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Dress to and from events



View Poll Results: What do you wear/is appropriate to wear to and from games?
Full civilian attire 83 14.49%
Half/Half: ie combat pants w/ a civie tshirt 259 45.20%
Full combats 122 21.29%
Combats plus everything but the weapon. 35 6.11%
Depends on what mood I'm in. Any of the above. 74 12.91%
Voters: 573. You may not vote on this poll

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Old July 5th, 2006, 15:29   #1
Ministry of Peace
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Dress to and from events

With all the latest hoop-la about "terrorist training camps" and "homegrown jihaadists", I wondered what everyone's opinion is on what to wear to and from a game?

I myself usually wear full civies w/ a team ballcap, but have on occasion been known to wear camo pants with a civy shirt. On the other end of the spectrum, I've seen/heard of players walking into a McDonald's post/pre game for a meal in full combats and tac vests...

Discuss: Does pulling an "airsoft fashion show" in public expose the sport to unwanted attention?
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Old July 5th, 2006, 15:31   #2
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In the MAA we have decided that wearing Camo pants, and boots is acceptable with a civilian t-shirt. At no point should any MAA players wear tac-gear (vest, holster, drop legs etc.) in view of the public. Also we decided that no camo face paint was acceptable either.
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Old July 5th, 2006, 15:37   #3
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I used to work the graveyard shift at a Subway restaurant. I don't know if I would've thought much of full tac-gear customers, but that's me ...

It's sad, but true - wearing your full gear just does draw way too much attention from the (already edgy and) paranoid middle-class WASPs*, but that just doesn't seem fair either. There could be an entire roving band of D&D cosplayers and people just either giggle or feel disgusted. They certainly wouldn't be beaten up by the cops. Since when did ad-hoc relief from reality become more fashionable and/or sensible?

*White Anglo-Saxon Protestants
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Old July 5th, 2006, 15:43   #4
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I usually wear either full civis or half and half, it depends on where the game is, and if there's places for me to change. Same on the way home, and on the way home it depends on how dirty I got.
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Old July 5th, 2006, 15:45   #5
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What is the requirement/need to wear tac gear into public places? Is there a difference if it is donned AT the field where it is generally accepted rather than in public restaurants?

PS - Halloween is ONCE a year. Once. Oct. 31st for those who don't use the gregorian calendar.
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Old July 5th, 2006, 15:48   #6
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I think it really depends on what exactly you're wearing. I find that most people just assume you're in the military if you're just wearing digital camo like desert, cadpat or marpat. I find people start to stare with a little bit more concern when you wear woodland or urban. I've never seen anyone walk into a store/restaurant wearing all their gear, and I hope I never will. Thats where I see a real problem starting for obvious reasons.

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Old July 5th, 2006, 15:55   #7
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I don't know if it's just here, or if the phenomina is spreading, but I'm seeing all kinds of people wearing camo pants... it's like they're coming back in style or something... *shrugs*... And I know they're not airsofters, guys, girls, everyone's wearin' 'em, and I know all the airsofters in town.... whee for a small population
Ubique Quo Fas et Gloria Ducunt

Alternatively, I could just light you on fire. - Me
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Old July 5th, 2006, 16:12   #8
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I couldn't carry all my stuff so I had an empty tac vest on top once waiting for my ride, ppl asked me what I was doing, I told them I was going paintballing to avoid the 2 hour long airsoft lecture....
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Old July 5th, 2006, 16:22   #9
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I don't think wearing tac gear (vests, rigs, holsters, etc) is really appropriate (or necessary - it's easy to remove) in public... but as far as BDUs are concerned, I commonly wear half/half on ordinary days. And as someone mentioned, camo is "in" these days, so nobody thinks twice about it. (I started seeing a lot of people going around with 3 color desert lately, so I started wearing mine, too. Woo! At last I'm one of the trendy kids!)

And to expand on Black_Orchid's comment, I think most civvies don't know the first thing about camo anyway. I regularly wear my DPM smock in spring/fall, and have on many occasions had people comment "you're in the army?" Hell, when I worked at the surplus, 3/4 of the people who came in didn't notice US woodland and DPM weren't the same pattern until I pointed it out.
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Old July 5th, 2006, 16:34   #10
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I take public transports. Civvie all the way, I already draw too much attention with the gun case.

I came back from Rawdon with cadpat pants and a black t-shirt. Never the fuck again along with a gun case in the metro.
Annoyingly good with numbers

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Old July 5th, 2006, 16:42   #11
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I like to wear Full russian camo to school every mouth or so. Wearing "Bekas" fells like wearing pajamas.

Then some one see's the russian on my patches and thinks I'm like russian or some thing. And thats not a good thing in the "Deep" south. LOL

I even had the Beret on one day. That did not go over too well.

But who gives a poop if your wearing camo in public.
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Old July 5th, 2006, 17:16   #12
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Well as to the terrorist look. Camo is one of the in things now. Half and half will draw less attention than full kit. And certainly wearing tac gear AND uniform is uneccessary. If you have a car... leave yer tac gear in it when you go eat. Are you expecting to be ambushed sitting in a booth at Kelsey's or something?! pants - meh; But tacvest, pads, drop holster, and gloves, get a life. Like ponch said - hallowe'en is October 31st every year. Just leave the AEG's at home. And if you really insist on wearing kit all the time... enlist. There is one complication we must consider though, no matter how much we try and be inconspicuous, there is an ever increasing number of paintballers who are starting to wear CADPAT, MARPAT, and similar things to what we wear, our reputation rests partially in thier antics as well. All we can do is make sure it's not one of ours that's on CityTV one day.
Douglas Alexander Maxwell (Known pedophile).
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Old July 5th, 2006, 17:21   #13
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I wear my camo pants and uaualy a military-esque shirt everywhere I go. So I don't find much need to differ for airsoft games.
I obviously don't look like I'm 'on duty' because it's not a complete uniform and my hair's pretty freaking long.
But I also don't look terribly threatening either.
I mean what would they think I was gonna do? 135lbs of prettyboy comming at you with a plastic knife? Lots of terror there. *Punt*

Then again, a couple truckloads of guys wearing camo pants is a little different.
I still don't think it's that big a deal.
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Old July 5th, 2006, 17:42   #14
WW2 Airsofter
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I can't measure my sig so I got this stupid tag line instead.

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Old July 5th, 2006, 18:35   #15
A Total Bastard
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Half and Half usualy, combat pants, and a army tshirt, then all I need to do is throw on the jacket, boots, ect at the field.
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