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Info regarding your shooting technique.



View Poll Results: What kind of shooter are you?
Monocular (Use one eye when aiming) 203 21.90%
Binocular (Use both eyes open when aiming) 296 31.93%
Right handed dominant, right eye dominant 424 45.74%
Right eye dominant, left eye dominant 69 7.44%
Left hand dominant, left eye dominant 57 6.15%
Left hand dominant, right eye dominant 17 1.83%
Relatively ambideterous (either fully both side or 100% on one side and 50% the other 212 22.87%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 927. You may not vote on this poll

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Old January 9th, 2006, 00:02   #61
A Total Bastard
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I find engagement distances with AEGs and the guns accuracy don't warrant using the sites like you would with a real gun. I find that tracking a target, distance evaluation and target transition are generally better served by using binocular aiming at a flash sight picture. This reduces my reaction time on putting fire on multiple targets and prepares me for unexpected actions or movement over my 160 degree field of view. I've tried doing it a number of different ways and this suits airsoft for me the best. Given the dynamics of airsoft gaming, developing your instinctive shooting serves you well.
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Old January 9th, 2006, 06:56   #62
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I'm right hand dominent and left eye dominent. REALLY hard to aim with the left eye when your gun is on the right side.I normally have to shoot left but I switch back and forth often.
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Old January 9th, 2006, 09:07   #63
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Originally Posted by LucidFox
I'm right hand dominent and left eye dominent. REALLY hard to aim with the left eye when your gun is on the right side.I normally have to shoot left but I switch back and forth often.
Easier with a pistol than with a shoulder fired gun. Pistol you can cant to the left to line the sights up with your left eye, but much more difficult (if not impossible) to shoulder a gun and get your left eye inline with the sights on a rifle. I tried out of curiousity with my MP5, my face got in the way and I couldn't look through my RDS.
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Old January 9th, 2006, 12:56   #64
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I'm right-handed, but left-eye dominant (wierd as hell). On a Rifle (Scope or iron sigts) i use my right eye, but for handguns, i use my left-eye. If needs be, i will switch hands without too much problem, both with rifle and handgun. Its mostly a challenge in difficult position with a Scoped rifle (sniper), but still doable. So i'd say i'm 100%/50%.

As a side note, i'm an instinctive shooter; meaning i don't often 'look down' the barrel for long. I'll point and shoot mostly on reflex based on experience of BB trajectory. Anyone else do that? I guess it takes practice, but for Airsoft, sighting is sort of a waste of time in my opinion, unless using a long scope of some kind.
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Old January 15th, 2006, 19:04   #65
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who says I am when I'm playing airsoft? if you've played with me, you know I'm just pointing it in the general direction of fire half the time . I just watch the trace of the bb's, it's easy enough to actually follow the round rather then actually properly aim it. at least it's like that for me.
as for real steel; I just can't get over partially closing the eye when I'm actually about to fire the weapon on semi, yet I can have both eyes open and unload a 30 round mag into a face of a target from 10 feet and have four rounds miss (sounds like nothing till you try it, ahh memories) go figure.
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Old January 15th, 2006, 19:16   #66
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I'm right handed binocular. I'd be both right if I was able to close my left eye without closing my right. I feel handicap.

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Old January 15th, 2006, 19:17   #67
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I've played with you Yeoman, but the only time I actually saw you in battle my my sitting around the base during Op: Nam III this past summer, listening to you and the other guys chat, saw Mafiaso Grande stroll past like he was not in the game, passed him off as not to shoot, then when out of sight turned around and shot you and the rest of us, then laughed. Fucker, really sneaky. Will be wise next year. Hehe, anyways, like I said, the only time I played with you, you got shot. Hehe
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Old January 15th, 2006, 19:31   #68
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yeah that was something wasn't eh?
that whole thing made me bloody well lost when I saw him just strolling on by.
at least you didn't see me flank the other team by myself, get all confused since I was good ol' foxtail's team there just standing there, and me just wandering back to the team heh.
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Old January 15th, 2006, 19:55   #69
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No kidding, having that game plan with three teams, two opposed to eachother and targets all day (US vs. NVA/VC) and having MAC-SOG having an alliance with either team, depending on their own personal mission at the time. Made for a really difficult day!

I also recall telling everyone on the team, "If you see one guy from the other team strolling by like he's hit/on his way to the staging area to reload, eat, whatever, shoot him anyways." Hehe, sneaky Mafiaso made it legal to shoot guys without reason.
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Old January 18th, 2006, 00:02   #70
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With a rifle/ sights or scope I aim with my left eye and am a righty no matter what. Pistols I am binocular and once again a righty. However my left hand is much more agile and quick.. great for a left side bolt action / etc..

TM M14 :tup:
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Old February 7th, 2006, 17:30   #71
Raygis LasVegas
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I cross my eyes so it would appear that I'm firing two guns at the same time.

The downside of doing this is there are twice as many targets to shoot at! I wonder why....? :roll:

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Old February 7th, 2006, 18:10   #72
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Old February 11th, 2006, 23:45   #73
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:infantry: i use both eyes. in close conbact situations. but will go to closing my left eye for longer ranges just clears up the line of sight for me. in air soft its easier to pick up the flight of the shot with both eyes open.
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Old February 18th, 2006, 03:32   #74
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When shooting with airsoft, I'm ambidextrous. I shoot/aim just as good with my right eye/hand as I do with my left. Furhtermore tested at the end of 'Nam3 with Stalker and Quantis' M24s/whatever the other ones were.(That was quite the little shoot we had going on too, lol)

Shooting real firearms? I'm not sure as I've never shot a real firearms, but I'm thinking about going to a range something to try it out...In which case I'll test it out.

BTW, I still can't get over pegging Knifewound right in the middle of the chest from so far away with your M24, Stalker. That thing shoots lazers.
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Old May 7th, 2008, 02:08   #75
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I am a freak I shoot Left Handed long guns and right handed sidearm. I am left eye dominant and right hand dominant. For some reason I have always shot rifles and pool left but everything else I do right handed.
Eric Benoit
Operator, Instructor
Highland Tactical
Sudbury, ON

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