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need opions on these up grades to my kraken AK-47


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Old December 22nd, 2008, 11:16   #1
Dirty harry350
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Smile need opions on these up grades to my kraken AK-47

These are some up grades to my kraken AK-47 im thinking about getting but before i do i want to get ontions on them. good, bad pros and cons or any other information on them such as better items or product typs. =)

AK PBS1 Sound Supressor OT 0306

AK Metal Scope 20mm Rail "I know it might sit high any othere rails to recomed"

G&P AK47 Metal Body

"This i prob wont get but i might and it looks kool as all hell"
CYMA AK Electric powered Metal Drum mag for AK
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Old December 22nd, 2008, 12:41   #2
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the only thing useful their imo is the metal body, and you dont even really need that. Since you have a kracken id worry first about upgrading the internals, rather than t he looks. The silincer is useless unless you are putting in a longer inner barrel, it may change the sound of your gun a bit but it wont silence it.
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Old December 22nd, 2008, 16:51   #3
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ok so....trash all that and get:

-polycarbonate piston
-ball bearing piston head
-ball bearing spring guide
- air seal o-ring nozzle
- metal oiless 6mm bushings
-KA hopup

this will run u 70ish and ur gun will perform much better, more fps, more accuracy, less strain on gears.

THEN, get a metal body.

forget any externals until u make the gun perform good.

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Old December 22nd, 2008, 17:25   #4
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I'll take a drum mag.

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Old December 22nd, 2008, 18:08   #5
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ok thnx this is the info i need =)
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Old December 23rd, 2008, 02:31   #6
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Any opening of the mechbox is going to decrease the life and reliablity of the gun by a noticable degree. The fps on a Kraken is 370, that's plenty high enough. My adivce for internal upgrades is wait till it fails then upgrade. This is an especially good idea if you've never opened a mechbox before.

As to external upgrades, before anything get a metal body. Depending on your budget either Cyma or G&P, the G&P perferably if you can aford it. Then the next external upgrade I'd recomend is a wood kit. You can get one that includes a metal gas block as well if you go with G&P. If you go Cyma, you can get a metal gas block included with the body or by itself.

Once you have the metal and wood kits then you can consider accessories, though many people consider tacticalizing an AK47 to be a crime. As someone else mentioned, a suppressor is only needed if you go with a longer inner barrel, otherwise it just makes the gun more unwieldy to no effect. Drum mags look good but they're awkward, heavy and expensive. If you can aford it and want it, go for it, but I'd do the other upgrades first.

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Old December 23rd, 2008, 03:17   #7
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Originally Posted by Kuro_Neko View Post
Any opening of the mechbox is going to decrease the life and reliablity of the gun by a noticable degree. The fps on a Kraken is 370, that's plenty high enough. My adivce for internal upgrades is wait till it fails then upgrade. This is an especially good idea if you've never opened a mechbox before.

As to external upgrades, before anything get a metal body. Depending on your budget either Cyma or G&P, the G&P perferably if you can aford it. Then the next external upgrade I'd recomend is a wood kit. You can get one that includes a metal gas block as well if you go with G&P. If you go Cyma, you can get a metal gas block included with the body or by itself.

Once you have the metal and wood kits then you can consider accessories, though many people consider tacticalizing an AK47 to be a crime. As someone else mentioned, a suppressor is only needed if you go with a longer inner barrel, otherwise it just makes the gun more unwieldy to no effect. Drum mags look good but they're awkward, heavy and expensive. If you can aford it and want it, go for it, but I'd do the other upgrades first.

Well I wouldn't say that it will decrease the reliability. It would if he were to try it himself without any help or insight because a gun in 9999999999 pieces is usually unreliable if you can't put it back together. But other wise I agree pretty well on that one.
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Old December 23rd, 2008, 12:22   #8
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Any opening of the mechbox is going to decrease the life and reliablity of the gun by a noticable degree.
Absolutely not true unless a person knows nothing of the gearbox. If you know what you are doing, and swapping in proper internals, then u will INCREASE the reliability and performance of an aeg.

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Old December 23rd, 2008, 19:37   #9
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Originally Posted by BORDENSNIPER View Post
Absolutely not true unless a person knows nothing of the gearbox. If you know what you are doing, and swapping in proper internals, then u will INCREASE the reliability and performance of an aeg.

This guy is posting in the Newbie Tank, I'm pretty sure that means he's never opened a mechbox before.

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Old December 23rd, 2008, 19:49   #10
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Ummm.... You guys should note that he's in the US and unless he got the Kraken he probably should get a "better gun". The JG AK's from what I hear are pretty good (and probably in your budget too!).
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Old December 23rd, 2008, 21:01   #11
Dirty harry350
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ok yea i got the krakne today, another thing as said in my other threds im mores aless just palying around with buddies. bbut on the other hand if i wanted to up grade the mech box i prob could, im very mechanally enclined, ever since i was little ive been fixing things last project was a chevy small block 350 4 bolt main for my 1974 camaro, but never the less ill fix it when it bites the shit. =)
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Old December 23rd, 2008, 21:16   #12
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I've got one of the AK PBS1 Sound Supressors. It's heavy enough to knock someone out if you wanted to.
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Old January 2nd, 2009, 23:25   #13
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There is some good advise and some really bad advise on here.

