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G&G pdw 99 vs KA FNP90


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Old January 28th, 2013, 00:36   #1
Join Date: Jan 2013
G&G pdw 99 vs KA FNP90

I am currently considering the p90 platform but do not want to shell out the cash for the TM p90. I was wondering which is better. Can someone please awnser theese 3 questions.
Which one is better internally?
Which one is better externally ( ignore random features like Tri rail, red dot , and laserex)?
( basically the body and upper reciver of the p90)
Which one is preforms better?
Please ignore the prices and don't say "this gun is good for its price" because usually they pale in comparison to the more expensive guns.

So basically which one is the better p90 platform period. no lasers, tri rail, red dot, half pull semi fire, or quick change spring features, I don't care about that.
I just want to kno what is better. :rocket:
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Old January 28th, 2013, 01:48   #2
Short Round
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Well in this case they are virtually the same thing..... Externally all P90s are virtually the same. They might use different material but overall they are all still the same thing. Same with the internals. G&G has good internals as does King Arms.

It all comes down to personally preference. I personally prefer King Arms over G&G because I think their internals are more superior however I know for a fact the G&G as of late has started to make a lot better guns internal wise, so again it is a toss up.

My philosophy is that if you don't change anything internal wise (gearbox) your gun should perform without a hinge. However you run into problems when you start to take it apart, a lot of times people don't know how to put their stuff perfectly back together and end up with faults in their guns.

I suggest the King Arms cause it has been out for a while and is reliable, however the G&G just got released so I cannot easily dismiss their P90 until it has been tested as much as the King Arms has.

In the end it does come down to the features, if you still can't decide flip a coin.
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Old January 28th, 2013, 02:26   #3
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Best thing to do is to get your hands on both and decide which one you like more. I use to hate G&G and their awful gears but I hear they have improved.

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Old January 28th, 2013, 07:45   #4
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Important thing to note aswell is that there are two versions of the KA. One has a ABS plastic (reflective plastic) and the other one, which is harder to find, is a polymer plastic (more rugged look and feel, matte finish). The polymer one feels and looks 100x better. Friend of mine had to special order the polymer vesrsion. The price was essentially the same if I recall correctly.
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Old January 28th, 2013, 09:20   #5
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I would start by getting AV'd Opens up many wonderful doors...
...also, is the G&G P90 (G&G PDW99) even available for sale in Canada?
"Sero Sed Serio"
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Old January 28th, 2013, 11:05   #6
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Originally Posted by moz_boz View Post
I would start by getting AV'd Opens up many wonderful doors...
...also, is the G&G P90 (G&G PDW99) even available for sale in Canada?
Yes they are! Waiting on mine in the mail. Won't mention where given lack of AV.
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Old January 28th, 2013, 11:05   #7
"bb bukakke" KING!
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I've owned the TM and the CA... between the 2, the TM has a nicer body, and the receiver is lighter... I don't like the CA receiver making the gun so front heavy.

The major differences when it comes to fixing it when it breaks is that the TM uses specific v6 bushings and gears. The CA uses standard 7mm bushings and v2/3 gears of which there are far more choices available.

of KA and G&G have slightly different and proprietary gearbox shells, but I'm pretty sure they use v2/3 gears and parts.

Also, if you break a gearbox shell for p90, there is no viable replacement gearbox shell on the market. My attempts to get replacement CA shells have been met with silence from dealers and factory. The only one you can get is TM with the aforementioned special case with gears/bushings.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old January 28th, 2013, 11:22   #8
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These both look like sweet guns, you can get a KA p90 for 200 cash if u know the right people and the g and g for 400, p90s downfall is the trigger response. If I could get a p90 I would get the g and g. Simply because g and g gearboxes have become beasts lately. They make a solid v2 gearbox, I have their cheapest model n it's good 15000 rounds in. Good quality control in Taiwan
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Old January 28th, 2013, 16:15   #9
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For the price of the KA, you could add a bit more and get the CA P90. It has the most realistic weight, has nice externals, and also has very nice internals.

