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CBC: The Trouble with Fake Guns



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Old February 27th, 2009, 23:45   #226
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Good job Brian!
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Old February 27th, 2009, 23:56   #227
Can't fix my own guns. Willing to fix yours.
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I also loved how they cut out any shots that included my gun with the bright orange flash hider! I can see me coming on to the screen but as soon as my gun starts to show it cuts. OMG! a gun that doesn't look real?!?! they cant hve that now can they! lol

Words to live by
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The apartment I am in right now costs $100 a month.
My average spending on food per day is less than $4.
My airsoft spending in the last month and a half has totaled over $1400.
They're called priorities. Get yourself some.

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Old February 28th, 2009, 00:03   #228
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i dont know that what i feel like...after watching this.
oversad or overexcited??
either dont know whats gonna happen...
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Old February 28th, 2009, 00:03   #229
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If someone is old enough to go into a store and buy a seemingly real weapon, they should have enough sense to know not to get into situations where they can get shot. But with (what appears to be) the IQ of the population going down increasingly with each generation, this may be an issue, but also perhaps should warrant better parenting in letting your children know they are stupid?

And....knives are dangerous too, and kids bring those to school all the time and get in trouble for it - I call for a ban.

Seriously though - people will always find weapons, or things that look like weapons. And if they outright ban replicas, all the more scared people would be of them, because they would automatically think it was real when people (i.e - dumb teenagers, etc.) smuggle them, or already own them, etc.

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Old February 28th, 2009, 00:28   #230
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I just finished watching the report on T.V. here on the West coast. I suppose everyone had saw it way before I did. The report seemed to stress that Airsoft guns and pellet guns simulate the real steal versions. Also commented that these guns per say, are very easily bought at almost any retail outlet. So the question still remains, What should be done now or in future as per Airsoft guns or pellet guns. That question still goes unanswered unless someone has an idea?

I was shaking my head when the 16 year old goes in to the store and bought an "Softair" P99 and then goes out to the van waving it out in public for the camera (covers eyes), no gun saftey there, :banghead:
I've looked at the British system in regards to airsoft, so far it seems to work thus far, under 18, must have "Coloured" guns and over 18, must have licence in order to buy Airsoft without full coloured bodies. But watching the report kind of doesn't really address that issue that we all want ,does it?

I think most of us want "Airsoft" to be taken out of the Grey area and placed as an "Sport" similar to PB or something else that would allow more growth for our sport or hobby, However you want to go with it, To allow this situation to be finllay looked at!

But judging by the reactions of the boys on the "Hill" we're in for an long wait. Besides we have the economy and Russian Tu-95's or Tu-160's flying over our heads, "OH MY", to deal with too.
Hats off to Brian to addressing the public and displaying what actually Airsoft looks like.

P.S. Had an great laugh about the "Capture the Rabbit" game, neat idea for an outdoor game!!
That's what you said last time, Then look what happened!

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Old February 28th, 2009, 00:32   #231
Suburban Gun Runner
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[QUOTE=JamesBond_007;929354]If someone is old enough to go into a store and buy a seemingly real weapon, they should have enough sense to know not to get into situations where they can get shot. QUOTE]

No if someone is deemed old enough "by law" to obtain said firearm real or not then THEY should be held accountable for there actions.
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Old February 28th, 2009, 00:37   #232
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Smile airsoft guns

ok i hear on this thread alot about airsoft guns that there not really legal to buy, but thats not true i know it is clear receivers but that is still airsoft i know the flaming is coming and i to like the non clear ones but if thats what it takes to save the sport .. sigh i would still play would you ??? :infantry:
I play with guns and pretend to make war to remind myself and others how easy it is to die in real life, so I honour the sacrifice others make on our behalf even if I do not agree with the policies that send them where they go, so I work to bring them home so that no one may ever forget what was done this and every other day and not to be just swept away as many people wish it would stay.

Last edited by frontpage; February 28th, 2009 at 00:37.. Reason: spelling
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Old February 28th, 2009, 00:40   #233
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Any knows where I can watch the show? Missed it and i'm interested in seeing what they have to say...
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Old February 28th, 2009, 00:44   #234
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fricken stupid kids! cmon, how many of us would carry an airsoft gun to a store or to a school. where are the parents! damn hood rats!
Loves me some CQB

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Old February 28th, 2009, 01:01   #235
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Go on official MarketPlace website.. I just watched it.

Don't know what to say but : Good job Brian!

P.M.C. - Prostituée Militaire de Campagne.
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Old February 28th, 2009, 01:07   #236
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Link for those who are lazy and didn't saw it already:
Primary: JG M4-F
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CQB Secondary: TSD M3 Super 90
Sidearm 1: KJW P226
Sidearm 2: HFC Savaging Bull
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Old February 28th, 2009, 01:19   #237
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okay well I had mixed feelings about it.

Brian if it was not for you I think I would have felt 'molested' so kudos to you!

all in the end, I feel okay and hope we get laws in our favor!
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Old February 28th, 2009, 01:22   #238
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Looks to me like the reporter had a fear-mongering agenda and I think she said and did all the right things to convey that message to the Canadian public. I don't think the TTAC3 footage will have any positive impact on the negative message that she was obviously trying to send to the public. It's easier to sell fear than common sense.
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Old February 28th, 2009, 01:23   #239
Ktown Militia
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Just watched the cbc report and here is my 2 cents.

Note: I havnt read previous posts so it wouldnt influence my opinion.

I was quite suprised to see they actually went to Brians place for actual airsoft input and footage. Granted it wasnt enough PR for airsoft, but they actually researched the sport a bit. I dont blame the cops for taking action against those who publicly produce airsoft GBBs or AEGs. If I were in their shoes, I wouldnt hesitate to react if someone pulled one on me. The general public needs more info on this, as in the news reel, they only see the corrupt side of owning and playing airsoft.

There was even one cop who said this is acceptable and enjoyable in the proper environment. It's the rotten eggs who give our beloved sport a bad name.

I think as a nation wide community, we are entitled to a part 2 of "replica fire arms,(or whatever you want to call it.)"

We all know that saftey and proper handling is number one in airsoft, and for them to just show the destructive side of it is unfair.

wow, that was a rant...
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Old February 28th, 2009, 01:25   #240
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Well, to be honest up to the point when to goto the parliament it seems pretty neutral and objective to me. I have to agree with Brian, we do Age Verfication for the 18+ purpose and licensing should remove the remain chances of problems. Why? If it is just as hard to get it as a Non-Restricted why not get a firearm instead? It would have a plan B install in it. Seriously someone should write about our site 007, velocity arms etc about the 18+ requirement we have in Canadian Retailers
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