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Backpack... Have you used one in airsoft?


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Old January 22nd, 2016, 21:42   #1
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Backpack... Have you used one in airsoft?

I need a new backpack, so I was thinking of trying to combine one for everyday / work stuff and airsoft.

My thoughts were running between the 5.11 Rush12 and 5.11 Rush24.

Both get great reviews. Problem is I have never seen either in person and youtube can only take you so far lol.

I am hopefully going to play my first Nightfall this year so I thought I may use it there. I don't see my use in having a very large / 72 hr type pack.

Thanks for future comments
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Old January 22nd, 2016, 22:33   #2
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Don't have one but a friend does, and many can vouch for the pack, it's worth the investment and not to mention that you can't go wrong with one
Practically all my things are from 5.11, I would recommend the rush 24 and if you ever need to add more things, there is the Molle to add more pouches or even get the kit where you can mount another smaller pack to it
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Last edited by redzaku; January 22nd, 2016 at 22:35..
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Old January 22nd, 2016, 22:53   #3
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Currently, I have:

Maxpedition Condor (been hundreds of thousands of miles with me, from deserts to jungles to mountains). First bought it for airsoft 12 years ago, occasionally still use it for that.

Tactical Tailor Removable Operator Pack. My go-to light duty pack, clips onto my Warlord, great for 24hr games. Too small for anything longer.

5.11 Ignitor. Just bought it, larger than the Maxped by a hair, great for 24-48 hour, alrwady tested is for gear fitment.

Eberlestock Halftrack. Large pack, built like a tank, can carry all my gear for up to 3 days. Heavy, a bit much for an older guy in dubious shape.

Had a clone of a Rush 72 (SOG brand from a Walmart in Washington). Was OK for $60 USD.
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Old January 23rd, 2016, 00:11   #4
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I have a Rush 24, and I quite like it, but it's a bit on the heavy side, even unloaded. I also think it's a little on the large size for an 18-24 game. I'd lean toward the Rush 12, or something like a Tactical Tailor pack that's made of a lighter weight material.

Personally I'm eyeballing this:

(This is assuming you're talking about a small pack to wear in game, to carry like bb's, mre's, extra magazines, or other small items you might need during the game.)
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Old January 23rd, 2016, 00:18   #5
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I used a 5.11 24 while backpacking in guatemala for 2 months. Use it every day to and from work and or uni. For airsoft as well. Great bag. I love the orginizational pockets within the main compartment (perma med kit in one, survival stuff in the other). Its a very rugged pack, the stitching is phenomenal. In the 3 years ive had it, ive popped 2 stitches but the backstitching is superb and no problems have come to light. The fabric it is constructed out of is super durable and the hydration compartment is a nice size and able to carry a medium laptop, any tablet, assorted essays and other papers instead of hydro if needed. The only down side i found is that its a fairly heavy bag, but what can you expect for something meant to be tossed and blown around. Its my go to bag for day long outings as it is an absolute workhorse. anything more is taken on by my osprey ruck. If i need a smaller pack I run my ares. But the 5.11 tends to do whatever I need. It can also take a lot of weight...i go for runs and load it up to 55 pounds.
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Old January 23rd, 2016, 00:39   #6
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On the weekend airsoft it would be my carrying bag for bb's batteries, magazines...and all the general stuff that we take. (wife and I)

I haven't played any 18+ hr games yet.... but would want to carry all my gear needed and not have to buy another pack at a later date.

I didn't realize the rush24 was so heavy

Anyone have the rush12 or has felt the difference?

I looked at the pig W1... looks interesting.. but I have to look at it a bit more.
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Old January 23rd, 2016, 00:43   #7
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post

Tactical Tailor Removable Operator Pack. My go-to light duty pack, clips onto my Warlord, great for 24hr games. Too small for anything longer.
A decent pack is next on my list of gear-to-get. I narrowed my options down to:

The Milspec Monkey Adapt Pack. (effectively the same as the operator pack)

I've also been eyeing the Camelbak HAWG, although its a bit bigger than the adapt pack and harder to find locally.

I considered the 5.11s, I just prefer the look of these as the 5.11 seems a bit "boxy"
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Old January 23rd, 2016, 01:00   #8
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The 24 is not super heavy. Its just noticibly heavy for a shoulderbag. Of youre looking for a field pack that can accommodate the needs of 2 people, it will work. Though, youre probably better off using a compressable 48 to 72 hour pack. Ive handled the 12 and its a small pack. This series of 5.11 bags is literally named after the function of the pack. The moab 10 = 10 hour patrol sustainment. 12= 12 hours, 24= 24 hr daypack, and so forth. A 12 hour pack is cutting it fairly minimalist but if you folks dont carry much ON FIELD and leave a fair amount of kit/food etc back at your vehicle, it may scrape by but just barely. Also keep in mind that 5.11 tends to use a heavier duty fabric for their packs for durability reasons, which in my mind is a good thing. Like I said, 3 years of constant use and traveling and no noticible wear except the mud spots. No busted seams, no torn zippers. You get used to the weight pretty quick and Im assuming you wont be wearing it the whole day, wether working, moving about or playing. Believe me, its really not that bad. I wore it for 8 weeks straight, its about as heavy as one of those "Swiss" backpacks all the college students love and has 10x the functionality.

