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Why does everyone want to be a sniper?



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Old May 30th, 2008, 16:08   #166
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Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post
I can't advise going up tree to shoot unless dying is part of your plan. Once you are found, there is no whay down without being overkilled.

The best way to engage without being found is to shoot from unexpected places that allow a covered/hidden retreat. Shoot and scoot, especially when you can't outrange your ennemy.
lol when we first started to play "manhunt(variation of hide-in-go seek)" up where we live, hiding in a tree is one of the best hiding spots you can get yourself into too. It was so unlikely that someone would put that much effort into a hiding spot like that, so many people wouldn't even think of looking up in the trees.

I think it would even apply to airsoft. I mean, airsoft snipers don't make that loud of a "bang", so it can be easy to keep your spot in the tree hidden. I'm sure you would even have a slight advantage of the "higher ground" over the airsoft players on the ground. (You can see a bit farther for example).

I guess if you find a good tree to climb with all your gear, you may also want to put together an easy way down incase your position has been given away.

But hey, this is all from a 15 year old who hasn't been to an airsoft game yet, so correct me if I am wrong. Just my 2 cents.
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Old May 31st, 2008, 21:19   #167
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Originally Posted by Armandhammer View Post
lol when we first started to play "manhunt(variation of hide-in-go seek)" up where we live, hiding in a tree is one of the best hiding spots you can get yourself into too. It was so unlikely that someone would put that much effort into a hiding spot like that, so many people wouldn't even think of looking up in the trees.

I think it would even apply to airsoft. I mean, airsoft snipers don't make that loud of a "bang", so it can be easy to keep your spot in the tree hidden. I'm sure you would even have a slight advantage of the "higher ground" over the airsoft players on the ground. (You can see a bit farther for example).

I guess if you find a good tree to climb with all your gear, you may also want to put together an easy way down incase your position has been given away.

But hey, this is all from a 15 year old who hasn't been to an airsoft game yet, so correct me if I am wrong. Just my 2 cents.
Don't have experience climbing trees in the literal sense of the term but I'd say it'd be uncomfortable to sit in a tee for a longtime. Once you're found you're through though. I mean there's no possible way out unless you jump and shoulder role once you hit the woodland floor. I guess it couldbe useful as a back up position. I know some people would do t in paintball but most of the time they'd scoped out before they could do anything. I'll have to try it if I ever get a sniper rifle.


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Old May 31st, 2008, 22:15   #168
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Originally Posted by PvtSpartykus View Post
Don't have experience climbing trees in the literal sense of the term but I'd say it'd be uncomfortable to sit in a tee for a longtime. Once you're found you're through though. I mean there's no possible way out unless you jump and shoulder role once you hit the woodland floor. I guess it couldbe useful as a back up position. I know some people would do t in paintball but most of the time they'd scoped out before they could do anything. I'll have to try it if I ever get a sniper rifle.


Lol going back to BC_K's example, maybe you can bring one of the those platforms you put up in trees while hunting to an airsoft game...who knows, it might even work Sniping from a tree would be an interesting tactic...but your right, whenever the guy hiding in the tree is found he would get a mouthful of BB's
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Old June 1st, 2008, 00:44   #169
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Platform is a set shape, it WILL stand out, let alone anyone seeing your carrying it will know instantly to look up.

The ONLY part of me when I'm up a tree that doesn't blend in, is my eyes through my goggles. An thats barely visible at that cause I've got my AEG shouldered.

I've gone up the tree's kitted a couple ways. Here's a few pic's of some of my setups.


An this. (Face wasn't covered for the pic's.)

Can't get much more lightweight. BDU's, Camelback and a mag pouched attached to it. Just sling the rifle behind me and get up that tree real friggin quick. To add to that, I'm also an ex gymnast, so going up the tree's is no problem at all.

When I decide before coming to a game I'm gonna go in the tree's, I make sure virtually no part of me is visible for enemy to see.

The two guns I used mostly.

All cadpat up in a tree. Paired with a 400FPS CA33E on semi with a 550mm prometheus 6.03mm tightbore barrel and a G&P can.

Even from 25 feet, my CA33E was very nice and quiet. Up in a tree you don't hear ANYTHING from down on the ground.

I've fired on enemys as close as 30ft from me. (Plus vertical distance, on average 20-45 ft up.)

An this gun goes way back, my old G3A4/ G3SG1

Same deal, 400FPS, PDI 150%, don't remember the brand but was a 6.04mm tightbore, KN? KM? was grey in colour.

2 500 round hicaps, on a good day I don't even go through one whole magazine.

Oh an for shits an giggles I've actually "sniped" with one of my MP5K's.

You'll frigging crack up laughing at this gun.

Oh yes I did! MP5K, KA 14mm adaptor + KA 355mm can.

Hurricane FTK (But with a PDI 150% spring) + Systema 6.04mm AK47 barrel.

