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RF Remote Claymore Airsoft mine Market Survey


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Old December 24th, 2005, 14:39   #16
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I can vouch for Lance's products. They are great quality. And these claymores are more than effective enough.
Retired 2PPCLI
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Old December 24th, 2005, 15:28   #17
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I would be in for sure. I'll check with my team as soon as updates are available for this product.

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Old December 25th, 2005, 02:37   #18
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I'm quite interested in the product. It sounds really great
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Old December 25th, 2005, 14:09   #19
zero delay
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The tripwire system is unique in that it doesn't need to be strung "guitar string" tight, in fact in my experiance it works far more effectively when loosely wound thru the grass/vegitation. One of the problems with the other mines on the market is that they rely on tension in the tripwire to trigger, this creates a noticeable horizontal straight line (the wire running parallel to the ground) some thing your brain notices immediately as out of place, as a straight line is not found in nature, that can lead to detection by the opposition, which can cause alot of problems, opening the possibility that the mine is relocated and used against it's owners. With the system this mine uses the amount of triggering pull is so light (1-2ounces) that it can be strung out and left slack, laying in the ground vegitation, where it will be very difficult to detect. Sprint did a reveiw on here of one of the MilSimFX units made by hammer from Area 51,, and as it states in the review, both times the tripwire was encountered by the opposition they noticed it before tripping it, some thing that is less likely to happen when it is left loose. The extremely light triggering pull also allows alot of flexibility in terms of boobytrapping items, for example a crate of mortar rounds used as a objective could be emptied of the rounds by one team who would then proceed to leave the empty can in a high traffic area, with a tripline ttached to the bottom of the ammo can, when it is picked up it would be difficult to notice the extra ounce or two of weight needed to trigger the mine. Almost anything could be boobytrapped, from the doors of a vehicle to something as small as a star mag left laying on a trail. Thats an option that isn't there if using the other units that take alot more tension to trip.

I use a small ghillie veil to conceal the mines on occasions when the situation calls for them to be deployed in an area that has sparse ground cover. Here is a photo taken in a vacant lot, as you can see although it is hidden fairly well, it is laying in what is domestic grass, that doesn't have as much color/texture variation as wild vegitation, which would help conceal it further.

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Old December 25th, 2005, 18:00   #20
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Location: Toronoto, Ontario
i'd definately be up for something like that at some point in the near future if it pans out
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Old December 25th, 2005, 22:19   #21
zero delay
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In the last 8 months I've sold close to twenty of these units to 6 diffent teams, I had been using them for roughly a year and half previous to that, so the design has been pretty thouroughly tested. What I needed the survey results for was to guage how many components I'll need when i go to purchase them in bulk, that way I can keep the cost lower buying larger quantities, as long as I have some indication of the number of units I might be able to move, before purchasing the neccessary materials.

Another detail I forgot to mention is that since they use compressed air as a propellant source they are fairly adjustable velocity/power wise, and the user can basically dial in the unit for difffent apllications, for example I have placed them inside of ammo crates wired up with Light sensors, so that when the lid is opened on the crate the mine detonates. in a situation such as that you can forgo using BBs and simply place FX powder in to the mine at lower pressures, conversely when using them as a defencive measure placed at a stand off range of roughly 60-80 ft, the user could use maximum pressure and load the unit with as many as 500BBs, to get the best anti-personel effect from the mine. The whole "Dial-able power level" aspect is something that is unique to the design, a feature that isn't inherant in the other units on the market.
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Old December 25th, 2005, 22:24   #22
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Can they be set on different R/F, in case you only want to detonate one and only one.

And so the enemy can't detonate it for you, say the other team also had the detonator.

Was also wondering what bandwidth (range) these work on. Just so I know a passing plane won't set if off or a walkie talky or something silly like that.

Mostly just wondering about accidental triggering of the device. I'm sure you have it covered.
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Old December 25th, 2005, 22:55   #23
zero delay
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Each of the "channels" has it's own freq and it's own dedicated button on the actual transmitter/controller, it has a telescoping attennna which to me looks very campy but in a way still cool, kinda serves to amp up the dramatic effect of triggering the unit when you extend the aerial, makes you feel kinda 007-ish ;-) The seperate channels allow you to activate/deactivate any device conected to that circuit, and has no effect on any of the other channels, but having said that, on the back of the reciver pack there is 4 female RCA receptacles, these accept the male jacks routed out from the mines to facilitate quick deployment, that RCA jack can accomodate a "Splitter" which will allow you to daisy chain two mines to one channel, so in theory, you could detonate two mines per channel, for a total of eight. Since each channel is independantly operated that would require pressing all four of the buttons simutaneously on the transmitter.

As for security frequency wise I think it uses a "rolling code" system so that other remotes are not able to activate another system's reciever relays. The RF units are enroute right now and I'll have a %100 confirmation on that within few days. I'll have to look thru the tech specs when they arrive and find out what Frequency they are transmitting on. I can't give you a accurate answer on that, I'd guesstimate that they will be transmitting in the 310MHz-434MHz range
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Old December 26th, 2005, 03:51   #24
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I would very much like to see one of these- I couldn't make it out at all in the video sample. Got any pics?

Did you say when you're going in to production? Needless to say I'm very interested
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Old December 26th, 2005, 14:42   #25
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I own 3 of the early mines have been using them for roughly a year and they work great. The spread you get on these things and range (depending on how much you pump it up) is very good and you can take out a whole group of people if you have it set up right. Daisy-chaining them together can make your L shaped ambush an instant success with hundreds of bbs entering the kill zone at the same time. They hear it go off and just have enough time to think in their minds crap we are screwed. The trip wire is one of the best parts of the design, as it doesn't need to be set tight which makes it hard to see. Using the new super thin high test fish line you can make a near impossible to see trip wire that can be run though the grass loosely so they don't even feel the trip wire when they hit it. The mines also come apart into 3 pieces and can easily be stored in a butt pack or a gasmask bag (I'm using a M-17 Gas Mask Bag) I would defiantly recommend these to anyone who wants to step up the realism in airsoft.
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Old December 26th, 2005, 16:01   #26
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Yeah, I'd be all for a set of these.
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Old December 27th, 2005, 01:18   #27
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I'm in. I'd deffiently take a unit or two.
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Old December 27th, 2005, 09:53   #28
Brian McIlmoyle
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I am interested in these units as well
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old December 28th, 2005, 03:14   #29
zero delay
Join Date: Jul 2002
I've got 12 units well under construction, and will have 5 complete long range RF units ready to go by the weekend. completing more may take awhile longer as I'll have to get addtional deployment sequence decals printed and another shipment of RF remote units from HK.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to express their interest.
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Old January 2nd, 2006, 17:48   #30
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Please by these claymores! Zerodelay made me weld Galvanized steel to build them and now I have developed METAL FUME FEVER and I need the money to buy medication to get better!

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