If youre looking to run a minimalist pack, i wouldnt push less than the 12 especially for 2 people and even then, thats cutting it close. My minimalist /sustainment pack is an ares combat xii pack, and it barely fits everything I need for a gas gun user for a 24 hour game. Thank the gods for molle rocket pouches.
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Old January 23rd, 2016, 01:01   #9
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It's not that it's super heavy, it's just somewhat heavier material than some other small packs, and pounds equals pain, so shaving some ounces on a packs construction can be a big deal if you're carrying it for 18 hours. :-)

Another possibility for a small light pack would be the Haley flat pack. Super small and light, and can easily carry BB's, mags, a jet boil, hydration bladder, etc.

I'll also say that JayGus is right, it depends on what you want to carry on field. Since you specified you're looking at Nightfall, I would think that a Rush 12 or 24 would be more than enough, as you have a safe area/spawn area to leave most of your food and stuff. So really all you would likely want to carry on you would be spare magazines, and maybe some snacks/meals and water. Personally I did the first 3 Nightfalls without a backpack at all. But if you ended up going to other events where you basically just have to carry everything you need with you into the field, it likely wouldn't be large enough.

Personally I'd recommend getting more than one bag.... Have a small pack (msm adapt pack, rush 12, flatpack, etc) for events where you don't need to carry much, and then have a larger 3-day style pack for events where you gotta lug all your shit with you. :-)

Last edited by w1lp33; January 23rd, 2016 at 01:05..
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Old January 23rd, 2016, 01:08   #10
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Oh, and since I know you just bought a plate carrier from me, you could also consider packs that have functionality to attach directly to the carrier. Options for that would be the Ares combat pack jaygus mentioned, the flatpack, msm adapt, pig grunt.... although that tends to work best if youre hanging out with a buddy or in a squad, as youll have to have someone else retrieve items out of it ;-)
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Old January 23rd, 2016, 01:19   #11
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Ill completely agree with w1lp33 and building on what he said, a multibag system is the way to go. No one pack will suffice for everything. For example Mcguyver has 5 listed he moves between. I have 3: my Osprey Aether 70+10 (in red because we all know truly sf guys dont colormatch with multicam bahaha), my Rush 24 and my ares. Each has a set purpose and more often than not, more than one is used in conjunction with another for various applications.

As stated above, snackfood and water can be carried in a small pack, but it can also be carried in GP pouches or pockets (i always have tactijerky in my left shoulder and lifesavers tucked into molle webbing). Water is on my back, a collapsable bottle in my dump pouch or thigh pockets/gp pouch. A field bag (assuming its not a game like battlefield where all spawns can be carriedstolen) should, for the most part, carry what you need to sustain yourself while at a spawn during game time, as you said: batts, mags, bbs, gas, etc. A sustainment pack should be what you strap to your back during gametime with your field bag at about half load to full load (depending on game legnth/bag size),, back at spawn (preferably a hardspawn if possible) and should carry, prettybmuch the bare essentials to keep you going for an extended amount of time without impeding your functionality or ability too much.

Furthermore, you truly get what you pay for. 3 things I am not afraid to skimp out on: protection, loadbearing equipment, bags/packs. Ppe for obvious reasons, but the last two because I hate nothing more than when my stuff fails to carry loads under the stress I put my kit through or when I am stuck helping somebody carry their things because their vest tore or pack blew out.

Last edited by JayGus; January 23rd, 2016 at 01:22..
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Old January 23rd, 2016, 07:26   #12
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Originally Posted by JayGus View Post
Furthermore, you truly get what you pay for. 3 things I am not afraid to skimp out on: protection, loadbearing equipment, bags/packs. Ppe for obvious reasons, but the last two because I hate nothing more than when my stuff fails to carry loads under the stress I put my kit through or when I am stuck helping somebody carry their things because their vest tore or pack blew out.
I couldn't agree with this more. A lot of airsoft branded items are scaled down in quality for savings but some things should be invested in - especially if it will be multi use. All of the above options are great advice! I'm currently using an older variant of the CamekBak Motherlode and love it. I don't always have a teammate around so being able to slip it on and off to retrieve something is key. The build quality is fantastic, it's been through some torture, and it hasn't failed me yet. As stated above, some of the options listed are heavier but it is due in large part to heavier materials being used for the product. I would rather carry marginally more weight on my back than an armful of gear when my cheaper, lighter bag rips.
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Old January 23rd, 2016, 09:34   #13
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Hey GoGoJuice great post and many will chime in with pros and cons experiences on packs. As I would say, the rabbit hole goes deep!

I personally like Tasmanian Tiger packs. But then these are for longer duration games and usually will consist of carrying everything in the field. As you've mentioned you like more on a DA (Direct Action) type of packs.

Some of my buds uses Arc'teryx packs or Mystery Ranch packs.

Here's a link of some of the stuff they carry.

Tasmanian Tiger

Mytery Ranch Pack

Arc'teryx (Super lightweight packs)

They usually will have sale events, and will give discounts to MIL/LE.

Good luck on your search!
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Old January 23rd, 2016, 09:55   #14
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I had the Rush 72, quality is amazing, used it for 3 years and had no issues with it. The only thing I don't like it has a ton of little pockets and pouches which is too much for my liking so I made the switch to the Mystery Ranch 3 Day Assault Pack, which i prefer much more in terms of compartments and comfort.

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Old January 23rd, 2016, 11:02   #15
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For the price, the USMC ILBE with Assault pack is the best on the market. It was made by Arcteryx for the Marines in the late 2000's and is a copy of their Bora 95, AND comes with a 3 day pack as well. You can pick em up for around $100 on ebay. Which is insane. Here is a link for 2 sets of packs and 2 assault packs. $220.

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