Also, try to avoid P90's with integrated red dots, as those tend to have extremely bad parallax.
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Old January 30th, 2013, 06:35   #10
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I wish

Originally Posted by THe_Silencer View Post
Best thing to do is to get your hands on both and decide which one you like more. I use to hate G&G and their awful gears but I hear they have improved.
Hah im too broke to buy both. At my local retailers I can snag the KA p90 for 330 flat taxes included and the G&G for 400 It would cost 730 which is the same price milsig overprices the TM p90. I guess if two guys near eachother one with a KA and one with a G&G would get together they could do a side by side.. but for now I'll just have to trust the wise words of the internet people! Thanks everyone for your support and help.
I'll give you guys the whole picture. I plan on eventually converting the p90 into a EPAR by putting in a polarstar fusion engine. I contacted polarstar and they have told me that it won't be coming out for another few years so I decided to possibly do some basic upgrades on the p90's internals to keep up with fully upgraded m4's. In order for this to all work I need great externals(emphasis on the externals cause the fusion engine will eventually replace the gearbox) and Ok internals for the next few years I will be using it.

BTW I am concidering doing basic upgrades such as makeing a high air seal gearbox, gearbox shimming, tightbore and hopup replacement. I will not be touching the spring, motor and gears as I am perfectly fine with the power of the spring and the p90's fire rate.
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Old January 30th, 2013, 06:41   #11
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P90 gearbox

Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
I've owned the TM and the CA... between the 2, the TM has a nicer body, and the receiver is lighter... I don't like the CA receiver making the gun so front heavy.

The major differences when it comes to fixing it when it breaks is that the TM uses specific v6 bushings and gears. The CA uses standard 7mm bushings and v2/3 gears of which there are far more choices available.

of KA and G&G have slightly different and proprietary gearbox shells, but I'm pretty sure they use v2/3 gears and parts.

Also, if you break a gearbox shell for p90, there is no viable replacement gearbox shell on the market. My attempts to get replacement CA shells have been met with silence from dealers and factory. The only one you can get is TM with the aforementioned special case with gears/bushings.
Which p90 is compatible with the replacement gearbox from evike and other retailers?
If the gearbox ever goes 6 feet under on me this is my backup plan.
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Old January 30th, 2013, 08:14   #12
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Originally Posted by dracomat View Post
Which p90 is compatible with the replacement gearbox from evike and other retailers?
If the gearbox ever goes 6 feet under on me this is my backup plan.
That gearbox is 100% compatible with the KS / Echo 1 / ACM, don't know about the other brands though. I have heard that it has issues with TM and CA though.
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Old January 30th, 2013, 10:56   #13
"bb bukakke" KING!
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the e1/ks gearbox is SHIT. the shell is offspec enough that it fucks up hopup alignment and will misfeed an anything more than a 68 round lowcap, even in their own bodies. Had my fill of trying to make one work.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old January 30th, 2013, 11:28   #14
Short Round
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
the e1/ks gearbox is SHIT. the shell is offspec enough that it fucks up hopup alignment and will misfeed an anything more than a 68 round lowcap, even in their own bodies. Had my fill of trying to make one work.
This is so true. If you can get your hands on a TM or CA shell
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Old January 31st, 2013, 04:38   #15
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G&G pdw in Canada

Originally Posted by moz_boz View Post
I would start by getting AV'd Opens up many wonderful doors...
...also, is the G&G P90 (G&G PDW99) even available for sale in Canada?

Yes, Yes it is. I recently went to trigger airsoft to see it for myself. It is beautiful and has a really solid feel. Unfortunately the display did not have any batteries so I have no idea how the red dot and laser preform nor do I know the fire rate. It looked good so far but they didn't tell me how it compared to the KA p90 nor have I ever seen one in real life. Its priced at 429$ but I think ill be able to find better prices else were.
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