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I'm new to airsoft and have some questions


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Old March 29th, 2016, 03:38   #1
Join Date: Mar 2016
I'm new to airsoft and have some questions

Hey all.

I am new fairly new to airsoft, by that I mean I've used those clear plastic guns from Canadian Tire when I was younger () and now I am getting into airsoft for real. I can say that it is a bit overwhelming looking at all the available stuff!

I have been researching various guns and such over the past few days, and I have some questions. I like the M4 style and the 416 style (is that correct?) guns are cool too.

I have been considering the following guns:

G&G Top Tech TR4-18 Long AEG - Black - $449 Canadian

G&G Combat Machine CM16 SRXL - $325 Canadian.

Fair price difference between those two, so I was wondering if it the more expensive one is worth the extra money. I understand it is G&G's Top Tech range meaning top of the line from them I believe.

I want to put a fore grip of some kind on my gun, as well as a suppressor possibly. I would get extra magazines, and probably a sight/scope. Would either of those guns be easy to find parts/upgrades for?

If I have more questions I'll reply to my thread.

Thanks guys.

Last edited by Hawkeye360; March 29th, 2016 at 03:43..
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Old March 29th, 2016, 04:38   #2
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An M4, M16, 416 style gun will use a Version 2 gearbox which is the most common. Upgrade parts will not be an issue to find; however if you are seriously considering spending 350 or more on a rifle I highly suggest you look at VFC. It is the preferred high-end platform and has fewer compatibility issues with upgrade parts. If you dig around online you can find a VFC VR16 starting at $350 canadian depending on the model. A cm16 is a good beginner gun when matching price and performance, although I can't say I've been very impressed by the Combat Machines I've tried.

Word of caution Hero's tends to have inflated prices, so shop around before you commit.

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Old March 29th, 2016, 10:29   #3
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I just got into airsoft recently as well. I bought the CM16 SRL and I really like it. The MOSFET and etu paired with a lipo make it very responsive and I've been having a great time the last few games I've went too. As far as accessories go I would wait till you play a bit and figure out what you really need. Chest rig, reliable magazines, single point sling and comfortable clothing and safety equipment are much more valuable. I've been running my gun bare bones and kind of like it that way.
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Old March 29th, 2016, 10:38   #4
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Originally Posted by AnthonyG View Post
An M4, M16, 416 style gun will use a Version 2 gearbox which is the most common. Upgrade parts will not be an issue to find; however if you are seriously considering spending 350 or more on a rifle I highly suggest you look at VFC. It is the preferred high-end platform and has fewer compatibility issues with upgrade parts. If you dig around online you can find a VFC VR16 starting at $350 canadian depending on the model. A cm16 is a good beginner gun when matching price and performance, although I can't say I've been very impressed by the Combat Machines I've tried.

Word of caution Hero's tends to have inflated prices, so shop around before you commit.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Hey thanks for the info, I have noticed that Hero's prices are kinda all over the place.

I have been looking at VFC a bit, and came up with a few guns.

VR16 Saber Carbine - Black

VFC Full Metal VR16 Tactical Elite1 Carbine

VFC Full Metal VR16 Tactical Elite2 Carbine

I'm not really sure of the difference between the Elite 1 and 2. They seem very similar, must be something I'm missing. All three guns I listed seem really nice. They are more than $400 each however, but I am willing to spend it if the gun is worth it. These are full metal too, but I don't know how much better that makes them.

Originally Posted by hammerforged View Post
I just got into airsoft recently as well. I bought the CM16 SRL and I really like it. The MOSFET and etu paired with a lipo make it very responsive and I've been having a great time the last few games I've went too. As far as accessories go I would wait till you play a bit and figure out what you really need. Chest rig, reliable magazines, single point sling and comfortable clothing and safety equipment are much more valuable. I've been running my gun bare bones and kind of like it that way.
Thanks for the reply! Good to know that you like it! Definitely will not forget comfortable clothing and safety equipment. By chest rig do you mean something to hold extra magazines and such?
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Old March 29th, 2016, 10:54   #5
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Hero's is over priced, as much as i love viper fish

If you want the VR16 series, upper canada had them on sale, 300 for the basic vr carbine, and 350 for the fighter, etc.

best bet is to go VFC and never look back.

p.s all VR16 internally are the same, the only difference is the externals. (rails, stock, etc.)
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Old March 29th, 2016, 13:04   #6
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The difference between the Elite 1 & Elite 2 is the rail system. They look very similar but they're different. The Elite 2 has a longer rail.

