Originally Posted by gunner552
I bookmarked this and my paint job thread, to see what you fuckheads have said.
Good for you.
Because you're in my head, right?
I don't have to be in your head. You posted it.
Oh yeah. I act like this in real life. Totally. Anonymity causes behavioral change. You don't know me, don't talk to me like you do. This is text, not voice.
True. So, let me get this straight, you think because the net gives you a degree of anonymity it's perfectly ok to be an ass hole?
Again, you don't know me, don't talk to me like you do. This is text, not voice, and it's anonymous. I could say whatever I feel like saying, and I could give you any impression of me that I want. RL : ASC Different things.
It's actually not as anonymous as you might think. And you actually can be held accountable for things you say online. Granted, you haven't said anything that would require you to be held accountable, but good luck finding anywhere to play when you do turn 18. If you actually have no desire to play airsoft, all the power to you. At that point though I'd ask why you are on this forum.
Oh, I see, you'll live with voting, drinking, and driving without going off on an emo bitch fest... but since little boy can't get easy access to immitation firearms you get all pissy.
Who does? Aunt Je-fuckin-Mima? The government has everything to do with everything.
Link me to the piece of legislation that links the government to the 18+ rule. Oh wait you can't, because it doesn't exist.
Congratulations.. I guess..
Why, thank-you very much. It's nice to see that even in our heated disagreements people can be civil.
The nice = To suck you into their trailer to rape you in your date-rape-sleep.
How'd you know, you've never been to a game.
The interesting = The crazy 30+ year olds who still play. They just need friends.
Again, how would you know?
1. Freedom of speech - I can say anything I want, and it will not do anything, but piss a few people off.
Actually, you can't say anything you want, on a website or otherwise. Granted, unless you infringe on law it's not likely you will be held accountable legally, but those people you piss off just might be the ones that you'll want to play games with instead of plinking in your mom's basement.
2. The 18+ rule isn't enforced using this website, so, there ya' go.
The 18+ rule is a creation of this website, so ah yea, it is.
3. Immature Pipsqueek - Again for fucks sakes, you don't know me, yata yata yata.
No, I don't. And after the way you've acted on here, I don't want to.
Don't forget to write this on your resume, see what the boss thinks:
" I'm 22, I boat, I fly planes, I'm outgoing, educated, I spend all my money of toy guns,
Well, I don't boat, but I do fly. And I have put that on my resume, as well as the fact I play airsoft. Most employers find it interesting.
I play in the forest with a bunch of ugly high-school drop-outs who have nothing better to do besides that & sit at home on ASC coming up with reasons to hate Gunner."
We don't need to think of reasons. You provide all of them for us.