I have a Kraken AK-47 I picked it up as a back up / rental gun.
The thing comes shooting 370. This is a good fps, however the internals on these things are crap.
The spring should keep its fps for a wile but you'll notice the Kraken's loss there fps over time. I'm not talking the normal couple fps I mean allot. So at some point you might want to swap the spring. I've still got the original in mine but will be changing it when the fps starts to drop.
The gears on these thing's vary from gun to gun. I can't stress how much they vary, one of the local guys told me that one of his gear's was built on a bearing. so depending on what you see when you open up your gun you may or may not want to change them. Mine were thick and sturdy so I kept them.
Your spring guide is a must change. Stock TM spring guides are made from good ABS and metal, Upgraded are almost only metal. The one in your kraken is made of see through plastic.
You will also want to change your bushings. I went with metal bushings due to the fps. If you would rather bearings (increase rate of fire) you need to go to a lower FPS (330 or under).

The rest of the internals are fine for this kind of gun. You don't need to upgrade further then a Spring guide and bushings unless you want to go higher then 370 FPS, and then you run into all sorts of other problems.

Oh ya you will need to lube and shim this gun. Shim's hold your gears in the right spot. They make sure you have proper clearance from the inside of the box and don't rub each other, and they take out excesive play in the gears. This is a must on a Kraken. I had to shim one gear by about a mil and a half. and lube makes sure you don't burn out your gears. I've heard of Krakens coming with no lube in the gear box and mine had what looked like used oil for lube so I would get some good quality grease.

As far as any external modifications go they are manly for looks.

The metal body won't hurt if you're ruff with your gear.

The silencer is manly just for looks although I noticed my gun got quitter with the upgrades I did and a silencer takes a bit of the sharpness out of the sound. I would get a flash hider or a silencer for your gun to protect the threads if you take that orange peace of garbage off the end of your gun.

Scopes are only good out doors and only when you are engaging at the max range of your gun. I would go with a red dot if you don't like the iron sights. If you do go with a scope don't get anything over a 4X. I would go with some thing lower then that but a 4X is easy to come by and fairly cheap.

Best of luck with your gun IF you do brave upgrading it yourself there is plenty of guides and how to's on the net.
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Old January 2nd, 2009, 23:48   #14
Dirty harry350
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Thank you very much for you reply, i already have a red dot sight so im good there, you talked about shims im a real noobie, are they farily easy to put in how do ik if im getting the right ones/ using the right amount if that makes sense.=p Is there any pictular metal bushings that are better than others, ive seen some be fore but dont know what ones to use. "Your spring guide is a must change" by spring guide do u mean the guide for the bolt. im a real noobie so i may not be sure what ur talking aobut. also the shims and barings and lube, r they fraily cheep im on a pretty tight budgeit.

please barewith me im a big noob =)

Last edited by Dirty harry350; January 2nd, 2009 at 23:55..
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Old January 4th, 2009, 14:51   #15
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Originally Posted by Dirty harry350 View Post
Thank you very much for you reply, i already have a red dot sight so im good there, you talked about shims im a real noobie, are they farily easy to put in how do ik if im getting the right ones/ using the right amount if that makes sense.=p Is there any pictular metal bushings that are better than others, ive seen some be fore but dont know what ones to use. "Your spring guide is a must change" by spring guide do u mean the guide for the bolt. im a real noobie so i may not be sure what ur talking aobut. also the shims and barings and lube, r they fraily cheep im on a pretty tight budgeit.

please barewith me im a big noob =)
K first off with the shims. You will want to order an assorted set. there will be a few of each size (thickness) and there should be about 4 to 6 sizes. If you have a good feel for how much play is in something the shimming is easy to do, but you have to rip your gear box apart to do this. Actually you have to rip your gear box apart for just about all of the upgrades I stated earlier. I would recommend you try to get someone who has done this before to help you out. When you shim your gears (you have three) you start with the one in the middle. You shim it off off the gear box itself you want to get it so that it doesn't rub, but as close as possible. you then shim the other two gears. Here you're trying to get it so that they aren't going to burn them selfs out on each other. What you want is the teeth of the gears going together nicely with out them rubbing on the main body of the other gear. The next step is to shim the three gears off of the other side of the gear box. Here your trying to remove any excesive play in the gears. You check this by putting the box back together without the spring and you can fell if the gears are loss or not. If your gears don't turn nice and smooth at least one of them has been shimmed to much.

The spring guide is inside your gear box, and holds your spring in place as it's compressed by the piston.

You can replace your spring guide and bushings for fairly cheap. I ordered all the upgrades in my Kracken from
The only upgrade I did to mine that I didn't recommend is a tight bore. You don't need to do it but it is nice. Mine is a madbull 6.03mm

I upgraded my gun for under $100. I'm not sure what the exact price was because of shipping.

Oh ya when you go to swap out your bushings be careful when you put the new ones in. You'll have to tap them in, and I've heard of people bending their gearbox because they hit too hard.

Hope this helps, and I would strongly recommend getting help on this.
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