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systema m4 worth it?


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Old May 28th, 2008, 01:49   #31
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I like the fact I don't have to worry about crack mechbox, bad shimming, problematic internals, wobbling, and so many other standard problems with normal Aeg's...
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old May 28th, 2008, 01:53   #32
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
No offense, but you could get that with a big battery, an upgraded spring, and a tightbore using heavy BB's.
Sure I could. But can make it CQB-ready in 15 seconds if I'm slow. Or I could make 430 fps. Same gun, same mags. Nothing else changes but the cylinder. And, I can get 2500 rounds out of a 9.6v 1600mah battery at 430 fps. I used to have to carry 2 spare 9.6v 3000mah in my G&P SPR to do the same job, and at less velocity.

That's part of the reason people buy them.

People buy a PTW for any number of reasons. If those reasons work for a person, then he buys. If they don't work for you, you don't have to buy. There still that little thing called free will and choice. Chose what you want and buy what you want. I did.

This is the same old discussion that always happens regarding the PTW. Do we need to go over it all again? Did people forget?

The OP has been given all the info he needs, especially considering he comes from a totally different continent.
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Old May 28th, 2008, 01:54   #33
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Originally Posted by kos View Post

ONE MAJOR CON IS.... no batteries, or cylinders... ANYWHERE. I've been looking for 9.6ers , and an M110 for a long time. When I do find 'em, they're priced way too high, or just sold out. Kinda pisses me off.
Why don't you pm Madmax. I got all my mags, batteries and cylinders from him. His prices are not that bad.
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Old May 28th, 2008, 01:55   #34
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Yeah! 2K post count. Like the price of a PTW... lol
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Old May 28th, 2008, 02:08   #35
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Originally Posted by bruce View Post
Yeah! 2K post count. Like the price of a PTW... lol
It's a sign that you need to go to bed old man.

To be honest I tried a PTW, Bruce's, and while I was impressed I'm happy with my well upgraded and maintained M4.

I'd rather spend some money on building a nice CQB gun than getting a PTW. That is unless I go crazy and sell a bunch of my guns to get one but I don't see myself doing that anytime soon.

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Old May 28th, 2008, 02:56   #36
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
I like the fact I don't have to worry about crack mechbox, bad shimming, problematic internals, wobbling, and so many other standard problems with normal Aeg's...
Neither do I.

The real problem is too many people muck around with AEG internals when they really have no clue how to do it properly. I've had to unfuck more than one gearbox or other retarded modification botched up by some wannabe gun tech, and I'm certain bona fide Gun Doctors worth their salt, from one end of the country to the other, have had at least one similar experience.
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Old May 28th, 2008, 05:54   #37
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Fianlly, 08 MAX is clear the all problems ? fixed? ^_^
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Old May 28th, 2008, 06:30   #38
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In my opinion the PTW is very worth it. The reason is simple, I was constantly spending money on my ICS and it never worked reliably. I remember bring 4 guns to a game since you knew 1 or 2 of them would become fubar. I easily had as much money tied up in that way of playing as I do with my 2 PTW's.

I also believe I get way more kills with my PTW then I did with my other guns. Does it make you a better player-no, but you do tend to hit what your aiming at. I have shot several guys through cracks in buildings since they thought they were safe. The trigger response helps as well. I can pop out of a window, fire a burst and be back down and usually get a hit since your rounds get there 1st. It does become a tactical advantage. Will it stop you from getting ambushed as your moving through the bush, no.

There have been several guys that have built PTW killers out here and all of them have failed. They do not have the range and they have all broken on the field. I know mine will eventually break so I carry a spare lower so I would be able to pop 2 pins and be back in the game and fix the other at my pace once the game is done. Do I think everyone should own 1, no, but it makes sense for me.
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Old May 28th, 2008, 09:00   #39
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Neither do I.

The real problem is too many people muck around with AEG internals when they really have no clue how to do it properly. I've had to unfuck more than one gearbox or other retarded modification botched up by some wannabe gun tech, and I'm certain bona fide Gun Doctors worth their salt, from one end of the country to the other, have had at least one similar experience.
One or two per month on my bench. Damned previously owned guns!!!!
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Old May 28th, 2008, 16:49   #40
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Originally Posted by bruce View Post
For sure there are pros and cons with buying a PTW but I bet if this question was asked only to actual PTW owners, the majority of them will say yes, it was worth it.

And also, I have found that I get more kills by using the full potential of the PTW. My team mate after he replaced the damage hopup he created, also swears by it.
Little one sided bud . Why DIDN'T others buy it? Was it ONLY cause of financial or because there was something wrong with it that made them ignore the product all together. It's like asking what's better Ford or Chev brakes, nevermind that they're both from Monroe .

McGuyver I didn't say that the Max wasn't better than the Gen 3, but given choice between factory built Gen 3 and challenge kit Max, I'd take the Factory built; or are you gonna go back on your swearing by SystemA QC?

