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Moving from UK


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Old January 5th, 2011, 15:25   #1
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Uk, Cambridge
Moving from UK

Hey guys!
Im finishing University in UK this summer and im moving back to canada after 14 years haha! Ive been playing airsoft both here and in greece so ive had the fun of running into problems with customs and airsoft guns! Ive been reading up on importing to canada and how strict customs are. Basically ive got 2 guns a G&P M4 and a WE M1911a1. to be honest i could go without the hastle of bringing the pistol but considering ive invested 900+ euros and i cant imagine being able to sell it for near that price im looking into how or what i can do. Is there any way to be able to warn customs, get a permit of some sort as here in the UK to own buy airsoft guns you need to be registered under UKARA which protects airsofters from the replica gun laws basically (what canada needs it seems). Also whats this about if its between a certain power, 409 fps to 500 or something its classified as a airgun so is it then ok to import?
Another question related to that is if i were to get rid of this gun would i maybe be able to trade it for say a sniper rifle if thats more legal or should i just be looking to get money for it and get something sorted out in canada?

Only reason im asking on the forums is due to the fact my story is a bit more specific rather than straight up importing from outside canada in order to purchase a gun.

Thanks for any replies!!!
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Old January 5th, 2011, 15:40   #2
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To get rid of it first and then buy from here would be a better choice. Last I checked, if you sell your gun for about 900 euros, that's about 1200 Canadian dollars, more than enough for a great gun and to get some gear while you're at it
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Old January 5th, 2011, 15:43   #3
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According to the cbsa if an airsoft gun shoots above 407 fps on .22s its not considered a replica and should be allowed into the country, whats going to happen is it will be taken for testing and eventually returned to you. This could be a week or 6 months or a year later. But if one shot shoots less than 407 fps it will be destroyed, if it shoots over 500 fps it will be seised as your now importing a firearm without the proper permits.

Your best and easyest solution would be to sell it and get a new gun here.
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Old January 5th, 2011, 15:44   #4
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Uk, Cambridge
I figured as much thing is I spend 900 euros not Im expecting 900 Euros haha. dunno if the market is as big for High priced guns, guess a little bit is better than having it confiscated! Thanks for the advice needed to hear it from someone, easier to accept it lol.
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Old January 5th, 2011, 15:48   #5
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Sorry man, but you're pretty much SOL with bringing it with you unless you can meet some pretty specific requirements.

I'd say it's better to sell while in UK and buy back in Canada, however that said Canadian stuff is quite a bit more expensive than stuff outside of Canada (namely US and Asian pricing).

One thing that you could do however is strip apart your rifle and take everything EXCEPT the prohibited parts, which is basically the lower receiver on the M4 and then buying a new lower once in Canada. You're also in luck that it's a G&P because then you can contact a retailer who does custom orders once you're in Canada and AV'ed and you can get a kickass G&P custom lower.

The pistol I'm sorry to say if you do the same thing you'll have to ditch the lower frame and it's not that common that the AV retailers import specific frames (although I do believe there have been some that get the odd "upgraded"/steel pistol frame once in a while). So really it's probably in your best interest to sell the pistol.

PS: As for the UKARA thing, we don't have anything like that at all. The closest thing is the Age Verification program that we as a community have self implemented and is in no way backed by any governmental body (whereas the UKARA Skirmishers Defence thing is recognized as a legal defence around the VCRA regulations).

EDIT: Be warned that on occasion you may get some overzealous CBSA officer who seizes your gearbox as a "lower receiver" however the remedy for that is to appeal and get the firearms expert to basically say "WTF is this on my desk? This isn't a lower!" and release it to you.
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Last edited by L473ncy; January 5th, 2011 at 15:50..
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Old January 5th, 2011, 15:56   #6
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post

One thing that you could do however is strip apart your rifle and take everything EXCEPT the prohibited parts, which is basically the lower receiver on the M4 and then buying a new lower once in Canada. You're also in luck that it's a G&P because then you can contact a retailer who does custom orders once you're in Canada and AV'ed and you can get a kickass G&P
I was going to suggest the exact same thing, but as you said some times the cbsa officer has no clue and will take a mechbox or a stock, or the upper, its a pain to get back but very likely that you will.
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Old January 5th, 2011, 16:22   #7
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I see a post in that thread that you should find very helpful.

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Old January 5th, 2011, 17:17   #8
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Uk, Cambridge
Ah ok, thats really good advice thanks alot! much appreciated! Im gonna have a think about it, first im gonna see what i can get for it, if its enough to be worth selling it off then i will to avoid all problems, but if i can only get like a couple hundered euros off it i might risk it and lose the receiver and maybe ship the mechbox in the crate i have going over or something and declare it with that rather than through the airport.
Again thanks for the speedy reply and great advice I look forward to being part of this airsoft community!
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Old January 5th, 2011, 17:26   #9
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Welcome back to Canada Imeto.

Be so kind as to sneak me in a large crate of Cardbury flake.

Best of luck with your move this summer.

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