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Old December 11th, 2008, 02:11   #46
a.k.a. Fury a.k.a. VipaMave
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Originally Posted by Goldman View Post
A&A ended due to massive fraud, not due to poor comms. Mopic seems to have delivered on everything he has promised, though not within the initial time frame promised. I imagine that his track record has gotten more spotty due to the volume he is dealing with now, vs that of last winter.

My point is this is a side bussiness for the guy, he is doing this to, by and large, help the community (don't forget when he started our other options were.... wait were there any other than A&A, or private importers that you had to know personally to bring kit in for you?), there are other retailers now, so folks if you don't want to wait, talk with your money. Personally I will continue to go with Mopic if he has what I want or need, otherwise I'll consider others too.

PS - Its not only Mopic who is missing deadlines by the way, but since this isn't the AV section no names go out. My point is we all need to be patient here. I agree the lack of comms is something that isn't good, but understand what your getting into before you order. Its not like he hasn't been villified on this site. It is funny though, that many of the same people who bitch and moan about slow responses from Mopic were the same who so readily ran to Mark's defence when A&A was around. (Don't mean the OP)
AA having terrible business practice does not mean that anything better is acceptable.
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Old December 11th, 2008, 02:34   #47
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Originally Posted by Fury View Post
AA having terrible business practice does not mean that anything better is acceptable.
Exactly! Just because there are so few retailers now does NOT mean they can dink around and RIP people off (not naming names )!

Now I had problems with Mopic due to communication and a gun arriving DOA BUT he took care of the situation promptly and I would do business with him again without a second thought!
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Old December 11th, 2008, 02:59   #48
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Originally Posted by Fury View Post
AA having terrible business practice does not mean that anything better is acceptable.
I don't think I'm making my point clear. I'm essentially saying folks need to have a little patience and a little faith. In the days of AA, and I bring them up because it was Mark's primary bussiness, the AS store and surplus, it wasn't uncommon to wait at least this long for something that was "in stock" much less a special order. Given that Mopic's shindig is a sidebussiness to his real life, it isn't suprising that things can take a bit longer. When he had delays, there were rabid packs of users running to his defence, even after longer delays and obviously fake excuses. Yet Mopic has constantly been villified on ASC for missing some, when its not his primary focus.

Like I said, if you don't like how he is running things, why not take your cash elsewhere? His prices are still pretty decent, unlike some of the other options out there, and though his comms aren't the best, it seems that he has yet to rip anyone off. I understand the want for instant gratification, we all do. But by the same token I think everyone needs to take a step back, and calm down a little.

Just my 0.02 after dealing with god knows how many retailers over the years. From Tru to DEA, to Rangers, to APEC/Blue Seas, to ASCA to the new kids on the block, everyone has had their teething troubles, and everyone has had their own quirks. (Who can forget Tru rolling up to FR in that sports car he had, popping the trunk and looking like an arms bazaar!), give it a little time, and keep bugging him via e-mail about comms. But at the end of the day there are a few threads on ASC about his lack of comms, so its not something unexpected... I suppose everyone should just do a little searching before entering a deal, especially one where a deposit is involved.
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

My Buy/Sell 1337ness rating
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Old December 11th, 2008, 08:25   #49
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Like is said to Mopic in one of my e-mails, I don't care about the time it may take to have my KWA M9 PTP since it seem to be the only place that I can find one, but I would love to know where is the gun actualy: customs, on order to get to you etc.

He never answer this mail. The facts are that when I wanted the gun, mopic said that it has one stock ready for me. So I bought it, receive a e-mail that it should arrive within 2.5 weeks. A month later, I'm asking if there was any trouble because I didn't receive the gun.

I was simply following instruction on his website: Under normal circumstance you will receive your item in approximately 14 days, in many cases it may be less. If delivery time is expected to surpass 21 days we will give you the option of cancelling, at no charge to you.

So, after that, he answer: the gun will be shipped at the end of the week.

What means that at the first e-mail he sent me of my gun being shiped was a lie. As simple as that.

After that he never told me what was the delay. Simple question, no answers....

Last edited by Sim123456; December 11th, 2008 at 08:27..
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Old December 11th, 2008, 08:41   #50
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I also have a job and when I sell stuff I try to be as professionnal a seller as I can.
For me there is simply no excuse for providing a rotten service, if you can't do it properly, don't do it.
'helping the community' seems like a good excuse to just be incompetent, when all I see is people with an import license and making cash out of it.
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Old December 11th, 2008, 10:58   #51
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As a side job, as it seem the case or it usuasly the case, if it take to much of your times and you can't follow a good baseline you have 2 choice: stop doing this side job. Or take the most cash out of your unlucky customers and make it a nightmare to get it (or the gun) back...
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Old December 11th, 2008, 11:13   #52
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ok yea his com stinks but if ur patenice not like me u will get ur gun i ordered a wilson combat from him on nov 9 waited 3 weeks send him a ewmail then he says it was paid for on the 18 and will be at my house on the 24 of november no worrys but make sure u always ask for the shipping number cause if u don't ull be going " omg whens my gun going to come "
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Old December 11th, 2008, 11:34   #53
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Originally Posted by hongkong100 View Post
ok yea his com stinks but if ur patenice not like me u will get ur gun i ordered a wilson combat from him on nov 9 waited 3 weeks send him a ewmail then he says it was paid for on the 18 and will be at my house on the 24 of november no worrys but make sure u always ask for the shipping number cause if u don't ull be going " omg whens my gun going to come "

sorry couldnt help
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Old December 11th, 2008, 12:26   #54
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Originally Posted by hongkong100 View Post
ok yea his com stinks but if ur patenice not like me u will get ur gun i ordered a wilson combat from him on nov 9 waited 3 weeks send him a ewmail then he says it was paid for on the 18 and will be at my house on the 24 of november no worrys but make sure u always ask for the shipping number cause if u don't ull be going " omg whens my gun going to come " you waited three weeks after ordering on november the 9th? That makes it november the 30th. You email him, he said you paid on the 18th and it will arrive on the 24th of november.....6 days earlier?