No matter how I slice it, going with the best BASIC set up for a PTW I'm lookin' at nearly $3000. And for that kind of money I have built two very well built AEG's AND set them both up with all mags and batteries they need. As well I've built I a fully custom left hand bolt action rifle. That sniper rifle alone eats up MOST of the tab as well, comin' nearly at $1500 in parts by the end of it. And I've also pretty much replaced all my gear for gaming, from holsters to rigs, to hydration carrier, and a good radio.

As far as realism goes, the point to the humor of the "internet warrior" was to illustrate that we as players are not realistic. A lot of us are fat, out of shape, or have physical hindrances that don't let us jump into the shit with the real soldiers. Yes we have people that ARE soldiers and LE playing, but hey, they're out to have fun too.

I agree with Brakoo, they're fun, and have tried em out, but really I see many more things I can invest in first with $3000 than a PTW. Gear is a huge thing, and no matter how many thousands you've dropped into one PTW or two, not having a chest rig to carry the mags is still an epic fail .

Also, Ronan, I've not had issues with cracked mechboxes in quite some time. Then again, all someone has to do is learn to not want 500FPS out of a V.2 mechbox . As well with shimming and so on, if you give the gun to someone who really is not well versed or has a clue what to do with the mechbox open you'll run into trouble. Just like you will if someone buys the Challenge kit and assembles the PTW themselves. Hence why I ventured to cost out a Factory built Gen 3, but look what that got, huffing and puffing from the guy who I could get with my springer at MUCH greater distances, that as an INSTANT trigger response . ((Bolt action rifles are GREAT for that instant trigger response , and the 550mm 6.03 tightbore REALLY helps with the reachin' out and touching targets at range)).

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Old May 28th, 2008, 19:03   #41
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Originally Posted by Brakoo View Post
To be honest I tried a PTW, Bruce's, and while I was impressed I'm happy with my well upgraded and maintained M4.

I'd rather spend some money on building a nice CQB gun than getting a PTW. That is unless I go crazy and sell a bunch of my guns to get one but I don't see myself doing that anytime soon.
+1 I did have 4 of those PTW, in the end it was all sold and I was much more satisfied with my Inokatsu and my G&P. PTW are a little too high tech for my taste
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Old May 28th, 2008, 19:33   #42
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Originally Posted by Brakoo View Post
It's a sign that you need to go to bed old man.

To be honest I tried a PTW, Bruce's, and while I was impressed I'm happy with my well upgraded and maintained M4.

I'd rather spend some money on building a nice CQB gun than getting a PTW. That is unless I go crazy and sell a bunch of my guns to get one but I don't see myself doing that anytime soon.
here here! my sentiments exactly.. I am much more satisfied with my SR/SPR that I built myself and has never let me down and racks up confirmed kills every game I use it. Best part is, I am not worried about scratching it, busting it, ect cuz it wont break my already tapped bank account just to get it firing again.
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Old May 28th, 2008, 19:48   #43
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They're not worth it. No matter how finely sculpted your AEG is to look like the real thing, in the end its still a toy airgun that fires 6mm plastic BB's.

When a gun gets a few drops of water in it and stops working, forcing you to quit for the day... Whats the point? My $350 JG outlasted several PTW's simply because it didn't fault in the rain. The argument is that six months down the road everything inside will be chewed to shit, but if that happens the $300 drop-in Systema gearbox and motor upgrade will fix the issue, and its still only $650 spent. Throw in a metal body, tightbore inner barrel, maybe a one-piece metal hopup, and you're still nowhere close to the cost of a PTW.

Now, if they made a PTW that survived the rain...
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Old May 28th, 2008, 19:50   #44
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Originally Posted by Dracheous View Post
:McGuyver I didn't say that the Max wasn't better than the Gen 3, but given choice between factory built Gen 3 and challenge kit Max, I'd take the Factory built; or are you gonna go back on your swearing by SystemA QC?
Why would I go back on Systema QC. There is nobody on the planet that has built more of them than the factory, and nobody with as much parts or engineering at their disposal than the factory.

You should buy factory over kit. It's a rare event when a kit works, and works well for a long time. When the factory builds it, it's supposed to be tested before it leaves. Not so with kits. But they need a place to put the off-spec parts, and you can't really put them in a gun that you have to test, and not expect to be yanking it out again when it doesn't work, wasting time and money. Put them in the cheap kits that have no warranty, then you don't have to worry about them and they don't cost you money to throw them in the trash.

That's not unreasonable, is it? We all know that Systema likes to make $$$.
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Old May 28th, 2008, 19:58   #45
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Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
They're not worth it. No matter how finely sculpted your AEG is to look like the real thing, in the end its still a toy airgun that fires 6mm plastic BB's.
And a Chevy will be more reliable than a Ferrari. And I assure you Ferrari's sales are doing just fine. I mean, they both have 4 wheels and drink gasoline right?

And guys who have the money and want a Ferrari will never buy a Chevy, no matter the reliability diffrence between the two.

It's funny, half the arguments against owning a PTW, or real gear, or expensive radios, or whatever, is simply money. If you have it and want to spend it, fine, go for it. If you don't have it, and use the cost of it as an accuse to justify it "not being worth it", get a life. Seriously.

Others like them quite fine, some even love them, and some do not and never will. So, where is this thread going? Nowhere.
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