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Maruzen APSII SV


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Old April 20th, 2007, 10:04   #1
Lego Head
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Maruzen APSII SV

Well, since I decided to start finishing up modifications to the APS I purchased used. I thought I'd start a thread to keep track of just where I screw it up!

When I bought it, it already had installed the following;

-First Factory 3-Element NEO Piston
-First Factory - PSS2 150 Spring
-First Factory Zero Trigger
-Guarder Ball Bearing Spring Guide(9mm)
-Guarder Taper Cylinder Head
-Guarder Stainless Cylinder
-Guarder steel bolt handle

My plans to install in near future ((as parts come in));

-510mm 6.03 tight bore
-PSS2 130 Spring ((drop FPS so it stays in regulation limits with the tightbore))
-PDI APS Adjustable Hop-up
-Guarder APSIISV Barrel Spacers

Now, to accomondate the inner barrel, I will have to increase the outer barrel length. I have two options, I can;

-get a simple one piece extension milled ((one peice with threaded ends to match barrel diameter
-build a custom silencer mod for the front

Those two ideas I am debating and going to look more into the logistics of both, but at the moment I am leaning at a cleaner look with the simple extension.

Now, while I'm looking into all this, I've taken the APS down, and found that there were some screws slowly coming loose. After wrapping teflon on the larger screws and some locktite on the smaller the screws should stay in place. This as solved the issue I had with the bolt locking drawn.

Stalker has pointed out one idea to me that I've already started on now, and thats filling the hollow stock. There is a good little ring to the gun when fired and so I am filling in the empty space with expanding foam.

Now all I gotta do is wait for it to cure and then I can cut out the excess and refit the barrel. Once that is done I am going to record the sound to see how much different it has made. ((already recorded pre-modification)).

Okay, I got a before foaming video for the sound of the APS before filling the stock.

This is the before:

Picture167.flv - Video - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

And this is the After:

Picture171.flv - Video - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

There is still a healthy 'thack' but that ringing is gone.

- Silencer Mod -

A quick idea, based on yet another of Stalkers ((This guy is making original thinking hard to claim I tells ya.))

Lead to a walk through of Home Depot. $10 later I had the materials needed to make a quick silencer up for the gun ((Sorry for large pic))

1 piece 1 1/4" aluminum pipe

1 piece 1 1/4" shower curtian rod rubber ((pounded into the end and hole drilled to cap))

6 screws

- Paint -

Two coats of OD, and a bit of ghillie work to create the above look. Ghillie still in progress.

- Inner Barrel and Hop Up -

Okay, first, beer, LOTS AND LOTS OF beer with advil required for this damned mod. Also, that little spring that comes with the PDI Adjustable hop up that they say to tape and put on the top, yeah throw it out and later drill a hole and tap it for a small screw, MUCH EASIER!

The above aside, I installed a 550mm 6.03 tightbore inner barrel that I picked up off ASC here, as well as an adjustable hop up from Redwolf. I chronied it after getting it out to a range that I could test the range, for once something was right and the gun shot true at 100 ft. I'll tweak the hop up a tad later on, but it shoots just fine for now. The FPS came out to hover at 440FPS which was a relief as I had expected a MUCH higher FPS out of the gun than this.

Anyway, the whole reason you guys clicked this link,


And of course, what it started out as. . .

The bi-pod that was on there is for the armalite, as I intend to get a pivot bi-pod for the APS to paint up and stick on.

Final appology, sorry that my camera sucks :P. It couldn't picture the 416's and 249's that should have been strewn about.

"The hydrogen economy car from the people who brought you the 'Hindenburg'" - Glen Foster

Condoms do not guarantee safe sex any more. A friend of mine wore one and was shot by the woman's husband!
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Old April 20th, 2007, 11:45   #2
Swatt Six-Four
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Dude thats just sick, ever think about a flash kill for your scope?

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Old April 20th, 2007, 12:05   #3
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I have an APSII SV but mines not that pretty
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Old April 20th, 2007, 13:19   #4
Lego Head
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Originally Posted by Swatt Six-Four View Post
Dude thats just sick, ever think about a flash kill for your scope?
Yep, intend to get a different scope. Want to get one thats illuminated as well one I can stick a sun shade on it with a kill flash.

"The hydrogen economy car from the people who brought you the 'Hindenburg'" - Glen Foster

Condoms do not guarantee safe sex any more. A friend of mine wore one and was shot by the woman's husband!
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Old April 21st, 2007, 04:56   #5
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Originally Posted by philstructo View Post
I have an APSII SV but mines not that pretty
But it's mine now!!! Muahahaha.

Question for you Dracheous. Instead of building your own barrel extension, why didn't you just buy barrel adaptor and silencer to extend the length, that way there wouldn't have been those screw heads stickin' out? She is a beauty though!
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Last edited by chwebby; April 21st, 2007 at 05:01..
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Old April 21st, 2007, 07:44   #6
Lego Head
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Well to answer the screw heads, thats my mistake for using larger screws. I thought the bigger ones would have been better. I am still going to get around to dremelling them down however with the Ghillie on you don't see them anyway so it doesn't bother me at all anymore.

As for why? Well, I was itching for a project, and this gun has really been fun to build stuff for. Besides, I got bored and took a walk through Home Depot, and saw a VERY cheap and functional solution. I had originally wanted to get a threaded piece that would have matched the outer barrel diameter and kept it with a clean look, but after looking into costs of having that machined versus buying adapters and the one silencer I've seen made for the APSII series that I didn't like.

So when I looked at costs and fun factors, this project won BIG time. And then I looked at inner barrel lengths. With the premade adaptor and silencers you can get for it, I would have only been able to get a 510/515mm inner barrel in there. With this unit, I have a 550mm inner barrel in there.

So with 20/20 hindsight, I should have used smaller diameter screws cause I could have gotten much shorter ones and not have the heads sticking up and they would have been flush, but, this method proved best for me.

"The hydrogen economy car from the people who brought you the 'Hindenburg'" - Glen Foster

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Old April 21st, 2007, 14:50   #7
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that's amazing the OD looks very natural on it
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Old April 23rd, 2007, 18:35   #8
Lego Head
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Well, the ghillie on the rifle was a success, but there are some flaws to my body ghillie I have to fix. Keep in mind that this picture is taking about 8 feet in front of me.

"The hydrogen economy car from the people who brought you the 'Hindenburg'" - Glen Foster

Condoms do not guarantee safe sex any more. A friend of mine wore one and was shot by the woman's husband!
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Old June 20th, 2007, 21:46   #9
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Thank you Dracheous & Stalker for the info and help.

Here is what my APS-2 is looking like tonight.
I have some extra work to do, but you get the picture.
Once the project is 100% I will make a seperate topic with better pics and a painted gun.

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Old June 20th, 2007, 22:37   #10
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Very nice Mud! Are you happy with it? Too bad you can't make it to the Hunt this weekend to try it out on unsuspecting Nordistans! Lol
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Old June 21st, 2007, 09:33   #11
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Yeah, its a great mod.

I will give a full verdict once I test if on the field.
Have more work to do on it.
I don't feel like working tomorrow....just to paint the sucker.
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Old June 28th, 2007, 10:56   #12
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I'm looking to do this mod for my APS2 as well since I have a 550mm inner barrel.

What I wanted to know before going ahead though is how badly do the screws mark/scar/scratch the original outer barrel when you use them to tighten the silencer on?

I'll eventually move to a more permanent solution with an extended silencer but need something to both protect the inner barrel as well as make it look decent for a game in 2 weeks.
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Old July 2nd, 2007, 11:57   #13
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Thanks Guys!

see mine =)
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