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ASC Deal Gone Sour



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Old August 20th, 2010, 13:36   #1
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ASC Deal Gone Sour

Well, I've been burned for the first time,
buying on ASC, and since the seller is
being less than cooperative I thought it
best to leverage community opinion.

I will re-list the Macbook tonite, after
I take pictures and write an accurate
condition report, in case the seller
doesn't change his stance.

Back Story:

I get a pm from 88dechmustang,
offering to sell me his used mac
mini and or macbook. Makes
sense since I posted a wanted
thread for a mac mini.

I was interested in the laptop
since it was new enough to run
the apps I need, the g4 mini is
too old, I need Intel processors.
So I begin the process of asking
about the specs, because the
stuff that was original listed was
slightly incorrect.

Here begins the PM trail:

The big mistake, on my part:

To be fair the Macbook was being sold
at a low cost but once you factor in the
cost to replace/service an optical drive
and a dead battery, items on Kijiji are a
better bet. Not to mention, the outer shell
is heavily scratched, and dinged all over.
Underside appears to have a few surface
splits or minor cracks, and is discoloured
from dirt. The inside frame has dings, the
screen has a scuff in the center and some
kind of colour damage to part of the
bottom center. All ports and openings on
the shell are a little roughed. Nothing
else included but a dirty power cable. I've
since given it a wipe down, so it will look
much better in my pics to come than it
did when I first got it.
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Old August 20th, 2010, 17:55   #2
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Seems like others have had bad deals with 88 before where the item description did not match items received.

Originally Posted by the professional
Ordered a G&G gr16 from this guy, it arrived in a box that looked like it had been beaten with a stick, and had holes you could drive a truck through. As a result, some of the hardwear (mounting screw for the butt) was missing. Forgot to send extra parts he had said were included with the deal. forgot to mention that the cocking handle was not attached to the gun. When confronted about this, he said he'd get the parts and send them to me. it's been nearly six months, he hasn't sent anything. I will not be buying from this guy again.
Originally Posted by mitchie
Items recieved NOT as described in the thread (There's no way this is "like new" and "never fielded" when you need to take apart the entire thing to clean off the dirt and there's a bunch of scratches). Only reason why it's not negative is because I still think the item is worth what I paid for it.
His replies seem very defensive towards you for no reason and has dodged about every question you asked about the condition classifieds.

His privileges on this board should be revoked.

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Old August 20th, 2010, 22:02   #3
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judging by those post, you made the mistake to send him money without any pics. you demanded pics, you should have waited for them, no pics, no deal. Clearly he lacked the common sense that you wanted pics and completely avoided your demand, making him a bad seller.
However, the worst is on his side. A fucking kid? Info not put in. Info you badly needed to know.

Thanks for this, won't buy anything off this guy for sure.
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Old August 20th, 2010, 22:20   #4
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Shitty deal bud, but you did buy something without having first seen it. Its buyer beware in a private deal like this and you took that risk. The jammed disc and dead battery not being mentioned (to the knowledge of the community) should be more a matter than the appearance.
Chairsofter extraordinaire
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Old August 20th, 2010, 22:35   #5
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I got burned by this son-of-a bit once before and I kept my mouth shut thinking it was an isolated incident = WRONG!
Tell you what mister 88dechmustang, time for you to go pound some sand!

Is it too late to leave a negative trader rating on this guy?
I purchased a Maruzen P99 off the guy last year and he claimed it was in 'collectors' condition and that it function/fired just prior to the sale...when it arrived the gun would not fire/cycle at all and the mag leaked! I demanded my money back but he only offered to have his 'gun doctor' fix it! I declined his offer and requested a compensation payment for repairs, which he did eventually come up with almost 2 months later...this guy is a shady character and I DO NOT recommend that anyone purchase a damn thing from the man!


Last edited by KEVORKIAN; August 20th, 2010 at 22:50..
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Old August 20th, 2010, 22:39   #6
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Yup, that's guy's previously on my "Do not deal with" list after I saw 2 of the items that were in "like new condition" come to two of my friends.
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Old August 20th, 2010, 22:41   #7
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by KEVORKIAN View Post

Is it too late to leave a negative trader rating on this guy?
I don't see why not. Feedback is feedback. Did you already leave positive feedback?
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Old August 20th, 2010, 22:53   #8
Suburban Gun Runner
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Please do leave appropriate feedback, let others know your bad experiances with the seller so they can be avoided.
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old August 20th, 2010, 22:59   #9
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You should edit out your address if your posting in a public forum who knows who may get their hands on it, now I know you live a couple of main intersections west from me =P
"Don't you know the first law of physics? Anything fun costs atleast $8"
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Old August 20th, 2010, 23:01   #10
Official ASC "Dumb Ass"
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Lol this guy, they don't call him 88douchemustang for nothing, potato Bob and others have told me of bad dealings with him, avoid like plague!
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Old August 20th, 2010, 23:13   #11
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funny how it takes threads like this too get people posting their past bad dealings.


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Old August 21st, 2010, 12:30   #12
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Thanks for the support, and I do
know part of the problem is that
I went forward with the deal after
not getting the pics or answers I
requested, So I take some of the
responsibility. Usually ASC is a
safe place to trade/buy due to
the trader rep and community

That shipping address is my work.
Come stalk me there if you like,
has a nice park across the street

After deciding to keep the laptop
last night, I took all the screws
out of the sides, in an attempt to
remove the optical drive, found
there are some holes without
screws under the battery so I
believe there's been attempts to
take it apart already. That would
explain the roughed edge of the
keyboard plate, a flathead seems
to have been used to pry.

After lifting the keyboard on one
side I could see why the drive
wasn't letting in a disc, not cause
there's one stuck but because
the slot was blocked by plastic
tabs. These tabs usually face up
to soft-lock the keyboard plate,
but 2 of them had been moved,
or put back in the wrong way.
So the drive is now working
after a couple hours of fiddling.

I was intending to buy a mac
mini to run music and a poker
timer in my living room, this ol'
beater will suffice.

Edit: well I've spend the past
few hours trying to mount an
OS install disc, barley mounts
a Snow Leopard disc, won't start
from it though.. Leopard disc
won't even read, just spits out...
this drive is shite. The former
user left everything password
protected. Time to get a firewire
cable and link it to my tower.
The fun goes on and on!
Retired — Freedom 35

Last edited by safx; August 21st, 2010 at 13:28.. Reason: Drive Update
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Old August 21st, 2010, 12:37   #13
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Good to know you can survive with what you got, Hope that guy gets burned real hardcore in a deal and get ASCs support through his problem with only "karmas a bitch" comments.
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Old August 21st, 2010, 12:56   #14
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Don't forget to leave some feedback for him so no one else gets burned.

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Old August 21st, 2010, 14:02   #15
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Due to the number of negative feedbacks, the seller's AV status has been revoked.

On a sidenote, the feedback system is there for a reason: leave the damn feedback, isolated incident or not. Even now, some people have piped on this thread but still fail to leave feedback as intended.
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