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Clearsoft, good for backyard battles?


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Old January 7th, 2009, 18:59   #31
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Well get out while you can the fire storm has begun. But really are you surprised?
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Old January 7th, 2009, 19:03   #32
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Originally Posted by MattG666 View Post
I'm a paintballer and not really looking to get into airsoft as there are almost no fields in my area (not to mention the wannabe military-hide behind a tree military mentality). But I do realize that airsoft has one key advantage i would like to take care of: relative cheapness for goofing around.

I want my paintballing friends to pick up some airsoft guns to goof around in my backyard, (are local woods a bad idea in Canada? i assume its pretty dangerous) but obviously did not want to pay a large sum of money to get a quality gun that i won't use on the field.

My local walmart advertised a clear m4 style rifle (from research i gather its a crossman) for 80 bucks. As far as goofing aroudn in the backyard goes, is it worth the money? When it comes to paintball I know what's worth getting and what isn't, but I'm lost on airsoft. I just want something thats somewhat reliable and not complete junk, but isn't something you need to invest a lot money into.

Am on this late, but to answer your question, with a question:

"How long does it take a monkey with a wooden leg to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle?"

And yes, I'm serious, there is a good sensical answer to BOTH. Not being a prick, just adding some fun and also to make a point.
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Old January 7th, 2009, 19:12   #33
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Let me chime in here. Both sports have their fair share of idiots. I find however that airsoft tends to weed out the idiots faster (being a small community with few places to play, once you're banned somewhere you'll have a hard time playing elsewhere).

I'm not going to name names but the guys I play with had one guy who was asked to leave permanently because of his assholish demeanour and conduct.

I find that there are paintballers who are courteous and respectful and they do bring a good name to paintball but then there are the idiots who ruin it. You've probably seen those trash-talking, rule breaking, assholes too (as you said you were a ref). There is the same here except they are usually asked to leave.

As for your "decking out" point. Some people do deck themselves out "to the nines" and they are known as "gear whores" we aren't all really like that. I myself have the most basic stuff, a set of BDU's (camo), a vest, goggles, etc. I'd wager only about 20-25% of us actually are gear whores, we also have "chairsofters" who are just in it for the collecting aspect and don't really game too much.

We also DO play speedball sometimes (That's only sometimes). Mostly we scrim though (like woodsball). Then there are the mil-sim events which are a more hardcore version of scrimming and where it's a lot more serious.

Like I said we are a full spectrum but more centred in certain areas just like paintball, I find you guys really like speedball whereas we like more of a scrimming style of play.

Back to your original question though, $300 should get you a good basic gun (or $170-200 for a Kraken). If I were you and only wanted to shoot something around for fun either get an air rifle (pellet gun) or invest $185 on a Kraken just to shoot around.

@ Pipefitter: He doesn't deserve any flaming of any sort (This is the Newbie tank anyways) also he is being respectful to us so the least we can do is return the favour.
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Last edited by L473ncy; January 7th, 2009 at 19:14..
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Old January 7th, 2009, 19:14   #34
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Originally Posted by pipefitter316 View Post
is paintball not military oreinted, cause i wear camo that makes me goofy but you wearing a mask that looks to be from star wars and hide behind blow up triangles and squares is not at all goofy. I encourage people to take up airsoft but in your case I encourage you to buy that cheap walmart gun and shot your eyes out so you cant see and pollute this forum with your ignorance and stupidity.
Uncalled for.

As it has been said, to each their own. I use a rather heavy vest but it carries all my magazines and my team patches. But I also plans for a recon set up that will allow for faster movement.

I play paintball the odd time with my friends and will wear camo but not my vest or other equipment. Also alot of the members on the forum are military and use airsoft as practice.

*Edit* In the time it took me to post this four other post got in damnit.
Originally Posted by Hades View Post
I agree!! I always have my good long thinking shits while sitting on the can and wearing a good sturdy pair of boots.
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Old January 7th, 2009, 19:24   #35
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Originally Posted by pipefitter316 View Post
is paintball not military oreinted, cause i wear camo that makes me goofy but you wearing a mask that looks to be from star wars and hide behind blow up triangles and squares is not at all goofy. I encourage people to take up airsoft but in your case I encourage you to buy that cheap walmart gun and shot your eyes out so you cant see and pollute this forum with your ignorance and stupidity.
A) Paintball is military oriented depending on where you play
B)I don't play speedball, I hide behind mand made cover and trees (but unlike yourelf i actually don't just STAY there)
C)No need to buy cheap wallmart guns, Brass Eagles are molded turd and can barely function (much your grey matter)
D)And if you weren't so ignorant and feeble-minded yourself you would have realised that the REST of us were having an adult conversation, something far beyond your grasp (that means that you don't understand it very well )
E)People like you are the reason that both paintball AND airsoft get bad names, because you would rather flame than hold an intelligent conversation.

Furthermore, by using such unnecessarily retarded flames you are only making yourself less and less credible. Your credibility can only go down from here, so just save yourself the brain ache of intelligent conversation and wear your football helmet to your special ed classes.


Anyways, are krakens that great for a beginner's gun? I hear two extremes of the argument and obviously I wouldn't know who to side with.

Last edited by MattG666; January 7th, 2009 at 19:27..
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Old January 7th, 2009, 19:27   #36
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Well given the way this thread was playing out it was only a matter of time before someone flamed him like that. I’m sure an admin will delete the post soon.
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Old January 7th, 2009, 19:36   #37
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Well then let's return it to the civil conversation.

