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So my EoTech 552 lense cracks


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Old February 2nd, 2009, 11:21   #16
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Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman View Post
Nope, I was indoors.
I have an extra 552 lens which you can pick up next time you drop by :-)
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Old February 2nd, 2009, 11:24   #17
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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Originally Posted by huang View Post
I have an extra 552 lens which you can pick up next time you drop by :-)
Great customer service. Right on!

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Old February 2nd, 2009, 11:32   #18
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Originally Posted by Jimski View Post
I still can't understand the craze for replica EOTechs, it's super expensive for how fragile and basic it is.
These super cheapy deals I agree with you on, though I'm very pleased with my Hurricane replica 552. I'm not abusive to my gear/kit /weapon, but I don't baby them either when I'm in game, and the Hurricane has been able to stand up to all the hard gaming I've put it up against. When compared at $170USD ((or that range)) to $500+ USD for the real deal I don't feel so bad after its been holding up. I did get a lens protector from Bruce though before daring to take it onto a field and have enjoyed it ever since.

Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman View Post
That's correct, that what I thought too.
ROF? Mine is really bad, an 8.4v large pulling a m130, same rate as 9.6v small.
Max of full auto I had used was 3 shot bursts.
ROF wouldn't be the only factor, like I said its the vibration; but how fast those vibrations are being "pulsed" through the gun might have had a factor as well.

Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
I hear the Angel silent head sets make a difference, but are very hard to find. Systema makes absolutely no difference whatsoever. My CA M15 sounds exactly the same with the Systema silent set than it did with the stock CA internals. Best I've heard is some claim it lowers the volume by a small amount. You're better off just going with a sorbo pad with a standard head instead. Sorbo will also help with longevity of your mechbox shell.
Crunch, you have to remember that your ear is right beside the gear box in your AEG. The sound difference for you when installing a SystemA or Angel Silent head is going to be minimal ((although more noticeable with the Angel)). The effective use of these "silencing" piston heads is the pop you get from the piston, which you hear more in front of the gun than any other direction. Its the same when you compare the sounds of a bolt-action. I could hear all my bolt actions fire when shouldered, but 15ft away and its a VERY hard to hear sound. The biggest benifit to these piston heads though is more of the stress they are able to relieve on the mechbox by their design. If I recall Illusions review of the Angel's they are able to reduce somewhere in the area of 30-40% of the stress from the piston slapping forward which is indeed quiet a substantial gain for when one starts to look at higher FPS springs in V2 mechboxes.

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Old February 2nd, 2009, 11:40   #19
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Yeah, I understand it's the muzzle report that's supposed to be more silent, and I couldn't hear any before / after difference. No concerns there though. The gun actually runs rather quiet anyway and was like that from when I took the gun out of the box when it was new. It's one of the quietest AEGs I've heard so far.

But back on topic, that's nice to you to offer a replacement part, huang.
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Old February 2nd, 2009, 11:55   #20
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
I hear the Angel silent head sets make a difference, but are very hard to find. Systema makes absolutely no difference whatsoever. My CA M15 sounds exactly the same with the Systema silent set than it did with the stock CA internals. Best I've heard is some claim it lowers the volume by a small amount. You're better off just going with a sorbo pad with a standard head instead. Sorbo will also help with longevity of your mechbox shell.
Angel head sets are hard to find... I searched all of Hong Kong for them and found a total of five of them and bought them all. They really are the quietest and softest on your gearbox. Unlike Systema's silent head set, the Angel one actually works.
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 09:44   #21
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I don´t think the shooting cracked the glass.
Mine broke too :

I found it broken one morning after a cold night in an outdoor stance.
Maybe low temperature...?

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Old February 3rd, 2009, 10:04   #22
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Originally Posted by Dracheous View Post
When compared at $170USD ((or that range)) to $500+ USD for the real deal
the real deal wil save your life so it's well worth 500$, and you can throw it with the gun on a concrete ground and it won't break.
This is 170$ for a 30$ red dot, and I'd be very surprised if a Tasco broke because of cold air; Hell, Eotechs don't even look that good.
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 10:42   #23
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Originally Posted by Jimski View Post
the real deal wil save your life so it's well worth 500$, and you can throw it with the gun on a concrete ground and it won't break.
This is 170$ for a 30$ red dot, and I'd be very surprised if a Tasco broke because of cold air; Hell, Eotechs don't even look that good.
Mine also crack on the lower right corner... Seem like the glass they used is shitty...
anyway it still usable.

