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Old January 7th, 2009, 18:08   #16
Join Date: Jan 2009
Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 View Post
They were more then likey asked to lave for violating MED rules and not calling hits (not assuming, just contemplating) And stories from the effected party are ALWAYS filled with holes and mis-information so make it look like they did nothing wrong. That is simply a rule of life these days.

Anyways, if your only going to come on here to sprad your storied and dislike of our mil-sim games, stick to paintball and nerf guns. I would highly suggest playing some airsoft before gaining a view on it. come into the sport with an open mind and not what your firends say. If your not willing to do that, stay away from us.
I totally understand where your coming from, and I would play airsoft if given the chance. I just wanted to know if I would be alone in thinking that you only need a few milsim pieces if equipment and the rest is just for show. Would I also be one of the few who are willing to be more agressive? Obviously my ideas are biased and uninformed, but it doesn't help when the only one you see are 100 pound bean pole nerds that act overly serious.

Gotta hand it to you airsofters, far less noob flaming and more helping than most paintball forums. I do have to admit that paintball is being flooded with cocky morons who hurt the sport more than they help.

And the thing about speedballers looking like BMX bikers, well i can't exactly say for everyone but I use the pant's because they are far more comfortable and geared for outdoor sports than say the old camo pants i used to use when I played. I don;t mind people wanting to be more milsim, but for me it goes only as far as the guns. I would love to run around with an AK or G3 as I am a gun nut, and paintball guns are terrible for replicating the real thing.

I know my words are harsh, but I am spoiled by a few years of reffing paintball and having 99.9% of milsimmers being idiots and crappy players.

Last edited by MattG666; January 7th, 2009 at 18:12..
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Old January 7th, 2009, 18:11   #17
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Besides may I remind you paintball somewhat started like airsoft Tippmann's first paintball gun was a mag fed paintball Sten gun. not to mention the largest paintball tourney/event is mil-sim being Olklahoma D-Day. i still want to go to that. ps, Don’t think it’s been asked but how old are you because if you’re under 18 id suggest waiting anyways

Last edited by Neil_N; January 7th, 2009 at 18:15..
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Old January 7th, 2009, 18:13   #18
The Saint
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Originally Posted by MattG666 View Post
I totally understand where your coming from, and I would play airsoft if given the chance. I just wanted to know if I would be alone in thinking that you only need a few milsim pieces if equipment and the rest is just for show.
For most events, you wear what you're comfortable with, provided there is a minimal level of military/police camo content. That means BDU + basic vest for most, but many go beyond that because it's actually quite fun to customize one's loadout.

Would I also be one of the few who are willing to be more agressive? Obviously my ideas are biased and uninformed, but it doesn't help when the only one you see are 100 pound bean pole nerds that act overly serious.
There are many aggressive players in airsoft, though the type of aggression in airsoft is not quite the same as that of PB. The difference being the amount of automatic fire you receive in airsoft.

Gotta hand it to you airsofters, far less noob flaming and more helping than most paintball forums. I do have to admit that paintball is being flooded with cocky morons who hurt the sport more than they help.
We try. We think it helps that our community is about people who want to get together to share an experience, whereas paintballers tend to get together so they'll have someone to beat.
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Old January 7th, 2009, 18:17   #19
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Originally Posted by MattG666 View Post
I totally understand where your coming from, and I would play airsoft if given the chance. I just wanted to know if I would be alone in thinking that you only need a few milsim pieces if equipment and the rest is just for show. Would I also be one of the few who are willing to be more agressive? Obviously my ideas are biased and uninformed, but it doesn't help when the only one you see are 100 pound bean pole nerds that act overly serious.

Gotta hand it to you airsofters, far less noob flaming and more helping than most paintball forums. I do have to admit that paintball is being flooded with cocky morons who hurt the sport more than they help.
thanks for understanding.

There ARE people who we call Gear whores, but if they want to go for certin looks, let them, its their money and its not going to affect you on the field.
I personally just wear what I need to hold mags and other bits I use in game. I can be all deckd out as an army man when im on the CFs clock.

As for the flaming - we try and prevent that as much as possible because of the bad image it was giving us to the new players, trust me it used to be TERRIBLE.
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Old January 7th, 2009, 18:21   #20
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yeah sorry for the flamming but jeez :S lol no offence ment in there MattG666 tough
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Old January 7th, 2009, 18:22   #21
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by the way i like your hcoice of the g3 :P

As for aggression in Airsoft, how DOES it compare to PB? I understand a full tilt speedball run into automatic fire is just plain speedball, but can you still do some full on sprints to better cover, slide in and lay waste to the guys side?

As well, I notice there is a a fiar bit of hate towards paintball and the perception that were all bone-headed and overly aggressive guys who trip and hit our heads while rushing other players. I assure you there are plenty of us (inlcuding myself) who strive to be good but at the same time very friendly. As for speedballers, most of our fridnight 'bigboys' have converted to pumps. plz tell me that that isnt the opposite of a crutch lol.

