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Anything wrong with keeping a gbb mag loaded w/ bbs and no gas..


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Old July 10th, 2006, 01:24   #1
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Question Anything wrong with keeping a glock mag loaded w/ bbs and no gas..

So is there? I heard that it makes tension and weakens or compresses the springs where it wont go all the way up anymore.
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Old July 10th, 2006, 05:39   #2
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It's an old wive's tale. Keeping magazine loaded, any of them, is fine on the springs. Loading and unloading actually causes more wear, compressing and decompressing. In firearms the cartridge cases can squish a bit out of round, but those springs can be pretty powerful.
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Old July 10th, 2006, 06:15   #3
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Uhmmm I dunno, I left BBs in my Mid cap(M16) one time... and now its fked...
GBB mags? I dunno but I wouldn't risk it.
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Old July 10th, 2006, 07:20   #4
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All my Glock mags are fully gassed and loaded, pretty much all the time.

Never had a leak, or any problems with the spring losing it's tension.
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Old July 10th, 2006, 08:05   #5
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then why do people who know there stuff say to keep your AEG spring compressed to lower your FPS if it is shooting higher then 400.

Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
Wild idea: read the manual. Yes - Tokyo Marui manuals contain good information.

Despite being 50% in Japanese, the other 50% is still in English and covers important information regarding the operation and functions of your airsoft gun.
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Old July 10th, 2006, 08:51   #6
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It is a bad idea to keep a GBB spring compressed all the time. The same rules apply to real handguns.
So you have a choice between hearsay and experienced advice.
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Old July 10th, 2006, 08:59   #7
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Originally Posted by foxtail
then why do people who know there stuff say to keep your AEG spring compressed to lower your FPS if it is shooting higher then 400.

Because we don't read the FAQ no more Fox, its old outdated and saves too much time! No we must make a thread on this topic! Because it hasn't had all the crap kicked out of it yet!

:smack: anyone not realise thats SARCASM, well :smack:

And buddies in the back thinking compressed springs are "ok" and "nothing will happen" .... :hammer: is going to be YOUR new hobby pretty soon.

You should keep your mags empty, and oiled when not in use, store in a cool place where there isn't much moisture, NO moisture if you can help it. So that you can keep :duke: away...

And anyone that keeps their real steel mags fully loaded and ready to go. I want your name and address, because thats unsafe storage! RCMP! WE GOT A DUMBASS! Not only does it ruin the magazine it also makes the thing illegal and the more illegal guns they pull of the street the more that board of regristry can say "We helped!" when really they just twittled their thumbs and stole credit.
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Old July 10th, 2006, 10:49   #8
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I unload all my G19 mags after a game, and make sure there is gas in each one. Had enough leaks spring up because of no gas in the mag for even a week. Gets annoying to have to deal with it. Any mag I've left gas in has never leaked, some that have had no gas in for a bit didn't leak, others leaked badly.
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Old July 10th, 2006, 11:57   #9
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Physics tell us that springs wear out from being cycled (compressed and uncompressed repeatedly), NOT by staying compressed. People have dug up Colt 1911 magazines left loaded since the First World War and the springs still function fine today.

Now, here's the caveat. Real firearm springs are nearly always high quality spring steel and have far more engineering put into them. I HAVE seen airsoft springs take a set from compression probably because the steel (?) used in them is of inferior quality. Mag springs aren't typically found as spare parts which means a worn out one usually necessitates a brand new mag. If you have the opportunity to ease the tension on your mag springs then go for it, but don't think you're going to ruin your mag by leaving BBs in it for a few weeks.
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Old July 10th, 2006, 20:06   #10
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
It is a bad idea to keep a GBB spring compressed all the time. The same rules apply to real handguns.
So you have a choice between hearsay and experienced advice.
Maybe Gryphon is most right, and poor-quality toy magzine springs made out of low-grade spring steel might suffer plastic deformation. But that doesn't apply to real firearms.

Originally Posted by Dracheous
And anyone that keeps their real steel mags fully loaded and ready to go. I want your name and address, because thats unsafe storage! RCMP! WE GOT A DUMBASS! Not only does it ruin the magazine it also makes the thing illegal and the more illegal guns they pull of the street the more that board of regristry can say "We helped!" when really they just twittled their thumbs and stole credit.

I don't want to pass judgement, but I think you've been to close to the Liberal heartland for too long. I think you are saying that the registry is bad, and we agree there. And I think you're suggesting that anti-gun folks will twist any statistics they find, and we agree there. But I disagree about your interpretation of the storage laws, but I understand that those laws are very vague (by design) and thus subject to a lot of interpretation. That's why so many people are Charged with unsafe storage, but charges are not convictions.

To show that I understand the vagaries, I knew a guy from Russia who immigrated first to Ontario, and took firearms safety course there. He was taught by a former police officer, and was told in no uncertain terms that it was absolutely illegal to use a firearm in self defence. I took the same courses, in Alberta, and was told that it was absolutely legal, if you're reasonable in your fear for your safety and such. They did mention that "The first 6 shots are no problem, but the 7th is harder to explain." Lol, referring to a hypothetical situation where you had a revolver and reloaded to continue firing after someone had fallen down.
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Old July 10th, 2006, 20:23   #11
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Considering that I used to give those courses, even basic gunsmithing courses, maybe I know something? Up to you guys to believe what you want.

For a whole lot of legal and mechanical reasons; do not ever leave a magazine loaded unless you are going to shoot it in the next little while.
Yes, some folks leave ammo in mags, yes, sometimes it causes zero problems, but the practice is discouraged because the last thing you want is a malfunctioning magazine.

Is the risk worth being too lazy for some preventative maintenance? That's your call guys. But think about it; even in airsoft, a gun with a faulty magazine spring is a fancy paperweight.

(Revolvers dont care because they dont use a magazine, but it's a legal problem)
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Old July 10th, 2006, 20:45   #12
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greylocks is right !... pay attention to some common sense guys.
D.O.W. -Haggis-

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Old July 11th, 2006, 04:30   #13
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Originally Posted by mirage13
All my Glock mags are fully gassed and loaded, pretty much all the time.

Never had a leak, or any problems with the spring losing it's tension.
cool, for how long were the bbs kept in? month, year?
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Old July 11th, 2006, 09:16   #14
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I so love wasting my time... You will take the advice of a (no direct offense meant) 20 year old fairly new guy and ignore the advice of others, some of whom have more than 20 years of Experience? That's more experience than the guy has being simply on this earth breathing.

Do the math?

Hell, nevermind. Do what you want. Keep a GBB mag loaded and charged in Florida weather, go ahead. Dont come here to complain later.
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Old July 11th, 2006, 10:22   #15
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I took a gunsmithing course too Grey, they let me know that you put more wear and tear on the firearm by cycling the action then when you leave it in a cocked position, god knows why you would want to leave it cocked though, but it is designed to stay in a locked position no matter what firearm we're talking about here, it's perfectly fine on the internals.
Silent Pulse
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