BTW; Steyr Aug dont look that good to
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 11:08   #24
Can't fix my own guns. Willing to fix yours.
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I have an EOtech 551 replica, but it was cheap (only $90), and I think that may have HELPED. Your 552 has a metal body right? If so, in extreme cold it could contract and crack the lens within, or simply a piece of rough flashing on the edge of the metal case could have dug in and cracked it. Mine is made of a durable plastic so it isn't as hard on the lens and can be more resistant to some stresses, with metal only for the outer sheath, and it hasn't cracked yet. Maybe I just got lucky.
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 11:26   #25
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Originally Posted by Jimski View Post
the real deal wil save your life so it's well worth 500$, and you can throw it with the gun on a concrete ground and it won't break.
This is 170$ for a 30$ red dot, and I'd be very surprised if a Tasco broke because of cold air; Hell, Eotechs don't even look that good.
Great, you can throw a sight made for real guns, to handle hazardous environments and fire-fights at a concrete wall/floor and it won't break.
Question, are you gonna throw your air soft gun that's not designed for
hazardous environments and fire-fights at a concrete wall/floor?

My hurricane has survived quite well through all the stress I could put it too while crawling around in my ghillie through heavy woodland foliage, rock, gravel etc. It has also handled heavy fighting in CQB fields such as the mill.

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Old February 3rd, 2009, 11:33   #26
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Originally Posted by Dracheous View Post
Great, you can throw a sight made for real guns, to handle hazardous environments and fire-fights at a concrete wall/floor and it won't break.
Question, are you gonna throw your air soft gun that's not designed for
hazardous environments and fire-fights at a concrete wall/floor?
this point was to justify the 500$+ price tag of the real ones.
I don't plan on throwing my RDS around, I don't plan to have it break by itself during a cold night either.

Originally Posted by Dracheous View Post
My hurricane has survived quite well through all the stress I could put it too while crawling around in my ghillie through heavy woodland foliage, rock, gravel etc. It has also handled heavy fighting in CQB fields such as the mill.
good, my rds too and it's only 140$ cheaper.

seriously I'm not saying you're a bad person for having a EOTech!
I just find it dumbly expensive for what it is.

Originally Posted by SHaKaL View Post
BTW; Steyr Aug dont look that good to
are you crazy? they are the most beautiful thing on earth right after myself
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 11:36   #27
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Same thing on my end i owned a 552 clone, busted in about 3 4 months it was a good sight though. only cost me 125 dollars so it wasn't all that bad.
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 11:49   #28
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Originally Posted by Jimski View Post
good, my rds too and it's only 140$ cheaper.

seriously I'm not saying you're a bad person for having a EOTech!
I just find it dumbly expensive for what it is.

are you crazy? they are the most beautiful thing on earth right after myself
Maybe, but my $140 got me something that my target acquisition time has gotten better over any RDS I used before . And it does have a certain look appeal to it that satisfies my wish for far less the cost of a real one. I can't justify spending $500 on the real one simply by saying I can throw it against a concrete wall, if the device I intend to put it on is not designed to be thrown against a concrete wall. Now if I were to argue I could take it off my airsoft AR and drop it on any one of my real steel rifles, then maybe. But when I buy an optic for my real steel, it will be a product designed for the real steel, but I don't need to drop that much dough on a toy gun .

The AUG is ugly, but that doesn't make it an in-effective weapon... but admit it, its the Pug of the gun world!

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Old February 3rd, 2009, 12:24   #29
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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I noticed the only way it cracks is if you adjust the up and down too much where it stiffens, the lens cracks more, so a warning not to over tighten.

Hot glue gun the edges and it will have less chance of cracking more.

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Old February 3rd, 2009, 12:28   #30
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AUG's are the reason most people hate bullpups. Their like the one Douchebag family member that gives the other family members a bad name.

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