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What do You want in a Field?



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Old December 9th, 2008, 17:26   #46
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Nice bathroom facilities are always good. Nothing like hunkering down during a game and getting up to find a nice sliver in your arse.
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

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Old December 10th, 2008, 13:15   #47
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Well we have most the town stuff covered at Bigfoot in Mission out in BC. The point about buildings being used to hunker down in by large groups is a valid one.

The other thing to consider about buildings is FPS limits and fire control.

As well as safe access, we have had two incidents, one guy hit his head on a half height door, lots of blood no serious damage. I bounced off a door that had been barricaded, apparently very funny to watch, but my shoulder disagreed somewhat. Both were easy fixes, bright orange around all half doors and no barricades.

We considered tunnels, but decided the animal, water, and problems with smoke when allowed made it not worth while. Short covered sections of trench may show up next year.

Space & cost are the biggest issues, we have a small field but lots of dense vegetation as well as several covered approaches to the town area.

Here is a slightly out of date interactive map, there have been some changes over the summer. Click on the numbers for images of that area.

Interactive Map (Not 56k friendly)

Last edited by Dirtbag; December 10th, 2008 at 13:22.. Reason: added some info
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Old December 10th, 2008, 16:01   #48
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One thing that I have always enjoyed but may not work in your woodlot, but if there is cedars or pines, I like to trim all the branches 6 feet and down right off in some areas and other areas leaving them, it creates alot of shooting/running lanes and also adds cover.
I also spent a whole weekend helping a friend pile old dead scrub branches and sticks into a few piles on his property. It made the woodlot much cleaner!
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Old December 10th, 2008, 16:07   #49
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Is it to late to say "Black Jack and Strippers"?

Trench warfare is always fun, an easy combat to water issues are old crates that can be had from most big box stores that sometimes try to get rid of the ones they can't return. Specially lumber yards. Lay them down and if you can pick up lengths of "Slab" wood from a lumber yard that does its own cutting you'd have a great planking system.

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Old December 10th, 2008, 17:35   #50
hot_shot under fire
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A thick wooded area with a small "town" about 100 meters away from the woods. Something like the WW2 Battle of Foy, but no artillery. Fox holes scatered in the woods, and some trenches leading to bunker possitions in the town. Possibly a small mine field, and some barbed wire to add some effect. Large straw heeps for cover on the way from the woods to the town. Make it like a capture the flag idea, when the allied troops get the flag in the town, the allies win. When the Axis get the flag in the woods, the axis win.
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Old December 22nd, 2008, 14:35   #51
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Imo, rainy trench weather might actually be fun, ofcourse only to people who'd like to play in that weather, but it'd make some some interesting games, really miserable conditions. But that's just me.
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Old December 22nd, 2008, 18:47   #52
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I would say trenches are a big one that everyone can do on their outdoor field. It plays great and if you make fire steps and ramps it doesnt slow play down at all... we have 6 foot deep trenches- lots of fun to play in but ironically some people 'forget' they are there and have fallen into them so now we mark all of our trenches with small sections of slat fence- kinda ruins the effect.
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Old December 22nd, 2008, 19:22   #53
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Out of the blue, In a CQB field. It would paradise for me if (rangewise) you were able to attain 75% of what I see. I don't like seeing people that I cannot reach wth my BB. Since we can't really improve airsoft range (while being safe) It would be great to have a field were there is only very few spots where your range of sight exceed your AEG range of fire.
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Old December 22nd, 2008, 19:29   #54
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What to have in a field?

Well, assuming insurance/liability and money are not issues:

1. A "man's" room, complete with antlers over a roaring hearth, LCD TV and a bar.
2. A covered concrete pad with lots of tables and chairs
3. Great props
4. A place to camp and shitters
5. Great big search lights (great at night games)
6. Mixed AND varied terrain, hills, streams, wilderness, buildings
7. Vehicles!
8. Loud speakers
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Old December 22nd, 2008, 21:23   #55
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Originally Posted by whisper_kill View Post
What to have in a field?

Well, assuming insurance/liability and money are not issues:

1. A "man's" room, complete with antlers over a roaring hearth, LCD TV and a bar.
2. A covered concrete pad with lots of tables and chairs
3. Great props
4. A place to camp and shitters
5. Great big search lights (great at night games)
6. Mixed AND varied terrain, hills, streams, wilderness, buildings
7. Vehicles!
8. Loud speakers
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Old December 22nd, 2008, 21:46   #56
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Personally, the Ideal field for me would be a giant mixed terrain(Fields with long grass, thick bush.) and a Large Central Complex with Various building of various sizes a tower or two. small buildings scattered throughout the bush. Scrap cars along trails wide enough to allow vehicles into play. As stated before some search lights on the towers would be cool along with a loud speaker spewing a foreign language. That I would pay up to $125 for a weekend of play.
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Old December 23rd, 2008, 11:22   #57
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Rig an electric-fuse firework to a plug interface at each respawn point. Each team gets one Counterstrike-style detonator box with a killswitch and a compatible plug. Maybe designated bombers go pistols-only. Plugged in, armed and button-pushed, the box delays the detonation by 20-60 seconds, and it flashes and beeps loudly the whole time; maybe it even counts down in a pleasant female UK accent. If the firework detonates, the respawn point is destroyed. That would be awesome.
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Old December 23rd, 2008, 19:38   #58
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I'd tend to focus more on the psychological and emotion affects rather than physical properties of a field.

-Booby traps (not even set up by a team, but put there by the organizers/field operators)
-Foreign propaganda (pamphlets scattered about, rousing speeches or music/national anthems on speakers within a fortification, "Join your German brothers and you will not be harmed," general demoralizing of enemy forces, etc)
-Overhead explosions (sound shells)
-Live fire (hopefully people can use common sense about it)...(live fire as in combustion, not shooting live rounds)
-The smell of blood/fake blood (war torn countries can be all that torn unless there is blood splattered on a wall or two, nothing creepy than waltzing into an empty village where the air is heavy with the smell of blood)
-the sounds of fire-fights and artillery being heard from places out side the bounds of the field

A lot of cool physical things can be added to, but for myself, the full effect comes from the emotional state one ends up in while playing. If I'm playing milsim, I want to feel like my life cold be taken at every turn.

But yeah, underground tunnels are an idea of thought of as well, especially if they appear shoddy and you feel like they could collapse at any moment...obviously should be built well, but with the appearance of poor/hasty construction.

As for unrealistic, how about a field like a temple/dungeon from Legend of Zelda? Team A attempts to traverse the dungeon, solving the puzzles and dodging the traps, while team B acts as the baddies, or both teams try to solve it simultaneously, but only one can get the heart piece/treasure at the end. The latter would lead to fighting over keys, maybe even the teams helping each other some points. Maybe set it up so the teams must help each other at one point.

Out of Sport. Have Fun!
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Old December 24th, 2008, 22:24   #59
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something close quarters and lots of buildings
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Old January 6th, 2009, 12:44   #60
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The only experience with what could be called trenches was at the old Flag Raiders field with the earthen mounds just outside the entrance to the field. I'd like to more specifically see some proper 4ft trenches.
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