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Helmet Mistakes


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Old August 3rd, 2014, 00:11   #1
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Scarborough
Helmet Mistakes

Hey searched around but thought I'd ask here so I can get a group of opinions on what not to do when it comes to helmets.

I was looking at a cheap replica fast helmet with the cheap plastic parts on it, but my gut tells me the rails might be shoddy and way off spec, and maybe it doesn't accept replacement chin straps or something zzz I dunno.

Basically I'm just looking for what pitfalls to look out for when putting together a decent head setup. I know some of the issues can be avoided by being rich and spending thousands on a real ops core ballistic, but seriously... It's airsoft... I've spent enough already and I don't want to dump thousands into face protection.

Thoughts? Hints?

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Old August 3rd, 2014, 00:40   #2
HackD's Avatar
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A lot of the cheap replica FAST knock-offs are sized Asian .. meaning that they are very ill-fitting for comparatively fat Caucasian gourds.

The padding 'systems' most often, also leave something to be desired.

I have one of Huang's (airsoftdepot) first round of FAST helmets - the 'deluxe' model that wasn't the cheapest... but it certainly had some cheap components.

I ended up having to replace the chin-strap/head adjustment assembly with a better quality and longer strapped version as per a post-purchase "warranty" replacement deal, which made it marginally more wearable (i have a long face AND a fat head), and mix and matched/modified the supplied helmet pads to offset the 'asian' sizing issues of it. No issues with the rails/fittings on the helmet itself - everything seemed to work well enough/within spec enough in that department.

It's essentially just sat on a shelf since then. I found that a replica MICH helmet purchased overseas fit far better, and offered better coverage protection overall. I also ended up replacing the chin-strap/webbing for better quality on this one. May not be the latest and greatest that airsoft Fashionista's desire, but function over form in my books.

Last edited by HackD; August 3rd, 2014 at 00:48..
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Old August 3rd, 2014, 00:40   #3
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If you are looking for a FAST helmet and don't want to get a real one, I hear the Emerson replica's are not terrible.
the problem with most replica FAST helmets is the straps, they are garbage, and buying a high quality replacement will cost more than the helmet.

If you are going to be using a helmet all the time i would suggest saving up and buying a high quality one, check the classifieds for used ones, you can often snag a nice one for a good price. If you want a helmet just so you can use it now and then, get a knock off Chinese one and live with the terri-bad straps.
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
Wildcard his gun is better than all of yours, he has magpul stuff on it, all the magpuls you can dream of. He has all of them. On his gun. I wish I had magpuls
Originally Posted by Curo View Post
Look at all the fucks no one gives Miles, look at them. There is a lot of fucks not being given.
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Old August 3rd, 2014, 01:09   #4
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Location: Scarborough
Originally Posted by theshaneler View Post
If you are going to be using a helmet all the time i would suggest saving up and buying a high quality one, check the classifieds for used ones, you can often snag a nice one for a good price. If you want a helmet just so you can use it now and then, get a knock off Chinese one and live with the terri-bad straps.

Any hints at which ones are 'high quality ones' - I plan to use it as my default rig. It doesn't have to be a 'FAST' helmet but I want arc rails and open ears so I can use Peltors. I figure a helmet with holes in the top will help with heat issues as I sweat pretty hefty so I'm leaning towards the ported style.

All in all I'll spend what it takes to get a proper fitting peice of Kit but I don't want to drop retarded amounts since I still have a new plate carrier as well as a ton of other gadgets to buy.

Thnx for the responses so far.

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Old August 3rd, 2014, 01:15   #5
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I have a "medium" sized head I've been using an emerson fast ballistic helmet for a while now. The repro helmet really isn't the most comfortable but the protection and mounting options it offers satisfies me. The worst part is the pressure around the circumference of your head. I always end up with pimples and ingrown hairs there after 12+ hour games.
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