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Trouble brewing down south...


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old March 5th, 2011, 15:33   #1
AKA ExtraExtra
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Trouble brewing down south...

Saw this from Arnie's site. Check out the 2 links. ATF has drafted a memo that will require manufacturers to submit airsoft for classifications.

The second but just as an important concern was how an agency (BATFE) may have abused its power to convict a man for illegal transfer of a machine gun. The old rifle malfunctioned and fired 3 consecutive rounds then jammed and was automatically considered as an automatic weapon.

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Old March 5th, 2011, 15:51   #2
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so why is it that a video about seizing toy guns, is introduced by a commercial for the national guard?
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Old March 5th, 2011, 16:04   #3
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Good grief, sounds like they're seizing Real Swords haha. Please, the ATF has a history for causing shit storms when it gets bored.

In a few days, gun lobbyists (or some people of the variety) will make a stink about this, then more Senators will, the ATF will look like the tools that they are, this will get swept under the rug, then the cycle repeats
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Old March 5th, 2011, 16:22   #4
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Come up to Canada, we won't let this guy in.
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Old March 5th, 2011, 16:23   #5
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I wanna see how the ATF managed to take one and get it to shoot live ammo. Im assuming they used a GBBR obviously, but wouldnt it need a RS bolt and such?
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Old March 5th, 2011, 17:17   #6
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Originally Posted by DEATH2000 View Post
I wanna see how the ATF managed to take one and get it to shoot live ammo. Im assuming they used a GBBR obviously, but wouldnt it need a RS bolt and such?
Yes, but I also thought the hammer on a GBBR wasn't capable of striking the firing pin on live ammo.
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I agree!! I always have my good long thinking shits while sitting on the can and wearing a good sturdy pair of boots.
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Old March 5th, 2011, 17:20   #7
Even if you could, it wouldn't survive more than 2 or 3 rounds tops.
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Old March 5th, 2011, 17:36   #8
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I'm thinking it would blow up in your face on the first shot. Hell even an Inokatsu would probably explode after the first shot.

Also, it's not like these mods are easy to do or even possible without large amounts of capital and technology at your disposal (ie. CNC machines and lots of milling and such).
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Old March 5th, 2011, 17:37   #9
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I read about this a few months ago. The ATF took a WE lower receiver and modified it enough to accept real steel parts and then they installed a real M15 upper receiver on it. They managed to shoot one bullet with it. In a country where you can find guns everywhere they need to ban toy rifles Prisoners in jail modify pens and plumbing pipes to fire a bullet, want to ban pens and sinks! ROFL What a bunch of idiots! They used this one test to go after WE because they are too realistic for their taste. Some retailers in the states wont carry WE anymore because of this.
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Old March 5th, 2011, 17:38   #10
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Let alone one. remember, real firearms work on the principle of combustion, not air compression.

Even if you could modify an AEG (which IMHO is impossible) the gearbox would shatter. Even if you only took the body itself and put real gun parts in it, it still wouldn't be able to fire more than a couple of shots.

Originally Posted by 5kull View Post
I read about this a few months ago. The ATF took a WE lower receiver and modified it enough to accept real steel parts and then they installed a real M15 upper receiver on it. They managed to shoot one bullet with it. In a country where you can find guns everywhere they need to ban toy rifles
and they still have more rights than regular law abiding citizens...

What i dont understand is, no normal person could do that, modify it so much that it could accept "real steel" parts, only they would so much effort into doing so. *EDIT* to be able to fire like an automatic rifle

I have one uncle in Quebec who is a machinist, and he can't even do it. I have an uncle stateside who is a gun smith, he agrees it isn't possible to convert an airsoft rifle into a fully automatic rifle. fires ONE shot, of course its automatic :P
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Last edited by SniperSam; March 5th, 2011 at 19:28..
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Old March 5th, 2011, 18:34   #11
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Originally Posted by JTF27 View Post
Yes, but I also thought the hammer on a GBBR wasn't capable of striking the firing pin on live ammo.
First off, Ammo has no firing pin, the Bolt group does, the ammo has a primer.

The hammer striked the firing pin, slamming it into the primer. At least, this is how it works on an AR15. Not all guns even require a hammer, some firing pins are under spring pressure and the trigger/sear releases the firing pin, there are many designs

Originally Posted by SniperSam View Post
What i dont understand is, no normal person could do that, modify it so much that it could accept "real steel" parts, only they would so much effort into doing so.

I have one uncle in Quebec who is a machinist, and he can't even do it. I have an uncle stateside who is a gun smith, he agrees it isn't possible
Then they're Idiots, out of sheer boredom at a friends place, we mated the majority of RS parts from his Colt AR15 Carbine, to his WE, we popped a real upper reciever on it with no modification, only thing I remember that would have required modification was the WE Lower to seat in the Trigger assembly. We didn't fire it, although we did stick a snap cap in it and it would appear that the WE hammer could set off a round. To my knowledge, he hadn't done any work on his WE up to that point
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old March 5th, 2011, 18:35   #12
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If remember right, they changed the upper, the barrel, modified the lower to insert a real steel trigger group and got 1 shot out of it.

I'd like to see the bill on that modification job and compare it to buy a real gun on the black market.

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Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
So you're saying we cannot engage in a hobby once we are older?

Children these days.
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Old March 5th, 2011, 18:37   #13
The Chad
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Shit, this sucks......I thought this thread was about Extra Extra's STDs but this is worse.
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Old March 5th, 2011, 18:44   #14
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I'm sure this is really old news. The ATF claim that they could mod the WE M4 to fire a real round, but they have no actual documents or proof it's been done. Even if it could be done, there's no way the gun will survive after a round. WE stopped shipping M4 to the US so now all GBBR has to go through testing before it can be sold legally. The King Arms GBBR is the first legal GBBR M4 to be sold down there.
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Old March 5th, 2011, 19:22   #15
Suburban Gun Runner
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This is old news and has been posted and talked about months ago. I recall the idiot agent going on TV to show how real and dangerous these were and then inserting the magazine backwards into the gun. The ATF claimed that a master gunsmith was able to completely change all the parts with the exception of the lower receiver and then that gun was capable of firing a bullet. It all started when a mom and pop sporting goods store who sold these had their shippment seized because they were importing auotmatic firearms. The ATF even after a request with the fredom of information act was files would not hand over their documents supporting their tests. So the shop owner paid a gun smith to try and duplicate their findings. The smith with his $50 000 work shop couldn't get it to work.

Edit: Old thread discussing this including a link to what was done to "easily convert a WE to fire a real cartridge.

Video of the ATF agent demonstrating how much knowledge he has about firarms.
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eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...

Last edited by Eeyore; March 5th, 2011 at 19:26..
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