What would be some good beginner guns? I heard kraken ak already mentioned
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Old January 7th, 2009, 19:50   #38
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Originally Posted by MattG666 View Post
Well then let's return it to the civil conversation.

What would be some good beginner guns? I heard kraken ak already mentioned
If you don't want to spend a lot of money, the Kraken is *ok*. Airsoft guns are significantly more complex than paintball guns, and there isn't really any such thing "'entry grade', 'mid-grade', 'high-grade' or 'pro-grade'". I've seen those terms applied to paintball guns. As far as airsoft guns are concerned, there's good quality, and not so good quality.

For example, the Kraken AK-47 is cheap compared to TM, CA, et al. However, it is not as good. It's not as reliable, it's plastic, and it will likely break down without some preventative maintenance. Whereas a Tokyo Marui gun which costs three times as much can run for several years without issue. Is the TM better than the Kraken? Maybe. It depends on what you want. For example, if one was planning on replacing all the internals anyway, then most of us would suggest a Kraken or a JG gun -no point in spending another $200 for stock internals you're just going to replace anyway. On the other hand, if you want something that is sturdy and completely reliable that you won't have to or don't want to work on, then go with a more expensive gun like a TM.

Another thing to keep in mind -and this is something a lot of newbies don't understand- is that Feet Per Second is a REALLY poor way to measure how good an airsoft gun is. There are so many other things that matter for quality and performance. High FPS won't do you any good if the inner barrel or hop-up is crap and the BB's fly every which way. This is another reason for the more expensive guns -they'll have better "small details" that the cheaper guns tend to cut corners with.

Basically, for just "trying out" the sport, a Kraken and a can of black krylon isn't a bad way to do it. When you go to a game, ask other people if you can see their gear. Explain to them that you're new and ask them why they set their stuff up the way they do. 90% of airsofters are very helpful and will jump at the chance to show off thier and explain their stuff.

Oh yea, I should mention too, if you're under 18, forget getting a gun for now. We like to try and regulate airsoft to 18+. We can't stop you from buying one, but you won't find a place to play.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."

Last edited by kalnaren; January 7th, 2009 at 19:55..
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Old January 7th, 2009, 19:53   #39
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lol for the budjet and well the only way you can get unless you get av'ed then the kraken si the only thing open to you really of any value with in the under 300 dollor mark.
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Old January 7th, 2009, 19:56   #40
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good beginner guns

Hey there,

3 things to getting started in airsoft

Decent gun - these can be had for about $300 - $400 maybe less depending on where you are. The new G&G are pretty decent- checkout Metaltech for pricing etc.

Decent battery and charger some where around 160.00 (80.00 each)

Good BB's .20 weight at least Metal Tech, BB Bastard and Excel are all good - NO WALMART they will wreck your gun sooner or later.

Gear wear what you want, play how you want. Airsoft tends to be more team oriented, radio communication etc. Where we play on the west coast we have a mix of teams older players who work as a team and one man players mostly rental guys and new guys. We have guys who are fully geared up and guys playing in a camo jacket and jeans.

Everyone has a good time, if you want to rush in guns blazing go to town. You will likely get taken out until you adapt but it has been known to work.

Same as paintball it all comes down to the guy behind the trigger.

Playing in the back 40 can be exciting, your best bet it to play at an airsoft field. If you are going to play on private property one of you owns, let the local cops know on game day. Don't play on crown land or public property that will end up with an armed police response.

We have had no issues with police, even when they went through our field on the way to busting a grow op, all though it was exciting for all concerned for a few minutes. They do not see airsoft as an issue unless you are being an idiot.
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Old January 7th, 2009, 20:06   #41
You won't understand the use of the equipment until you play in an organized game. For some people, it's about looks. For others, looks are a by-product of functionality.

If you're at the right game, you'll know which one is which.
Old January 7th, 2009, 20:15   #42
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I don't like kidney's on my guns , I'm sorry but I'm a military wannabe
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Old January 7th, 2009, 20:24   #43
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Originally Posted by MattG666 View Post
Well then let's return it to the civil conversation.

What would be some good beginner guns? I heard kraken ak already mentioned
jing gong and classic army are two good brands theres plenty of other good manufacturers as well

Last edited by Bowers; January 7th, 2009 at 20:28..
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Old January 7th, 2009, 20:29   #44
ANY gun is a good beginner gun. Even a shitty gun will clue you in pretty quick as to what's shitty and what's not, and why.
Old January 7th, 2009, 20:32   #45
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Reading the OP again, yes and no to cheap clearsoft in Walmart and CT.

Yes in the sense it's cheap as hell and you'll probably have some fun time "plinking" but it's also likely to break down really fast. It's really a trade-off between reliability and cost.

Do you want something you'll maybe use a handful of times in the year? Then get the Clearsoft from CT/Walmart.

Are you going to be plinking every weekend or every second weekend? Then it's probably a better idea to get a Kraken.

Other notable guns to get if you're going to play are any of the other Aftermath products (Kraken, Broxa, Kirenx(sp?)). If you're willing to spend that much more, G&G Products' offerings in the $300-350 range is a good plinking gun too.

If you do go the clearsoft route the best one to get is probably the shotgun as I've heard their shotguns are more like TM clones than anything.

Note: The Kraken may be too "hot" for backyard play. Out of the box I believe there were reports of up to 370 FPS on .20's (our outdoor field limit on guns are generally 400 FPS on .20's). If you get it, ditch the battery and charger, downgrade the spring, and reshim/regrease. (All documented in the "So you bought a Kraken" thread here).
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