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Modifying battery size...


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Old April 18th, 2011, 01:04   #1
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Modifying battery size...

Evening, gents...

I've done some searching, but haven't been able to find my answer, so excuse any ignorance or lack-there-of well placed determination... Anyways, I just acquired a sexy CA M15A4, and the battery I got with the gun is a beast of a Crane. It's a 9.6V 5500mAh. The only problem is that the battery JUST fits in the stock, so I have to have the stock locked at the farthest setting, making my M15 about as long as an M16A2, which isn't awful, but I like my guns to be a tad more maneuverable. It's got 3 cells on either side, and 2 in the middle, and I think if I could rip one of the middle cells off, the stock would be collapsible to a comfortable size... Basically what I'm asking... Does this sound do-able, or am I cruising for a battery destroying bruising...

tl;dr: Can I rip one cell off a 9.6V 5500mAh Crane battery, thus making it an 8.4V 5500mAh, without destroying the battery.

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Old April 18th, 2011, 01:12   #2
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If you properly know how to modify and weld batteries, yes.
If not, take it to a professional (like Battery Boys).

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Old April 18th, 2011, 01:29   #3
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Totally doable, You can snip the connections and resauder them onto the battery, just make sure you understand what your doing and make sure you do it quick because you don't want to heat up the cell too much.

Use a good iron and work fast. That being said if you don't know what you're doing you really shouldn't.
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Old April 18th, 2011, 01:51   #4
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The cells are welded. If you try to separate them with a soldering iron.. Well, I'll just say this: You probably won't like what happens.
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Old April 18th, 2011, 03:26   #5
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easily done, i have personal experience lol. welded/soldered doesnt matter. if you can take off the shrink wrap to expose the solder tab, u can either take a pair of side cutters and cut the tab, or just pull them right off (takes muscle lol, and i know ill get flamed for this suggestion lol) once you've removed the cell, then simply dab a small amount of solder on the battery, tin the wire, and solder them together. time? - 5 mins.

make sure you have a good soldering gun - and DONT use a pipe soldering gun!! (dont ask :P) what you DONT want to do is use a crappy solder gun and have to keep constant heat on the battery cell - it will heat the cell up and damage it. a good quality soldering gun can heat the solder up and finish the joint in mere seconds without heating up the cell.

i learned to solder the ghetto way out of necessity, and LOTS of trial & error (hence the pipe solder gun). ive come along way since then :P
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Old April 18th, 2011, 04:17   #6
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Before you decide to cut stuff, you should know that a battery like that should let you close the stock second to last postion.

You should re-/double check the placement of your wires. There is something bunched somewhere that prevents you from closing it, so cutting a cell will not solve the issue.

Normally, you even should be able to fit the battery in with the stock closed.
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Old April 20th, 2011, 02:17   #7
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Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post
Before you decide to cut stuff, you should know that a battery like that should let you close the stock second to last postion.

You should re-/double check the placement of your wires. There is something bunched somewhere that prevents you from closing it, so cutting a cell will not solve the issue.

Normally, you even should be able to fit the battery in with the stock closed.
It really depends on how your cranestock and buffer tube are designed. It's MUCH easier to collapse if your cranstock has cutouts for the wires.

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Old April 20th, 2011, 03:18   #8
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At best with my 9.6v sc set up in my crane I can maybe get it to the second longest set up due to the nature of how my crane stock and battery are set up. I usually just use it set at full extension.

The boys at prairie battery Winnipeg might be able to fix your battery solution or come up with a new nun chuck split build for you that would enable you to fully collapse your stock.

An 8.4 build with sc cells with only one cell in the middle like you suggested would work but tearing a cell off is a bad idea.

You could also consider a 4 on one side 3 on the other for an 8.4v build but I believe 4 is to long for your crane stock. You could consider having it made with 4/5sc cells

You could maybe able to consider a 4 on each side 4/5sc build or a 3 on each side 2 in the middle 4/5 sc build which would still give you room to collapse your stock slightly.

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