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weapon maintenance


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Old August 28th, 2010, 13:23   #1
Join Date: Aug 2010
weapon maintenance

Hi Guys,

new to airsoft. I own a WE SCAR gbbr, KJW glock 23 and a KWA colt 1911A1
I have a few questions on gun maintenance and I want do this right and take good care of my guns.

1) how often am I to perform maintenance? after how many bb's. the retailer i bought the gun from said that i actually never have to do any maintenance on GBB if i don't want to, he said it doesn't really make a difference. unlike real guns, the stress is all in the magazine not the components...but i'm thinking differently....

2) what are some products i can use to oil up the gun? I live in TO and spoke to some of the retailers, nobody carries products for gun maintenance (gun grease etc.) someone, mentioned that i could use WD40, but i hear bad things about WD40 that can damage the gun (is this true?) what is it with WD40 that damages the gun so i can be aware of this in other products

i have a friend that uses motor oil to oil up his guns. but these are for his pellet rifles (.177 lead) and i don't know if it can be applied to airsoft guns as well

since i can't find gun grease made for airsoft guns, is there any other products out there that anyone can recommend? something that i can pick up from walmart, cdn tire, etc??

3) what do i need to do?
unfortunately i've lost the manuals for the KJW glock (but i don't think there was any discussion abour maintenance, the WE SCAR manual, nothing on maintenance, the KWA colt...umm it's in japanese.haha....the pictures so something though...

1. gas in magazine
-the only thing i am doing right now is keeping gas in my magazines. i bought the KJW glock a while ago and always emptied out the gas after i was finished. the magazine started to leak and was not fixable. so i bought a new magazine.
the SCAR and 1911 are brand new, and I keep all magazines with some gas now

off the top of my head, i'm thinking......
2. grease the metal parts that slide
3. oil the spring?
4. i need to do anything with the magazine? i know someone mentioned o-rings (what's that?)
5. clean the barrel (is this necessary)
5. any other suggestions?



PS...i've been watching some videos on youtube etc and the video in this forum about gun maintenance...i just wanted some more input. thanks again
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Old August 28th, 2010, 13:26   #2
Can't fix my own guns. Willing to fix yours.
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who the fuck said to use WD 40????
put silicone oil in your gas, that will keep the mags lubed up and spread a bit of oil through hte gun, and put some lithium grease on the rails of the slide and any other heavy contact points you can see, take it apart and clean it once in a while as well, and clean the barrel after every game

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The apartment I am in right now costs $100 a month.
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My airsoft spending in the last month and a half has totaled over $1400.
They're called priorities. Get yourself some.
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Old August 28th, 2010, 14:02   #3
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For GBB pistol
Field strip and remove all dirts on moving parts with Q tips.

Then, apply a little (add what is necessary to get a smooth action, do not overlube - Balance is the key) of 100% silicone oil (It must be a 100% silicone oil : no Jigaloo, WD40, etc... - look for o-ring multi lube at your local pool store) on plastic/plastic moving parts.
White lithium grease for metal on metal contact points.
As for magazine maintenance, after each game, fill your mag with gas (do not overfill or it will wear down the seal down) and store them in a cool place (the fridge is perfect for this, do not put into the freezer) - (Keeping gas in your mag will help maintain the seal of the mag and prevent leakage - the cold temperature reduces the pressure inside the mag **PV=NRT** to a sufficent level To keep the seal from leaking).

What Gas are you using, If you are using green gas (adding silicone oil after each fill might not be necessary since some brands of green gas have silicone oil added to the gas mixture); if you are using propane, it is highly recommended to add 1.5 WT 100% pure silicone oil in the propane adapter for every 6-8 mag fills to help lubricate the magazine seal as well as the GBB itself.

As for GBB rifles, I guess you could just do the same but I am no GBBr expert.
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Old August 28th, 2010, 16:30   #4
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Ugh, every time I get the itch to buy a pistol I remember the maintenance required for gas guns and the headaches with leaky mags.
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Old August 28th, 2010, 16:43   #5
Can't fix my own guns. Willing to fix yours.
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theres not really much mainteneance, and hte mags wont leak as long as you oil your gas and dont leave the mags empty

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Originally Posted by Kid View Post
The apartment I am in right now costs $100 a month.
My average spending on food per day is less than $4.
My airsoft spending in the last month and a half has totaled over $1400.
They're called priorities. Get yourself some.
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Old August 28th, 2010, 17:20   #6
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i believe this will sove all your answers:
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Old August 28th, 2010, 17:21   #7
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I use WD40 only when i cleaned my gears. The dried them and then re greased. Only good for de-greasing and getting rid of the old dirty grease.. But thats AEG.. WD40 could strip the grease right out of your bearings too. But you're talking about a GBB

But just think WD40 as a De Oil/greasing compound

"Known as "the can with thousands of uses," WD-40 protects metal from rust and corrosion, penetrates stuck parts, displaces moisture, and lubricates just about anything. WD-40 is also great when it comes to cleaning grease, grime, and other marks from most surfaces."

