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What are acceptable secondary weapons?


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Old June 14th, 2014, 21:13   #1
Join Date: May 2014
Location: Morinville Alberta
What are acceptable secondary weapons?

I like smaller smg type guns typically and was wondering if it's acceptable to carry two in some games?
Is it frowned upon or laughed at?

I wouldn't be dual wielding for any length of time, just when I'm outnumbered and about to get swarmed

A Troy M4 is my current primary, and I haven't found a pistol I've fallen in love with yet. Was thinking an mp5, mp7, or iwi Uzi would be fun as a backup but not if it's a no go. Obviously in games I'd follow what ever the rules are.
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Old June 14th, 2014, 21:23   #2
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In skirmishes there usually arent loadout restrictions.
but in larger games and milsims, no, mp5 is a primary and treated as such so is the mp7 and uzi, if you want to carry them in addition to your "primary" you usually have to share the ammo cap with them so you're given 300 rounds, you share those 300 rounds between all your guns, IF you are allowed to carry it.
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Old June 14th, 2014, 21:37   #3
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Okay, thanks RITZ
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Old June 14th, 2014, 23:04   #4
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You can always have "another" primary that is CQB/CQC ready. Lower FPS, lighter weight, more compact, etc. There's no harm in it, but usually you don't want to carry both at the same time. Even an MP7 or similar is more weight, more shifting around, and you'll find you won't bother switching over to it because really it isn't as convenient as it sounds. For a solid secondary I'd recommend a good quality pistol. Pistols are quick, light, easy to maneuver, and can be a great indoor or CQB/CQC alternative to an SMG or machine pistol. Drawing around a corner or even drawing indoors is very quick and easy with a pistol, and your profile stays quite slim. They can be handled with one hand if needs be as well, just generally easy to wield. Perhaps your primary is too long/big for you and you may think about going to a better manageable variant, such as an M16 to an M4, or an M14 to a Socom, etc. The other alternative is to get an SMG or CQB style weapon instead and bump up the FPS, put an aggresive hop-up in it, and try heavier rounds. Barrel length doesn't always help with shot distance or round stability. But wether I was carrying a rifle, and assault platform, a sniper rifle, an SMG , an LMG, or really anything, I'd carry a solid pistol with me.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old June 14th, 2014, 23:51   #5
UBE Chief
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If you really want a "SMG" or Machine Pistol type weapon, go for something like a Glock 18. It has both Semi- and Auto- fire options. Just get the extended mag if you really want ~30 rounds ready to spray.
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Old June 15th, 2014, 17:19   #6
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Nothing wrong with a pistol. Very maneuverable
If you do want a pistol, pick one that WORKS, not one you like or looks cool.
Remember, doesnt matter how cool your tricked out pistol is, it wont matter when it doesnt shoot when you need it to!
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Old June 15th, 2014, 17:33   #7
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If you wanted to for drop in type dayskirmishes you could theoretically have a primary (say a VSR) and carry a M16 as a secondary but you'd probably be laughed off the field, it would be bulky as hell and increase your profile when you're trying to sneak around as a scout (I'm not calling it a "sniper role" because it's moreso moving around fast and scouting for enemies and reporting back to your main group so they can engage).

For milsims machine pistols and SMG's might work but you'd have to clarify with the person running the game (whether they need your secondary to be sub 330 FPS regardless of what it is or if it's pistols only or whatever). But really a good reliable pistol that will fire every time you pull the trigger is IMO where it's at for having a secondary that you can use in CQB or if you're below the MED of your primary or whatever.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew
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Old June 15th, 2014, 18:21   #8
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Alternatively, if your field allows for this method, you could run like I did.
The primary field we played on had a short average engagement distance to begin with (50-100ft), so I simply ran my VSR-10 at 380fps so I didn't HAVE a minimum engagement distance.
At 50ft, if someone has the drop on you, you don't have time to transition to a secondary and take aim.
However, even at 380fps my VSR was still very effective out to 240'
Worked out to be all good for me, I found it was easiest to snap the rifle up, take quick aim and pop one sure-thing shot at someone who got the drop on me, rather than fall back, and wait for a good shot with a pistol that's only accurate out to about 60ft anyway.

Also, I'll fill you in on three secrets;
1) Most people's AEG's are really inaccurate on full auto, or they cheap out and use ammo that's too light, causing the gun to shoot perfect circles on full auto rather than a spray or straight line. They legit shoot CIRCLES and can't hit the target in the middle (I and many other can attest, people shooting full auto right at you and it feels like you have a BB deflector lol)
2) Many people, specifically the new guys, tend to panic when confronted with someone they know is a good shot. Then tend to shoot in circles due to panic, and not just the gun. Show no fear when they start shooting at you. You'll get the hang of knowing when you need to reposition and when you have time to take a shot.
I've done that to a guy with an M249 from no more than 60 feet, He had the drop on me, was laying fire into a pallet I was behind, just a continuous stream of fire. I could hear it was highly inaccurate so I just popped up quick and took a shot, hit him center mass. But stupid me, I waited to see where it would hit and got a stray BB graze off the top of my hat lol
Which brings us to #3: Never wait to see where that BB hits unless you're absolutely sure you're safe
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Old June 15th, 2014, 18:30   #9
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Thanks for the great advise everyone
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Old June 19th, 2014, 02:54   #10
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Your secondary is the weapon you use to get back to your primary. (usually a pistol)
Oh S&%T my M4 is out of ammo, transition to your (glock, sig, .45, etc) to stay in the fight until it's safe to get back to your primary. Carrying 2 long guns is dumb. Carrying a long gun and an SMG is dumb. Pick up a pistol AFTER you've picked up: Camo, boots, glasses, extra batteries, low/mid cap mags. Your secondary is an 'Oh fuck" weapon when your primary goes down.
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Old June 19th, 2014, 08:35   #11
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^ what they say

And +1 to J-Man, make sure you're all geared up before buying your secondary

Most people will use their pistols *maybe* once in a season's, if excluding CQB, then again

Useful, but not AS much as it seems
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old June 19th, 2014, 15:09   #12
"bb bukakke" KING!
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I use mine a lot... cause I can.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old June 19th, 2014, 15:15   #13
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tri shot or shorty shotgun, lighter and more reliable than a pistol in my experience.
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Old June 19th, 2014, 15:35   #14
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Or a King Arms M79 Sawed-Off Grenade Launcher
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Old June 19th, 2014, 15:58   #15
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Or an m4 pistol w 4 CQB length m203 launchers attached to it
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