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Sidearm for a "Get Down And Dirty" Sniper


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Old April 26th, 2009, 02:02   #1
Join Date: Mar 2009
Sidearm for a "Get Down And Dirty" Sniper


After having the worst time with being a really "Get Down And Dirty Sniper", I get my pistol sooooo messed up it doesnt even function anymore. I have a KWA M9 PTP and it is really bad to get it dirty.

I want to know what pistol can stand getting really dirty and dropped with the least damage and still work flawlessly. Of course this is only airsoft so nothing can stand how much dirt a real gun can, but I want to get as close as I can to durability.

Okay here it is,

What pistol is the most durable that can stand getting dirty the most and if it gets dirty, it is easy to dissassemble to clean?

Here are the specs I'm looking for also.

-It has at least 24 round magazines(well, around there)

-It is under 165 dollars(around there as well)

-It has at minumum 320 fps or can be upgraded to acheive that power

-It can be dissassembled to clean very easily

-And obviously can take the most dirt, mess, dropped, and can still function. (Durability)

At first, a gas blowback was the fad and the way to go for me, but I realized that it can't take much dirt at all or it will fail on you if you really play the role of a sniper which I know a lot of you airsoft snipers do. So I am now considering ALL gas pistols blowback or non-blowback (Gas) of course lol.

But if you think that a pistol is really durable and stuff, but doesnt meet the specs, it doesnt matter. Just write it down and ill check it out.

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Old April 26th, 2009, 02:08   #2
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Originally Posted by gerardcb View Post

-It is under 165 dollars(around there as well)

You won't find a decent GGB or a NNB in Canada for anything close to that,

For a little over 200 bucks you can pick up a cansoft halfbreed from 007airsoft, but i have heard some stories about KJWs not being the most reliable guns on the market. You won't find anything cheaper then that though.
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Old April 26th, 2009, 02:30   #3
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It seems like you are not from Canada, if you are your price limit is WAY to low. The KSC G19 is a very reliable and durable airsoft gun. Takes 2 seconds to field strip the gun. Not sure if they are still being sold though because of the pending law suit filled by the real steel GLOCK manufacturers.
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Old April 26th, 2009, 02:45   #4
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for your budjet i would suggest a (clear) kjw glock but if you want something reliable i would definitively recommend a tm mk23 nbb, since it's no blowback i guess dirt would be less likely to get in.

psst might be a good idea to fill in your profile infos so we can know where you lives.

member of fire team NOM. my other regular forum: / gen3,gen4 camry
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Old April 26th, 2009, 03:00   #5
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The best suggestion I can make for a sniper's pistol is none other than the tm "nbb" mk-23 socom. For all those who have wielded this weapon in battle or have been on the recieving end of its wrath you know where im coming from........You wont find one for that price you posted though,,not around here,
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