I call bullshit.
Originally Posted by Bob the Angry Potato View Post
And you're calling us immature? Neuter yourself with a hammer.
Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
It will help to not get you flamed here, and will help you get a job that doesn't require the repeated use of the phrase "Would you like fries with that?"
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Old December 11th, 2008, 13:21   #55
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Originally Posted by Jimski View Post
I also have a job and when I sell stuff I try to be as professionnal a seller as I can.
For me there is simply no excuse for providing a rotten service, if you can't do it properly, don't do it.
'helping the community' seems like a good excuse to just be incompetent, when all I see is people with an import license and making cash out of it.
After this I'm done. Its clear that there is just a fundamental difference of opinion that is not about to change. But I do have to ask, what kind of volume do you do? Its my understanding that the amount of orders he gets is rather large, and it seems by and far that the screw ups are the minority of orders. Its not like everyone who has ever orderd from the guy has gotten a run around, a few poeple have had trouble, and its always been resolved in the end, either through refund or delivery. Stating that if he can't keep up with the volume that he should shut down is absurd! Its that kind of mentality that had us paying $850 for a TM M4A1 RIS a few years back, and its already starting again with some of the new releases from the new retailers (Price Doubling much?). I'd rather have a few more slow to reply e-tailers out there, than three that reply quickly, have fixed price agreements and like to over charge.

This isn' Wal-Mart. This isn't Best-Buy. This isn't Zellers. Its a one man show, run on the side offering items. Don't like? Don't buy.
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

My Buy/Sell 1337ness rating
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Old December 11th, 2008, 13:38   #56
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Originally Posted by Goldman View Post
After this I'm done. Its clear that there is just a fundamental difference of opinion that is not about to change. But I do have to ask, what kind of volume do you do? Its my understanding that the amount of orders he gets is rather large, and it seems by and far that the screw ups are the minority of orders. Its not like everyone who has ever orderd from the guy has gotten a run around, a few poeple have had trouble, and its always been resolved in the end, either through refund or delivery. Stating that if he can't keep up with the volume that he should shut down is absurd! Its that kind of mentality that had us paying $850 for a TM M4A1 RIS a few years back, and its already starting again with some of the new releases from the new retailers (Price Doubling much?). I'd rather have a few more slow to reply e-tailers out there, than three that reply quickly, have fixed price agreements and like to over charge.

This isn' Wal-Mart. This isn't Best-Buy. This isn't Zellers. Its a one man show, run on the side offering items. Don't like? Don't buy.
Goldman I think the biggest repeated complaint being repeated here about Mopic is that he will say an item shipped already and it hasn't and then he repeats that multiple times until he actually ships it. That and the lack of communication back when there is a delay yet he is known to communicate with someone else who requests to buy something.
Nothing to see here
May you live in interesting times.
ASCMART, your smart choice
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Old December 11th, 2008, 13:44   #57
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Originally Posted by Jimski View Post
I also have a job and when I sell stuff I try to be as professionnal a seller as I can.
For me there is simply no excuse for providing a rotten service, if you can't do it properly, don't do it.
'helping the community' seems like a good excuse to just be incompetent, when all I see is people with an import license and making cash out of it.
Score, thank you.
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old December 11th, 2008, 13:47   #58
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Originally Posted by Lisa View Post
Goldman I think the biggest repeated complaint being repeated here about Mopic is that he will say an item shipped already and it hasn't and then he repeats that multiple times until he actually ships it. That and the lack of communication back when there is a delay yet he is known to communicate with someone else who requests to buy something.
If mopic hasn't shipped said items he shouldn't say he has.

If mopic knows he's going to be gone for a period of time he should say that. I recommend that he startup a blog on his website, just to document what he's up to so people won't keep sending him emails, it'll help cut down on the clutter in his inbox.

There's no FOR-SURE way to know if mopic has anything in-stock, who knows he could be just saying that so he knows what to get?
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Old December 11th, 2008, 13:54   #59
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Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07 View Post
If mopic hasn't shipped said items he shouldn't say he has.

If mopic knows he's going to be gone for a period of time he should say that. I recommend that he startup a blog on his website, just to document what he's up to so people won't keep sending him emails, it'll help cut down on the clutter in his inbox.

There's no FOR-SURE way to know if mopic has anything in-stock, who knows he could be just saying that so he knows what to get?

Gonna reply to both you and Lisa.

As for him knowing he'll be out of town, I'm not sure he gets much notice but I can't attest to anything like that, I just don't know.

As for the e-mails, yeah, if he is not shipping the item, then he shouldn't send it. If he intended to ship it, but missed the ship date he should notify, but again it all comes down to time, and how he manages it. My point is in the minority of events, there are hitches. The majority of sales seem to go on fine, this is the path he has taken. Speak with your money folks, if you don't like it, take it elsewhere.
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

My Buy/Sell 1337ness rating
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Old December 11th, 2008, 14:22   #60
Mopic get a blackberry man, that way whereever you are you can respond to emails ans let customers know whats going on. Lack of comms is the #1 worst thing for a retailer in my books.
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