To get an idea how goofy this thing was, here's a pic beside a G&P M4A1.

I also had a small pair of pocket size binoculars for spotting targets with, then fire accordingly.

What can I say, I'm a real pain in the ass on the field cause you never know where I'm shooting at you from.

Airsoft Elite black bb's are GODLY!

BTW, to local BC lower mainland players, I refuse to say what tree's are the good ones, you gotta go find them for yourselves. (@ Panther)

Last edited by BC_K; June 1st, 2008 at 00:53..
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Old June 1st, 2008, 14:46   #170
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Very good pics and examples, thanks for posting once again BC_K. Its also good to know that you don't need a sniper to play the sniper role in an airsoft game. It is usaully 450 FPS for spring snipers right? What about in BC_K's case, where he is using a MP5(AEG) as a sniper?
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Old June 1st, 2008, 15:14   #171
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Originally Posted by Armandhammer View Post
Very good pics and examples, thanks for posting once again BC_K. Its also good to know that you don't need a sniper rifle to play the sniper role in an airsoft game. It is usaully 450 FPS for spring sniper rifles right? What about in BC_K's case, where he is using a MP5(AEG) as a sniper rifle?
GRR fixed it for you now get it right!! lol
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Old June 1st, 2008, 20:52   #172
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HAHAHAHA priceless! Radical! sorry I jut found that funny as hell.



P.S. Nice picks, really classy guns made me mecha-gasm for sure
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Old June 2nd, 2008, 01:34   #173
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What I have learned about being a sniper (in my one year limited role before I sold my rifle... which I still regret since I loved that thing) can be summed up in this.

"Sniper is misleading... the proper title should be, 'Observer.'"
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Old June 2nd, 2008, 12:34   #174
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Sorry I don't think a tree is a very good position, granted it gives you observation, but no exit. I remember someone climbing up a tree thinking it was a good idea back when I used to play paintball. He got nutted from someone sneaking up on him and shooting up. Nearly fell out of the tree, so I'd have to say you'd never catch me in a tree.

Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post
Its a good thing stupidity doesnt have mass or whole sections of this board would collapse in and destroy themselves in a stupidity singularity.
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Old June 2nd, 2008, 12:38   #175
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Originally Posted by Rukus View Post
Sorry I don't think a tree is a very good position, granted it gives you observation, but no exit. I remember someone climbing up a tree thinking it was a good idea back when I used to play paintball. He got nutted from someone sneaking up on him and shooting up. Nearly fell out of the tree, so I'd have to say you'd never catch me in a tree.
Paintball is in no way stealth at all.

You have the visible blast of Co2 out of the muzzle plus the loud noise. You can hear paintball guns going off from good distances.

Thats probably why ya buddy got picked off.
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Old June 2nd, 2008, 13:02   #176
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Paintball is as stealthy as you make it, not everyone prances around dressed up like a tooth fairy, and not all PB guns run on CO2, my buddy had one that was rediculously quiet, it ran on compressed air, it would put an AEG to shame for noise. This was a bush ball game, so everyone for the most part was in camo. You can be found just as easily using an AEG as you could using a paintball gun, you don't see a blast of air with an AEG but you can determine pretty damned quickly where it came from just from sound. Sniper rifles not so much, but at any given time a tree would be the last place I ever set up or hide. But then again to each his own.

Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post
Its a good thing stupidity doesnt have mass or whole sections of this board would collapse in and destroy themselves in a stupidity singularity.
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Old June 2nd, 2008, 13:34   #177
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All it takes is a single real game for many of these "snipers" to realize what its about and want to change roles.
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Old June 2nd, 2008, 13:37   #178
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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When up the the tree, you might see farther, but not necesseraly in the direction you need to. When the tree is thick, you can't really see well, or shoot well generally.

Not to mention that a ghillie suit that get entangled 4m up in branches can get you seriously hurt. Especially when 6+ guys are lighting you up with full auto fire at 400fps and you can't yell "HIT" because you are too busy saving your ass from a fall with one hand, while holding your 2000$ rifle with the other because your sling is also antangled.

It's in all sniper related books: Never go up trees with the intention of using them as a shooting post.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old June 2nd, 2008, 13:42   #179
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Water is where you want to hide.
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Old June 2nd, 2008, 13:47   #180
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The few times I played paintball, I got the most kills at once while in a tree... it really depends on the situation and how much concealment the tree in question provides. Basically, I was hidden enough in the tree that if I didn't move, no one would see me. So, I waited till a group of 3 people walked past the tree. Shot them in the back and then proceeded to climb down. I figured if there was anyone else around, they know where I am now, but luckily there was no one and I was able to go find another hiding place

So, like I said, it depends on the situation. It's generally regarded as not the best place to be for shooting. If you're just spotting though, maybe not so bad.
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