BA Level 3 Certified

Last edited by BobbyDangerous; August 28th, 2010 at 17:25..
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Old August 29th, 2010, 20:39   #8
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Thanks for the replies. greatly appreciated.
I just had a pistol mag that went on me. luckily, the guy i bought the game from was nice enough to exchange the magazine for me. it was for my KWA colt 1911.

i just bought that gun last Thursday. today when i was filling gas, the gas was just sparying everywhere. i took a look at the o-ring and it looked out of place. i immediately called the guy i bought the bun from and he exchanged the mag.

my concern now is,
1)am i doing something wrong to the mag? i use propane and add drops of silicone oil to the adaptor for the propane tank i bought. (it's a plastic adaptor which is less damaging to the magazine i was told)
2) i always leave a little bit of gas in the magazine when i store
3) i also put a drop of silicone oil in the magazine where i fill the gas

was i doing something wrong or just a faulty magazine?

btw, i got a little trigger happy when i bought the gun and probably fired 200-300 bbs

many people have recommended white lithium grease to lube metal/metal parts. i was also told to look for products that does not contain petroleum

i could not find anything (lubricants) at canadian tire that did not contain petroleum.
so i bought (just to try) a graphite lubricant (it's a powder)
because 1)it does not contain petroleum 2)it said for use on metal, rubber, wood, plastic, firearms, toys, electronics, etc. etc....
so i am thinking that it would be ok for all the metal parts and all...

just wondering if anyone else uses graphite lubricant. if so, what are your thoughts?
i did test it out of one of the guns. what i found is that its less messy than spray or cream....its a powder so i take a q-tip and dap some on parts..
the only thing i found is that it's not as slick as say, WD40...

umm...anybody know of a white lithium grease that does not contain petroleum??

Thanks again
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Old August 29th, 2010, 20:44   #9
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Originally Posted by BobbyDangerous View Post
I use WD40 only when i cleaned my gears. The dried them and then re greased. Only good for de-greasing and getting rid of the old dirty grease.. But thats AEG.. WD40 could strip the grease right out of your bearings too. But you're talking about a GBB

But just think WD40 as a De Oil/greasing compound

"Known as "the can with thousands of uses," WD-40 protects metal from rust and corrosion, penetrates stuck parts, displaces moisture, and lubricates just about anything. WD-40 is also great when it comes to cleaning grease, grime, and other marks from most surfaces."
WD40 will also eat your rubber components.

WD40 has NO PLACE anywhere near an airsoft gun.
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Old August 29th, 2010, 20:55   #10
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WD40 is to remove (possibly prevent) Rust, nothing else and should never, ever, touch anything not made of steal and/or iron.
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Old August 29th, 2010, 23:22   #11
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You can use it to clean but just make sure it has dried up and then re-grease everything. I've used it for years on my skate bearings and then re-greased them.. Only when maybe they would cease.. . I had swiss bearings for like 3 years until the started getting all messed up. But that was one bearing at a time.. I wouldn't use it on rubber but to clean your gears of dirty grease i don;t see that harm in it.. I wouldn't use it alone then not re oil or grease any of my things. But yeah def wouldn't use it on rubber or any real plastic parts..

BA Level 3 Certified

Last edited by BobbyDangerous; August 29th, 2010 at 23:24..
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Old August 30th, 2010, 19:34   #12
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Hey guys,

so i found a place in Scarborough (Toronto) if anyone is looking for 100% silicon oil and like me, couldn't find it at cdn tire, etc.
there's a store called Advance Hobbies in Scarborough (Midland and Sheppard)
the sell RC cars mainly
2 OZ bottle like like 100 ml for 6 bucks.
various weights from 10 to 100.
I bought a 15 wt for the propane tank and to lube mag, and a 35 wt to lube metal parts.

just an FYI,

thanks again for the advice
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