Last edited by MattG666; January 7th, 2009 at 18:24..
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Old January 7th, 2009, 18:22   #22
Voice of Reason
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well said, saint
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Old January 7th, 2009, 18:28   #23
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the reason airsofters get all the gear and don't just run up the feild is to have the mil-sim element. if we wanted to go out with a gun and run around insanely we would play paintball. no offense but that's just kinda how it is in this are anyway, not to many serious paintball players

in airsoft we try to replicate the real thing... IE one hit will kill you, even thought we usualy (depends on game) get to rejoin the game later on. this is why we move more slowly and hug trees.
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
Wildcard his gun is better than all of yours, he has magpul stuff on it, all the magpuls you can dream of. He has all of them. On his gun. I wish I had magpuls
Originally Posted by Curo View Post
Look at all the fucks no one gives Miles, look at them. There is a lot of fucks not being given.

Last edited by theshaneler; January 7th, 2009 at 18:37..
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Old January 7th, 2009, 18:31   #24
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Originally Posted by MattG666 View Post
by the way i like your hcoice of the g3 :P

As for aggression in Airsoft, how DOES it compare to PB? I understand a full tilt speedball run into automatic fire is just plain speedball, but can you still do some full on sprints to better cover, slide in and lay waste to the guys side?
I don`t have too much experience under my belt - but I find I have a lot more fun playing airsoft then I did playing paintball.

I`m usually in back giving support fire because of the range I get due to the long barrel of the G3 but running up and grabbing a new pice of cover while dodging BBs is quite the thrill...

Originally Posted by Neil_N View Post
Don’t think it’s been asked but how old are you because if you’re under 18 id suggest waiting anyways
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Old January 7th, 2009, 18:32   #25
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Well here we see biased from the airsofters lol. Well in all fairness, why would you want to be hardcore milsim when you can still be fairly aggressive and not get destroyed? I know people want to pretend, but at the same time don't people want some more excitement?
You don't have to play all hardcore speedball style to be considered aggressive.

Besides, not all paintballers are hardcore aggressors, I prefer somewhere in between. Aggressive enough to flank and cause shock, but sit back well enough to be smart about it. I agree that full out aggression is retarded.

And which sport is more painful? Paintball is like bein slapped by a rubber ball but BBs have a smaller surface area...

Last edited by MattG666; January 7th, 2009 at 18:40..
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Old January 7th, 2009, 18:42   #26
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Originally Posted by MattG666 View Post
Well here we see biased from the airsofters lol. Well in all fairness, why would you want to be hardcore milsim when you can still be fairly aggressive and not get destroyed? I know people want to pretend, but at the same time don't people want some more excitement?
You don't have to play all hardcore speedball style to be considered aggressive.
about 80% of the games you attend will not be full mil-sim events, just for fun games and scrims, where you can run up and do whatever you want. your friends may have shown up to a mil-sim based event and tried to play more speedball style.
when i play i like to keep the mil-sim aspect, but every now and then i love to pop the C-mag in and run out with 2000 bbs flying in every direction. thats what the scrims are for!

paintball leave larger welts and i personally think hurts more, but that because i always get shot very close up in paintball. airsoft usually only hits you at longer distances
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
Wildcard his gun is better than all of yours, he has magpul stuff on it, all the magpuls you can dream of. He has all of them. On his gun. I wish I had magpuls
Originally Posted by Curo View Post
Look at all the fucks no one gives Miles, look at them. There is a lot of fucks not being given.
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Old January 7th, 2009, 18:44   #27
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The reason Airsofters get all geared up, is because we can without getting it all messy.

It'd just be plain silly to wear all of our gear and get it all fucked up with paint.

Paintballers would too if they could.
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Old January 7th, 2009, 18:45   #28
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Of course we are biased to our side of the conversation it is our side after all. Oh and just so you know I play both types of paintball. but to me the main reason you don’t have people "rushing" to the same extent is that it is just plain dumb when you have someone shooting 20 or mor pellets a second at you with 350-450 fps velocities at ranges far greater than that in paintball. Just my 2 cents. And in case you didn’t know airsoft guns are actually accurate enough to hit people in a less than say 100 shots (people that wipe always seem to need more)
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Old January 7th, 2009, 18:46   #29
a.k.a. Montmartre1899
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Well, about excitement, it depends of a person's definition of it. Some mil-simmers finds excitement in being more cautious, while others prefer to use more aggressive tactics.

And what is so bad about pretending? It's like acting, but in a more improvised way. But I understand your point of view in the sense that someone buying lots of gear just for show is just pointless.
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Old January 7th, 2009, 18:52   #30
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is paintball not military oreinted, cause i wear camo that makes me goofy but you wearing a mask that looks to be from star wars and hide behind blow up triangles and squares is not at all goofy. I encourage people to take up airsoft but in your case I encourage you to buy that cheap walmart gun and shot your eyes out so you cant see and pollute this forum with your ignorance and stupidity.
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