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Old February 23rd, 2010, 23:32   #16
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I never understood how those cheaper brands make money in the states, they don't even exist in asia afaik

Last edited by pusangani; February 23rd, 2010 at 23:34..
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 23:43   #17
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Think of it as comparing those cheap 40 dollar MP3 players to big name players like Zune and Ipod. People want an MP3 player but dont want to drop the big bucks on a brand name, so they go with the lower cost option, it does what they want/expect it to for a lesser cost than what it would have cost them if they purchased brand name. As long as there are people who opt for lower cost options or who are just plain cheap, cheaper brand companies will continue exist.

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Old February 23rd, 2010, 23:49   #18
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Originally Posted by moombadaen View Post
I would just as equally ask that my parenting skill remain out of the forum. If I was "spoiling" my son, I would have just bought another and not wasted my time researching spare parts. AGAIN....I do not wish to ruffle any feathers nor do I want to "shit where I eat", but I am ONLY looking for repair help. Thanks again.
Fair enough. Being in Canada we are subject to crazy laws about airsoft. It's pretty much illegal to import airsoft yet "lethal" uncontolled firearms (4.5mm and .177 pellet guns) pass in and out of country all the time. In addition to the crazy waste of taxpayer money that's only a feel good gesture Gun Registry. I'm pretty sure a criminal isn't going to register their illegal firearm and legitimate owners are the ones who get the shit deals.

Anyways..... it really does ruffle our feathers when some stupid teenager gets shot or bad things happen involving airsoft since the soccer mom backlash would ban airsoft and trust me the "soccer mom lobby" is strong (it's not a lobby in the registered lobbyist sense just that they have a lot of power).

@ Pus: They make money when idiots think high FPS = good and when they break just buying a new one. Also strong arm tactics against high quality manufacturers and retailers choosing to sell high quality products preventing them from competing in the US market (coughcybergunlawsuitscough).
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Old February 24th, 2010, 10:18   #19
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Maybe I joined the wrong forum....
Let me start by saying this since some of you cannot get past the "looking for help" part of the question and only see it fit to flame me.
I live in a very rural part of Oregon where almost everyone has a rifle of sorts. I/we do not live in the big cities in a townhome next to a schoolyard or playground. I myself am somewhat knowledgable with a firearm and feel I have the ability to share that information with my son. I chose to give my a son (14 yo.) an airsoft rifle because it keeps him outdoors with myself as well as a few of the other responsible people who live close by. I would much rather have him outdoors with a rifle (under my supervision of course) than indoors, forgotton, and under the mindless control of the TV or the video games. So with that being said, Yes, He in fact did cross the street in front of our garage and tripped over the strap when it broke. Kids break things whether it be on purpose or by accident things happen. This was one of those times. As far as "Giving and adult toy to a child" pot/kettle. AGAIN....Just looking for some help with an AEG, not parenting. Thanks again to some of you whom have seen past that and given legitimate responses.

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Old February 24th, 2010, 16:09   #20
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Sorry, bro. I guess we get a bit carried away sometimes...

Anyway, first try to fix the handgrip like I suggested. Then post pics of what you need help with. Look on for a new handgrip if you can't make do with the one you've got. should have a top rail, but its probably not cheap.

Not sure what you mean by the bolt to remove the battery, on mine this is just a simple pin with a spring clip thing on the end.
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Old February 24th, 2010, 16:24   #21
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To be quite honest...I haven't read all of the posts in this thread.

To moombadaen...I doubt you'll find the precise information that you'll need for your exact rifle here.

As you can tell...the "rifle" is basically a metal/plastic shell, wrapped around a mechbox and inner barrel.

For the disassembly of the rifle...(someone tossed out a link already I think) google. "[as specific as you can get about your particular rifle i.e. Swiss Arms 552] airsoft disassembly" (i.e. G&G MP5 airsoft disassembly....or G&G MP5 airsoft disassembly how-to).

Sometimes you'll have to dig through a couple of sites to find a good pictoral how-to...sometimes you'll find a Youtube video.

Reassembly is most times just the reverse of the disassembly...if you're handy you'll figure it out.

The Sig mechbox is basically the same as a G36 and an AK. Small parts differences here and there, but essentially the same. They're Version 3's. The version 3 is pretty much the same as a Version 2...just a bit of a different shape. Follow any V2/V3 thing on to get the general jist of it (I think the TM M4 change bushings video had a good once-over of the mechbox). Other google/articles on "shimming a mechbox" will help too (there's lots of stuff on this site about it do. "Devgru Shim Guide" might return a writeup with great pics.

If the grip (the one your trigger hand holds) is'll need to get a new one. It holds the motor in place and if it's all wonky and allows to the motor to slip up and down you'll end up stripping gears. So either bodge it together as best you can...or find a replacement grip. airsoftatlanta, evike, the warstore...dunno many US places.

And....if you find all that a pain in the ass (and it is when you go through all that trouble and it still doesn't work)...just toss it and buy a new one.

These toys are 3-4x more expensive up here and I'm still tempted to toss problematic ones into the garbage sometimes.

Best of luck, happy shooting
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Old February 24th, 2010, 19:30   #22
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I want to again say thanks to all that helped me get this thing back together. Mechbox showed a perfect how-to. It was the timing that was off. As far as the grip.....taped the s**t outa it and it works great. I will look for the replacement grip as well as a top rail. I will check more of this site out later when I surely have more questions.
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Old February 24th, 2010, 19:33   #23
The Chad
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
that's what you get for giving an adult toy to a child

google works wonders ever hear of it?...

misc. parts near the bottom, didn't read what parts are broken, didn't get past the "bought it for my son...crossing the street" bit

Looks like a good parts gun...thats about it.
Originally Posted by BennyBoy View Post
If you were trying to insert a magazine into another magazine then I guess that would be indeed ghey. Inserting a magazine in a magwell seems rather hetero to me. The tape is merely metro, calling it ghey is rather absurd and makes it hard for the metro magazines to socialize with other magazines.
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Old February 24th, 2010, 19:35   #24
The Chad
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I bought a crapsoft gun from the dollar store and it worked for like 30 seconds. Ended up taking my McDonalds straw and stuffing my mouth with BBs. Rate of fire and fps? = how long i could blow and how hard......

Just a suggestion....might work better than that thing.
Originally Posted by BennyBoy View Post
If you were trying to insert a magazine into another magazine then I guess that would be indeed ghey. Inserting a magazine in a magwell seems rather hetero to me. The tape is merely metro, calling it ghey is rather absurd and makes it hard for the metro magazines to socialize with other magazines.
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