.
Originally Posted by Thucydides
The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.
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Old October 26th, 2008, 21:35   #5
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How I have the current setup the mags are at my belly, and I find it is quite comfortable. The only reason I didn't reccomend the weesatch was because the Warlord bravo 3 has a great admin/pouch with lots of pockets inside for the things your mention and it will keep them dry unless you go swimming, theres enough room in there to keep what you stated, my side arm and snacks too! I also really like the warlord, because of how the pouches are the mags a staggered which make them easier to grab, as its frustrating with 2x or 3x mag pouches when all the mags are on the same level.

Last edited by T_A_N_K; October 26th, 2008 at 21:44..
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Old October 26th, 2008, 21:58   #6
I just got back from 1-08.I drove a Bison twice over there an rode in the back of a Bison once, an same in the back of a LAV; an did some dismounted patrolling with the OMLT/ANA. Nothing huge or anything; so everything below is just from my limited experiance an what I've seen, etc.

Drivers in Armoured Vehicles do not wear their LBE, just armour while driving. Not enough room to be wearing that shit in there and if you gotta dismount in a hurry it's only going to slow you down an theres a chance you can get caught up on shit in there.

I wore a HSGI Warlord overseas; not a fan of the chest rigs especially when spending time doing dismounted patrolling. Something that can be opened from the front an worn like webbing would be my recommendation. Right now I'am using a SO Tech Hellcat MK3 with some CP Gear, TAG an ATS pouches.

If you are going to be Mechanized a lot an not really doing dismounted stuff than a chest rig is alright; I know a lot of guys who love 'em an have used them during tours in '06 an again in '08.

I wouldn't recommend the wannabe site. Go ask real Soldiers who have been over there, etc. Goto and and ask around. Plenty of guys who have been Stryker an LAV crew on those sites and they can give you advice/recommendations on what worked an didn't work for them.

Also, why do you want to carry a 1 and 2qt canteen? Just use the camelbak they issue you over there. An carry a Nalgene or the 2qt in a backpack. Or use the bottled water that theres tons of over there. When I drove I just wore my camelbak; patrolling since I was the cool guy(or unlucky) I carried the radio so I had my 3L bladder in there of water, and I had a water bottle that I mixed gatorade powder(you sweat a LOT out there, so getting electrolytes back into your system is a good thing) into an put that in my chest rig.

Last edited by -Skeletor-; October 27th, 2008 at 01:40..
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Old October 26th, 2008, 23:01   #7
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deffinatly agree with mike on this one i was a coyote driver with 12 rbc any of that funky shit gets in the way just with my frag i had a hell of a time trying to get out of my driver hole lol if youre the sentry or survop then a rig might be ideal i recently changed jobs and im on the ground more often no since i was plucked into 3 r22r as omlt so it will deffinatly be a different experience for me
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Old October 27th, 2008, 13:25   #8
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Take some time and drive out here to Trenton to see me, and bring your armour if you have it.
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Old October 27th, 2008, 13:37   #9
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Originally Posted by Beazer View Post
Go to the guys at wannabe. They are a military re-enactment group so to speak and know the ins and outs aside from being on one of the teams.
Not recommended. Even though those guys have enough gear to overthrow an African nation, playing Plastic Death does not qualify as operational experience.
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Old October 27th, 2008, 13:57   #10
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Maybe out of date but some hints from my Bosnia tour in 93-94 with the 12e RBC.
Not really gear orientated but should hopefully give you some tips
- Wear your armour while driving with maybe a mag or two in a pouch but nothing else. You'll only get caught up if you need to get out fast.
- Have a rig that gives you some flexability, doing foot patrol have a pouch with extra ammo, driving for 3 days swap the pouch to something to carry a rat or two, etc...
- Have your rig handy, be able to jump out grab it with one hand and run. Don't attach it with 10 beeners, make sure everything is secure to your rig and hang it somewhere with 1 beener.
- Pack your rig once, put it away, visit it again and re-pack it, do this a few times and by the end of it you'll have a rig that is light enough and carries only the essentials
- Pack socks and undies you never know when you'll be sperated from your kit.
- Hide a couple of zip lock bags for your wallets, smokes, etc...
- Break everything in first, wash it, beat it drag it behind a truck.

From one old soldier to a new one, good luck on the tour
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Old October 27th, 2008, 20:11   #11
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Those US Army SF guys (the ones who do a LOT of driving) in Afghanistan seem pretty fond of their Land CIRAS rigs from EAGLE Industries. Wide shoulder sections to help evenly distribute weight, unlimited storage capacity with MOLLE webbing everywhere. Only downside I hear airsofters who use it bitch about is that they're warm.
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Old October 27th, 2008, 20:30   #12
Shugart isn't looking for a plate carrier so the CIRAS is out. As a Driver you'd want a rig you can take off so you aren't wearing all your ammo, etc when you are driving since theres no room. The Eagle Ciras is a plate carrier that you attach all the pouches onto.

Also, riding around in a Hummer is quite a bit different than going out in a LAV and SF has a bit of a different role and SOPs than Regular troops.

Last edited by -Skeletor-; October 27th, 2008 at 20:36..
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Old October 27th, 2008, 21:12   #13
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Don't forget about the KISS rig from Wheelers...split front, all the clips and straps are replaceable should they break, sleeves behind the panels and its slim-lined.
Personally I'm on the Warlord bandwagon.

My $0.50
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Old October 27th, 2008, 21:23   #14
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It's no more bulky than the Warlord or IDF vest. If you're going to have ammo on it, it's going to be bulky. If you're going to be driving with it on, having anything more than a hydration pack on the back of it is going to inhibit driving.
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Old October 27th, 2008, 21:43   #15
Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
It's no more bulky than the Warlord or IDF vest. If you're going to have ammo on it, it's going to be bulky. If you're going to be driving with it on, having anything more than a hydration pack on the back of it is going to inhibit driving.

K, when driving in an armoured vehicle the driver will only be wearing their body armour an a hydration pack(if they want it). If you have to get out in a hurry or you got wounded an your buddies have to get you out you do not want to get caught up in the driver hatch because your kit is getting caught in shit, etc

Wearing a chest rig, tac vest, etc is not worn

Now something like a CIRAS is a plate carrier that allows you to attach pouches onto it. Which is not a good thing for a driver of an armoured vehicle. A driver will need a seperate rig to carry their kit because it's something when worn while out of the vehicle not while inside.

And a CIRAS isn't something that will be very good when worn over the CF issue body armour.
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