If I was choosing between the three you listed I would chose the Saber (then the elite 2). It gives you the most rail real estate, i.e. more options for configuring your lights and fore grips ect, while still leaving lots of room for your hand.

VFC is better than the G&G Top tech lineup (inside and out). It's a better investment and definitely worth the extra cash; a great platform to upgrade as you get more involved over time.

Last edited by Kozzie; March 29th, 2016 at 13:42..
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Old March 29th, 2016, 14:16   #7
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Originally Posted by Kozzie View Post
The difference between the Elite 1 & Elite 2 is the rail system. They look very similar but they're different. The Elite 2 has a longer rail for more real estate.

If I was choosing between the three you listed I would chose the Saber (then the elite 2). It gives you the most rail real estate, i.e. more options for configuring your lights and fore grips ect, while still leaving lots of room for your hand.

VFC is better than the Top tech lineup from G&G (inside and out). It's a better investment and definitely worth the extra cash; a great platform to upgrade as you get more involved over time.
Thanks for the input. Definitely considering a VFC now, you guys seem to like them. What gun are the VR16s based on? M4 or M16?

I found a VFC Saber from UpperCanadaTactical for $434.99, just over $100 more than the G&G CM16 SRXL. I imagine it would be 100% worth the extra money based on the replies here.

Also does anyone have retailer suggestions? Like which to avoid and which stores are best to buy from etc.
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Old March 29th, 2016, 15:36   #8
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Originally Posted by Hawkeye360 View Post
Also does anyone have retailer suggestions? Like which to avoid and which stores are best to buy from etc.
Honestly best thing to do is meet up with one of our Age Verification reps, which will gain you access to the 18+ sections of the board and open up a whole new world of information for you.

Classifieds, Retailers, more reviews and so on.
Saskatchewan Age Verifier! Contact for more Info.
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Old March 29th, 2016, 15:52   #9
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+1 to BS.

I have a saber cqb, 399 at UCT. 10.5" would be my recommendation, but if you like long guns then 14.5 works too.

If you plan on changing your rail later, just get the basic fighter.. you'd be changing your stock[?]/rail anyways.

VR are based on M4's.. they are just replacement name for their "E" series.

lots of reviews for retailers online, just buy where the price is the best... and then research if the store is legit.

UCT is legit if you're wondering.
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Old March 29th, 2016, 16:03   #10
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Thanks guys, definitely considering the VFC Saber from UCT. I like the longer guns as well.

Any recommendations on BB brands and weights? I believe that most outdoor fields require biodegradable BBs. I've been researching the different weights and such and it seems like .30s might be a good choice for the gun I am considering. I don't really know much about BBs though.
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Old March 29th, 2016, 16:23   #11
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.3 for outdoor, .25 indoor is my go to.

(Elite force for .25)

BBastards if you can find them for .30.. else biovals work well for me for 2 years.

Some people like .32, but .30 was perfect for me.
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Old March 29th, 2016, 17:40   #12
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I ended up building my own VR16 by accident.

I suggest to buy something within your budget and upgrade it over time. If you are not an upgrade person and prefer stock think first. What kind of play do you want to do mostly? then pick a gun with most optimal size.
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Old March 29th, 2016, 17:57   #13
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
.3 for outdoor, .25 indoor is my go to.

(Elite force for .25)

BBastards if you can find them for .30.. else biovals work well for me for 2 years.

Some people like .32, but .30 was perfect for me.
Yeah I seem to having difficulty finding BB Bastards Bio in .30.

What about Valken and G&G?

Last edited by Hawkeye360; March 29th, 2016 at 18:04..
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Old March 29th, 2016, 17:58   #14
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idk, a vfc vr16 carbine at 300 + tax is damn well imo from UTC... sure you get plastic hand guards, so extra $50 you get the RIS.. extra 100-150 you get the saber (rail + flash hider + qrs stock) (i parted the flash hider and stock for $40 and $50)

IMHO you can't beat $350 + tax for that, especially since it's vfc ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
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Old March 29th, 2016, 18:08   #15
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
idk, a vfc vr16 carbine at 300 + tax is damn well imo from UTC... sure you get plastic hand guards, so extra $50 you get the RIS.. extra 100-150 you get the saber (rail + flash hider + qrs stock) (i parted the flash hider and stock for $40 and $50)

IMHO you can't beat $350 + tax for that, especially since it's vfc ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
I really like the VFC VR16 Saber, especially if it's only just over $100 more than the G&G CM16 SRXL. I think it's worth it, would seem like it is based on replies here and what I've seen.

As for BBs, if I were unable to find .30 bios, would .32 be fine?

Last edited by Hawkeye360; March 29th, 2016 at 18:16..
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