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Old May 18th, 2009, 00:56   #16
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I'd have to say i agree with both crowds. BUT I don't think this should be taught in classrooms by an inexperienced person, this is also coming from an underage person.

I got an Idea

Maybe we should have someone who IS experienced post a thread on the forum educating any pass-byers who are interested into the sport of airsoft and need to know every corner of the basics and all the flaws and laws and other BS that might be incorporated.
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Old May 18th, 2009, 00:57   #17
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Just because I have read the talking point from a PETA rep doesn't mean I'll be able to deliver a speech in a manner that would be approved by the organization, especially since the audience might ask questions that go out of the scope of the brief I received.

Also, having a personal agenda that goes against PETA's rhetoric would seriously undermine my ability to deliver said speech correctly. See in this case, even though PETA tells me BBQs are abhorrent, I might like them.

Substitute PETA for ASC, BBQs with minors with guns.
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Old May 18th, 2009, 00:59   #18
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Originally Posted by guysullavin View Post
I'd have to say i agree with both crowds. BUT I don't think this should be taught in classrooms by an inexperienced person, this is also coming from an underage person.

I got an Idea

Maybe we should have someone who IS experienced post a thread on the forum educating any pass-byers who are interested into the sport of airsoft and need to know every corner of the basics and all the flaws and laws and other BS that might be incorporated.
This community has survived by remaining on the fringes of public knowledge. The laws are already in the books to shut us down, hard.

Public solicitation only makes it more likely that we will finally meet the soccer mom that will have the proverbial bug up high enough in her ass to go after us.

Originally Posted by Courtesy View Post
Another thought occurs: We all know that telling a teen they can't know/do something only increases their curiosity. I'd rather know that solid information was delivered (stressing safety and the necessity of being 18+) than to have them look elsewhere for the information.
Non-issue if they don't know it exists in the first place. Knowledge is contagious, containment starts by not having minors give oral presentations on a sport they know close to nothing about.
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Old May 18th, 2009, 01:00   #19
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I see

(lol at the soccer mom)
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Old May 18th, 2009, 01:06   #20
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Originally Posted by surebet View Post
Non-issue if they don't know it exists in the first place. Knowledge is contagious, containment starts by not having minors give oral presentations on a sport they know close to nothing about.
I would agree if I thought airsoft gunswere a secret, whereas airsoft as a "sport" mainly is, but I'll concede the point based on the fact that it may indeed be presented to the class. My impression from what he wrote was that this is an article for his class that his teacher would be reading, not a class presentation.
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Old May 18th, 2009, 01:11   #21
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The issue of focusing a school project on replica firearms should also raise red flags from the teacher, but that's something else entirely.
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Old May 18th, 2009, 01:30   #22
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I dunno- sounds like the only soccer mom panic over this is that you've already decided nothing good can come of this. Not all the people on ASC keep airsoft in the closet; if some folks want to help inform people I dont see it as doom and gloom or a threat at all.
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Old May 18th, 2009, 01:32   #23
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Oh, don't mistake my paranoid streak in this thread for something else, I'm personally convinced that people can handle the concept of airsoft, but the medium presented by the OP is not conductive to proper presentation.
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Old May 18th, 2009, 02:33   #24
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Soccer moms have more drive than most of our current national leaders combined, the hyperactivity they experience as a result of PMS is enough to sway the minds of most national organizations.
Anyways, for one, the school wouldn't allow a presentation on replica fireams, maybe consider mil-sim paintball.
two, we already have soccer mom's on our asses, be it not very hard-core ones. Don't stir up the hornet's nest.
"forbidden" things always attract attention, and politicians will always try to appease the masses even if they know it's stupid.
Originally Posted by Deftonius View Post
I'll bet Ronan was the one who sent that email.
Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
The chinese steal everything. Haven't seen an original idea come out of that country yet.
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Old May 18th, 2009, 18:17   #25
The CDN Hoople
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Well this project wasn't meant to be an oral presentation, the reason I chose the topic is the sport appels to me alot and i'm looking forwards to starting up next year. I have done alot of research on the sport and do agree totally with the safety and everything associated with it. The idea of the project was to treat it as if you where writing a featured article for a newspaper and the only person who would be reading this would be my teacher no one else. But I do totally agree with the education from an experienced player I really chose this topic so I could further my information on Airsoft past just internet articles and how the guns operate and how to maintain your equipment.

Last edited by The CDN Hoople; May 18th, 2009 at 18:30..
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Old May 18th, 2009, 20:08   #26
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sorry but most of the fact presented here is simply opinion- generalized misinformed soccer mom type hysterical opinion. Not all airsoft players are keeping hidden and many are actively promoting the sports positive attributes.

I actually know of a local school that has its RCMP liaison officer allowing the kids to use their airsoft guns for a highschool film project. She is also the one who told the local high school kids to use their guns only at the local fields. They recognize that airsoft guns are not dangerous but that improper use IS.

The local fight club in town uses airsoft guns when demonstrating how to disarm people- the local RCMP check in on them often and have no interest in taking those guns. They are only interested in criminal use they said.

Our local field ran a birthday party for a group of 9 kids aged 12 because paintball is unsafe. From that group we have sports teams and school teams calling for bookings. Those soccer moms have told us they HATE guns but that airsoft seems to be a safe way for kids to play active sports (sadly paintball takes the beats from these soccer moms as THAT sport is dangerous for kids lol)

I get that we dont want misinformed people representing our sport. But the hiding our head in the sand approach hasnt worked out for airsoft either...

Last edited by MillerBRo; May 18th, 2009 at 20:10..
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