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Tokyo Marui Losing Popularity


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Old March 21st, 2009, 11:35   #1
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Tokyo Marui Losing Popularity

Hey guys, I recently emailed Todd from the War Store, and to my surprise, he told me that Tokyo Marui has been dumped by almost all US distributors because they were doing very poorly. Is there a reason why TM suddenly became so unpopular?
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Old March 21st, 2009, 11:37   #2
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Isnt it obvious? People are cheap and there is alot of cheaper stuff out there.
So TM loses a little of their North American market. Im more than sure they are still going strong in Japan.

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Old March 21st, 2009, 11:53   #3
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I honestly still think tokyo marui is up there with he best airsoft companies. Whether Todd or whomever told you it was losing popularity, it will still be one of the best.

Think about it! Everyone always wants to know if there gun is marui compatible! I dont think these guns will ever lose style, or popularity.

Atleast in my eyes
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Old March 21st, 2009, 12:17   #4
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On You'll see that the Tokyo Marui guns are still funneling around there and there

Its usually the big US retailers that can broker better deals and the smaller retailers opt for cheaper stuff cause its a quick sell.

Big retailers like these still carry a whack load of Tokyo Marui and Tokyo Marui compat parts

It is true it has lost its popularity for small retailers but what is lost for small companies the bigger ones pickup
- Pistolero Steve -

Last edited by cbcsteve; March 21st, 2009 at 12:41..
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Old March 21st, 2009, 12:41   #5
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its cause all of the 1337 kids in the states want full metals guns that shoot at unnecessarily high FPS and crap like that.
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Old March 21st, 2009, 12:42   #6
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Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 View Post
its cause all of the 1337 kids in the states want full metals guns that shoot at unnecessarily high FPS and crap like that.
That is true and on AirsoftShorty USA there are a few reviews of those full metal AEGs shredding their gears and full metal GBBs out of the box shredding up the metal slide
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Old March 21st, 2009, 12:48   #7
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I personally believe that TM is still going very strong. Look at their new blow back AEG's (M4 Sopmod and AK74's). They are full metal, like most of the clones, and they shoot around 300fps, which is great for indoor. They not only have a moving bolt that looks cool, but actually give you a KICK for every shot you shoot.

The blow back mechanism has something giving it a push BACKWARDS during each shot. This is something that takes a lot of brain to figure out.

And I don't think there will be any clones of these anytime soon.
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Old March 21st, 2009, 12:55   #8
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It should be noted that we don't see any Marui in Canada like we used to since the CFC basically put a moratorium on Marui specifically in 1995-1996. It was has since been removed from their facts sheets, but the damage was already done.

They had such a hard-on for Marui back then, but mainly because it was the biggest manufacturer and had the largest presence in Canada. The clones really didn't exist then, and ICS and Classic Army were still small-market stuff.
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Old March 21st, 2009, 13:23   #9
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What's in a Name?

Perhaps its the "Buy American," thing going around in the dust of the financial meltdown. Not known for their depth of research could it be Americans seek out something with the name Army in the title versus Tokyo. Or they just like cheaper stuff.
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Old March 21st, 2009, 13:42   #10
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Haven't handled a TM but it's still the holy grail for me as far as standard guns go. PTW is still holds the title of "Skyline GT-R" as far as airsoft goes (everyone wants one and they're hella expensive).

I don't care much for 400 FPS, 999999 RPS, guns. What I want is something reliable. Whereas most kiddies only care about high FPS and RPS.

I guess you could say it's the difference between a Civic and some American built super leet 500HP car. Civic is pretty standard and has a shitload of replacment and aftermarket parts available for it, AND it's generally pretty reliable. I'd rather take something that I know will be reliable and has a modest amount of power.
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Old March 21st, 2009, 13:51   #11
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Haven't handled a TM but it's still the holy grail for me as far as standard guns go. PTW is still holds the title of "Skyline GT-R" as far as airsoft goes (everyone wants one and they're hella expensive).

I don't care much for 400 FPS, 999999 RPS, guns. What I want is something reliable. Whereas most kiddies only care about high FPS and RPS.

I guess you could say it's the difference between a Civic and some American built super leet 500HP car. Civic is pretty standard and has a shitload of replacment and aftermarket parts available for it, AND it's generally pretty reliable. I'd rather take something that I know will be reliable and has a modest amount of power.
Loved the car analogies XD
Thanks for answering my question guys, cheers.
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Old March 21st, 2009, 13:56   #12
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^Also lol at the car analogies.

Yeah if I had the oppurtunity I would go for Marui, particularly because I enjoy upgrading guns. FPS doesn't mean much to me, as long as the bb gets there and isn't going slow enough to Matrix dodge it, and I avoid high RPS. For some reason I prefer real steel ROF to something like 20-30 bb's/s.

It's a shame to see TM losing business, but hopefully there will always be a big enough market for them worldwide for them to keep pumping out new, innovative models, rather than airsoft becoming stagnant with more and more clones of what we already have.
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Old March 21st, 2009, 14:06   #13
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Originally Posted by KenC View Post
I personally believe that TM is still going very strong. Look at their new blow back AEG's (M4 Sopmod and AK74's). They are full metal, like most of the clones, and they shoot around 300fps, which is great for indoor. They not only have a moving bolt that looks cool, but actually give you a KICK for every shot you shoot.

The blow back mechanism has something giving it a push BACKWARDS during each shot. This is something that takes a lot of brain to figure out.

And I don't think there will be any clones of these anytime soon.
Their new guns are WAY too expensive to be popular en-masse in the American market.

$500+ isn't going to fly when you can get a Jing Gong gun for 150 bucks.
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Old March 21st, 2009, 14:10   #14
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all i know is that ive owned a agm, JG, BE and TM.... i only have TMs now...

playing with my kid!
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Old March 21st, 2009, 14:29   #15
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I'm very hesitent to buy anything other than TM. All my AEG where TM and they never broke for stupid reason. They never broke actually.

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