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Are Revolvers A Legitimate Sidearm?


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Old June 12th, 2012, 00:08   #1
Spookums's Avatar
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Smile Are Revolvers A Legitimate Sidearm?

Hey everyone, I am a fairly new airsoft player, just started playing a couple months ago. Just wanted to ask here if revolvers are considered a "legitimate" sidearm when compared to green gas powered pistols? By this I mean would mean when you compare the six round drum vs. eighteen rounds or higher magazines in green gas powered pistols, would this ammo handicap serve to make revolvers too undermatched vs. these other pistols even when they tend to have a higher FPS to extend extra range?

I currently run a WG C02 4" revolver and carry an extra two speed loaders to try and compensate for the low ammo count and low manual reload speed. I have a couple good matches in a day of play using it, but I can't deny that sometimes I feel disadvantaged vs. another player using pistols with a higher RoF and larger ammo magazines.

How does the community feel about this? Do revolvers have legitimate uses on the battlefield, or are they made more for target shooting and the like?
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Old June 12th, 2012, 00:14   #2
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You can use one but you're setting yourself at a distinct disadvantage.

I play against hi-cap, high ROF aegs all the time with gas rifle running 30 round magazines. I have to pick my shots while the rest of the group can lay down a constant spray of BBs.

It's my choice to leave the AEGs in the locker so I've got no one to blame but me when I get lit up. I prefer the picking my shots style of play though so I get what I'm looking for out of the game.
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Old June 12th, 2012, 00:15   #3
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I like to reload my pistol around 10/11 shots to keep with realism anyway. Obviously not everyone does this. With some semi-autos, you're talking about a magazine capacity in the twenties. Keep in mind that you're obviously going to be more careful even under fire with your 6 shots; a player who believes he has 28 in the magazine is more likely to fire blindly.

Whether or not a revolver is a good sidearm is really dependent on how you use it. I use my pistol more than I use my rifle, so I don't think I'd want to be in your situation. If it's truly just a sidearm in your case, I think 6 shots is generally enough. If you can't take 'em down in the time it takes to fire 6 shots from a revolver, you really should have reloaded your primary instead.
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Old June 12th, 2012, 00:49   #4
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FPS isn't the only factor that determines range. There are hopup systems like TM which give you a lot of range even with their pistols firing around 300fps. I'd prefer the capacity advantage here.

Also, I hope you're not using that revolver without modification. Last I read it shot over 400fps stock. People can get hurt.
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Old June 12th, 2012, 01:02   #5
formerly steyr
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I borrowed a revolver for a game at Claybank this past weekend, and it was my primary.
I highly suggest against it.
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Old June 12th, 2012, 01:06   #6
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6 shots isn't a huge problem in and by itself -- I realcap load my 1911 mags (8 rounds) without issue.

However, a revolver forces you to either shoot Double Action (a long, hard pull -- at least on my revolver) which adversely affects accuracy or manually cock each shot, making follow-up shots extremely slow.

Reloading a revolver is also very slow, even with a speedloader, and made worse in airsoft because we have to save our "spent" brass. I know there's some revolver shooters that can reload extremely fast, but unless you're a cowboy action shooter that probably isn't the case.

Point in case, I can fire off three 1911 mags (24 shots) in almost the same time it takes to fire 6 shots and reload a revolver.
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Old June 12th, 2012, 01:23   #7
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Sure, but it will take a buttload of practice.
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Old June 12th, 2012, 04:07   #8
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A revolver has an interesting advantage over semis - it doesn't jam.

But it's just airsoft lol doesn't matter too much
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Old June 12th, 2012, 09:11   #9
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As a sidearm for those "Oh shit!!!" moments when your primary goes down, it's a sidearm like any other. If that's what you like, then use it. Realistically, you don't use your sidearm often in a game. It's usually only if you run out of ammo or have a malfunction with your primary.

However, I think the down sides of a revolver compared to a semi-auto pistol have been pretty well laid out. You're at a disadvantage compared to others with pistols. If you were participating in a pistol game with your revolver, you'd be wishing you had a rapid-fire pistol with single action and higher round count magazine.
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Old June 12th, 2012, 10:09   #10
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There its also the appearance factor. To me, a modern loadout with a revolver for a sidearm says you are an officer. The sidearm is a dress piece.

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Old June 12th, 2012, 10:34   #11
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Originally Posted by venture View Post
There its also the appearance factor. To me, a modern loadout with a chrome revolver for a sidearm says you are a gangster. The sidearm is a dress piece.
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Old June 12th, 2012, 10:55   #12
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I tried several and it didn't work because:

-revolvers do's airsoft.

-being double action, there's a lot of effort on parts and especially the cylinder lock that will break because it is made in pot metal even in supposedly quality revolvers like Tanaka's

-you will spend your time reloading

-most revolvers aren't very powerful which means you really have to hope your target will call their hit.

-powerful revolvers (like wingun) are too powerful (over 400 fps) which puts them above cqb field limits.
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Old June 12th, 2012, 11:59   #13
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I’ve got a Marushin Unlimited revolver (the one with top & bottom rails) originally as a pure film prop, but I’ve fielded it in a couple games and I found it more a natural fit for me than the electric 1911’s or gas Berettas I’ve used in games before. The 8mm BBs have quite a kick. While the aesthetics don’t matter to the enemy, I’ve found my teammates get a bit of charge when they see me pull out the thing and cock the hammer back.

I agree that, for the same weight/cost, it’s not as efficient as an automatic pistol. I’ve got another extra six shells in a proper fitting speed loader, but that pales in comparison to, say, 49 rounds in an extended Glock mag.

Really, it’s best used as a holdout weapon, when your back is to the wall and you need to pick your shots. I also find it great for initially sweeping/securing a room in a ‘condition orange’, but not that useful in a raw CQB fight.
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Old June 12th, 2012, 12:09   #14
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It's easy to be outgun with a revolver,but to surrender someone with it is priceless.
okey dokey lokey
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Old June 12th, 2012, 12:59   #15
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