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Old January 29th, 2009, 01:00   #16
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Try CGN.

Most I've paid for a 6004 was $120 shipped.

Little out of the way retailers that don't do alot of online sales are one of my favorites. I buy alot from Corlane in Dawson Creek, and they used to carry alot of Blackhawk at one time.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old January 29th, 2009, 01:12   #17
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try 911 supply in calgary alberta , contact pivot on joc airsoft boards in calgary , also the shooters edge in calgary as well , some of the huang copies look quite good but i have never used one.
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Old January 30th, 2009, 17:40   #18
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Originally Posted by FlyGuy View Post
Where be that? I've looked at several places like Nicholls, Gordon Contract, Marstar, M.D. Charlton, Tetragon, etc. and all their prices are well north of $150.00 CAD for a 6004/Sig226 w/TLR-2. Any other vendor suggestions you might have would be greatly appreciated.

Phone Dave's Surplus and ask for the ASC discount. With the discount it shouldn't total any more than $150.

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Old January 30th, 2009, 19:41   #19
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Plus +1 go to Dave's Surplus, but one thing that don't understand me is all the stuff that I get from there are free shipping, I just really understand why. The total is always include shipping. Anyone has ever has experience like that ?

I just wonder why on one suggest to go to Blackhawk CQC holster or CQC Level II , I got one for my Glock 19 include the drop leg plate, belt, mole plate ( mount on mole system ) for just only like 150 $. it's a good deal though and the performance are very good. I really can't say much.

Originally Posted by Duff_Man_in_CADPATs View Post
Phone Dave's Surplus and ask for the ASC discount. With the discount it shouldn't total any more than $150.

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Old January 30th, 2009, 20:14   #20
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I prefer the separate flashlight designed for use with a pistol, more flexible and technically advanced than a pistol mounted one, and easier to deal with too.
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Old January 30th, 2009, 20:24   #21
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Until you have to change a mag. That's why gun-mounted lights were invented.

Try changing a mag under fire with the gun in one hand and the light in the other.
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Old January 30th, 2009, 20:31   #22
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Raven Concealment

Stay away from Safarifag.
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Old January 30th, 2009, 21:18   #23
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Until you have to change a mag. That's why gun-mounted lights were invented.

Try changing a mag under fire with the gun in one hand and the light in the other.
Is why the Surefire Combatlight comes with a close lanyard. They designed it for that purpose and around the Rogers technique to go with it............ and if you want to separate the two, depending on the angle and cover you are shooting from.............. I'd rather have separate than deal with taking things apart and putting back together constantly. Besides, CAR style works well with the separate light also. Roll your eyes, but I'll wink mine. Besides, flashlight give a great target to the other guys that'll shoot you, and having a mounted light guarantees they will get hits on you. Separate light gives a lot more flexibility to those that are willing learn learn different techniques. You of all people should know that, am surprised you even made the comment actually. Lol, is like my saying that sniper rifles in airsoft have no greater range than regular AEGs.

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; January 30th, 2009 at 21:27..
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Old January 30th, 2009, 21:38   #24
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Well, I prefer 1 free hand, totally free, not having having to hold and maintain a light as well as change mags.

And you pointing a light at an object that your gun is not pointing at makes no sense to me. It's like looking around while pointing your gun elsewhere, instead of sweeping your gun to where your eyes point.

And not only that, but I keep 2 hands on my gun to shoot (real gun), leaving no free hand for a light.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old January 30th, 2009, 22:16   #25
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Sweeping is more a distractionary technique while the gun is elsewhere, light draws fire if it'll come. And holding the flaslight with the technique allows, (not a free hand as you pointed out but that is what the lanyard is for) three fingers and the thumb to manipulate things such as doors, mags, malfunctions, etc. I prefer to try to absorb all I can in most areas, as opposed to learning one technique and criticisizing the rest. And when it comes to airsoft vs real steel, there are two differences.......... airsoft you are very much more likely to be under fire while using what you know............ real steel uses the same techniques as airsoft guns require, until it comes time to discharge the gun. So arguing real steel techniques over airsoft guns when using lights is rather moot, isn't it? Both lighting means have their pros and cons, and both are taught by the best schools in the US, with handheld lights in the support hand as the main focus on techniques, mainly because not every person attending the course is set up with a pistol mounted flashlight. Why limit oneself?
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Old January 30th, 2009, 22:23   #26
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Why limit oneself?
It's hard to teach an old Grasshopper new tricks, Master!!

BTW, I was referring to using a real gun, as I can do all kinds of things with an airsoft gun that I couldn't do with a real one, like shoot it off-hand, or 2 at a time, or a 1-handed rack.

My pic above is not an airsoft gun.

I don't draw my pistol in airsoft unless my primary is down, shot or similar. I simply don;t have the free hands to fight with a pistol, and use a seperate light. That's just me and my preference, and judging by the amount of gun-mounted lights and available accessories, I'm not alone.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old January 30th, 2009, 22:26   #27
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Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post
Raven Concealment

Stay away from Safarifag.

Now now, what's wrong with safariland BT?

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Old January 30th, 2009, 22:29   #28
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Is why the Surefire Combatlight comes with a close lanyard. They designed it for that purpose and around the Rogers technique to go with it............ and if you want to separate the two, depending on the angle and cover you are shooting from.............. I'd rather .
That's why you have a light mounted on your pistol and a surefire type flashlight ready for that type of use, on yourself...

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