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REVIEW: AirsoftDepot. ABOVE & BEYOND Service!



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Old March 3rd, 2016, 05:34   #1
Airsoft SJW - potential hazard on the streets beware......
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Join Date: Aug 2015
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Thumbs up REVIEW: AirsoftDepot. ABOVE & BEYOND Service!

I know I'm a new user, and while I would have liked to have made this thread once my username had gained a little reputation and respect first - I'd like to post this thread immediately. [There is a TL;DR at the bottom if you don't feel like reading through everything!]

Huang and his store went above and beyond for me. They had patience with my flaky order history and ensured that even though my (two) previous order's fell through - that my third order was handled with just as much courtesy and excellent service as any regular customer.

See - at first I took advantage of their christmas/boxing day discount. I placed an order for an HK3P M&P and a holster along with a bottle of BB's.
The gun was: $259.99
The holster was: $39.99
Bottle of BB's was: $17.95
Which totaled $329.00 with GST. Order's over $300 qualify for free shipping (which was a minimum savings of ~$16.50 or so. But I used a discount coupon which brought my order down by $57.00 which meant my order then became only $272 (Which was under $300 - however since the coupon brought the price down below $300 the shipping was STILL free!).
I would have had to only pay a total of $272.00 for an order that would have been around ~$340 if shipping hadn't been free and the coupon wasn't used. I would have saved almost seventy-five had I made the payment. But unfortunately my brother whom recently had a baby girl needed to borrow $300 for his rent, which was the only disposable income I had at the time. But that order (along with it's HUGE price-break) stayed up for over fifty days while I (being a rude & flaky "customer") neglected to inform Huang or the Customer Service staff that I wouldn't be able to pay for the order (meaning Airsoft Depot would have honoured their discount of $57 as well as the free shipping [of $16.50. totalling ~$75+] even though the discount brought my order down, below $300!), and that to me is HUGE. You'd think any retailer would just say "well this inconsiderate douche still hasn't sent the money in over two weeks (let alone close to two months), so I'm going to cancel his order and take away his generous discount" - but no. Airsoft Depot kept that order which was placed Dec. 24th until i made (not a second) but THIRD order on the 17th of February at which point I realized the status of the order was still "pending payment" and not "cancelled" (I made a second order after this original order and before my final order in which funds were actually transferred). My second order was made Feb. 3rd because I was very low on funds and noticed that the M&P was listed as "out of stock"; so, thinking I missed the chance in acquiring the higher-quality GBBP I decided I still wanted a new GBB so I ordered a different, cheaper GBBP (a BELL glock and a $40 holster) which amounted to $216 with shipping.
So to give an idea of just how much of a price break I was receiving on my original order - a $260 pistol + the same $40 holster with added order of BB's was only $54 dollars more than an order for a $150 pistol and only a $40 holster (with no BB's).

Eventually I noticed that the first order was actually still pending and I made the second order with the intention of paying it in a day or two as I awaited for a friend of mine to purchase one of my laptop's that I hadn't been using.. Well - once again I screwed up and wasn't able to pay because being the clumsy oaf i am, and not being used to having my notebook connected to the internet via an ethernet cable (I'm used to wi-fi) - i knocked the laptop off my kitchen table and broke the screen.

So great. Yet again I made a commitment to purchase something but was unable to pull through; once again embarrassing myself as a genuinely interested customer and a decent human being in general.

Finally 2 weeks later - I noticed that the three other BELL Glock 17 models (that I was interested in) went out of stock, so I inquired with the customer service staff how many C02-powered BELL Glock 17's that they had left. They only had ONE left. It was only February 17th and I knew I wasn't getting paid for another nine days so in the comment box during my order check-out - I told them that I wouldn't be able to pay until the 26th of February and to please cancel my other orders. I noticed within 15 minutes the status of my previous two orders changed to "cancelled", and I then contacted the customer service staff via email to let them know that I had placed the order (and informed them of the order number in question) and wanted to reiterate/remind them that I wouldn't be able to make payment for nine full days. They had no problem helping me out even though it was their last one in stock - and they had no reason to trust I'd pull through considering how i was neglectful and basically flaked-out on my previous two orders. This was not a problem for them.

Seven days after placing the order (and two days before I received my paycheque) I contacted them again to ask/confirm that they still had the gun and my other item's I had ordered in stock. They said they were still holding onto it for me and asked that I please send the EMT A.S.A.P.

Two days later I sent the EMT and within 15 minutes I received an email-notification that the money was accepted. Then less than an hour later they had issued me a tracking number (which I immediately checked on the CanadaPost Website) and saw that AirsoftDepot not only submitted the electronic shipping information but that they had actually already delivered it to their post office! It was extremely fast (which while I felt I wasn't deserving of - they had taken care of everything so fast), which was even-more appreciated because it was a Friday and due to their diligence and fast service - it meant my order was processed and put on the truck on that very same business day (which saved me a full business day of waiting for my packages) - plus meant my order would be here in six days which is CP's "Delivery Standard Date/Commitment" rather than having to wait until after the weekend in order for the Delivery Standard to take effect. Because they dropped it off in time on friday i should be expecting my package either tomorrow afternoon or the day after at the latest!

TL;DR - AirsoftDepot went above and beyond for me - when I had flaked out on two previous (and consecutive) order placements before this third/final (successful) one. They held their LAST Bell Glock 17 that was in stock for me for nine full days - and even after my crummy history with not following through on the order's I placed - they still made every effort to ensure that I was left satisfied. TBH I would have done business with them again regardless of how this experience went simply because I didn't expect top-notch service after my previous negligence and flaky order history; but that didn't factor into their decision when ensuring I was left as a happy and more-than-satisfied customer.

I know this review isn't very well-written and contains some unnecessary ramblins and info that may not have been needed to be said as it didn't all pertain to the service they provided - but I felt like telling the whole and complete story to give everyone an accurate understanding of just how above and beyond AirsoftDepot went in ensuring that I was left a happy and soon-to-be returning customer. You guys rock AirsoftDepot.

I've never in my life felt appropriate or even honest in giving anything a 10/10 or 100% rating so I give my experience the highest rating I feel comfortable with, and honest to state.

9.9/10 or a 99% satisfaction rate.

Thank-you AirsoftDepot. I look forward to future business with you.

I intend on updating this thread with a video and detailed description of the un-boxing. Based on the service they've provided so far - I can't think of anything other than that my packages will arrive properly and neatly packed.

I wrote this at 3:30am and finished around 3:48am.. I'm going to bed now..Hopefully this review helps steer someone in the right direction. I am very tired so I apologize if the grammar and words used are poor or make me sound illiterate.. I'll look it over in the morning to see if in my sleep-deprivation I've made any embarrassing mistakes. bottom-line is - AirsoftDepot rocks my socks

Last edited by Activist; March 3rd, 2016 at 05:47..
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