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China Clone G36K handguard



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Old December 17th, 2007, 13:44   #1
Kos-Mos's Avatar
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China Clone G36K handguard

I finally decided to change my Star handguard to be able to mount some accessories to it.

I looked around and found that our friend Huang at DragonRed was selling a china clone if the railled hadguard, similar to the one on classic army's G36K

I went off and ordered one set off him (along with a DBoy modstock)

Long story short, I got the package today.

Everything was well packaged, wrapped in some bubble pack thing, and every part in a large plastic bag.

I unpacked everything to check it.

At first sight, quality is not that bad. For 75$ shipped, I could even say it is great.

The hand guard itself is awesome, finish is very close to the original finish of my Star handle. There is some visible seams, but nothing worst than the stock handguard. The fit is quite tight, but not enough to have to pry it open to fit. I would say this is an imporvement over the stock one. There is NO barrel stabilizer included in this, so you will need to take the one from your stock handguard. The top most part where the body pin fits in is a tad bit larger than stock, so if your pin was short, now it probably won't fit (I had a pin with an o-ring on the other side to hold it in place, now I will need to find an other way to secure it as the o-ring tend to fall)

The rails finish is really less perfect. We can defenitely see that is was cast, as there is some round filling points and the seams are very visible. (like the inside of a cast model car...) The black paint used on it is glossy, and chips very easily. Some chips where already removed when I received it.
However, this is nothing a short sanding and a coat of paint can't repair. (I planned on doing it anyways to have it match the rest of the gun)

The bottom rail end/sling atachement point is looking too bad to my taste, so I did not installed it. The quality could REALLY have been better. Finish is the same as the rails, so it probably is possible to make it better. The long screw that comes for that setup is WAY too long. cut it or find a better fitting one.

That package came with a G36K lenght outer barrel extension, along with a flash hider. Theses parts are quite well made. The finish applied to it could really be better. There was some rush traces on it when I unpacked it. It is just surface rust as I cleaned it with a towel no problem.
The outter (male) treadings on the barrel extension are a bit too large. I had to file it down a bit to be able to attach my King Arms silencer to it.
There is no set screw or any other mean of stopping the flash hider from missalignment, and the treads are not made so that is will be right when tight. I think that it can be possible to add a o-ring inside the flashhider to add some pressure to it and lock it in place.
These are CNC made, as there is still some cutter marks on the outside of the tubes. Again, a little sanding and a light coat of paint would clean it well enough.
However, I recommend to anyone buying that kit to take some cleaning stuff and clean off the remaining metal bits inside and outside of the two parts. I didn't do it, and ended with a bunch of metal/oil/rush mix on the tip of my inner barrel. Probably some felt inside, so a good clean-up is needed before I field it.

In conclusion, this kit is well worth 75$, but could use some ameliorations. It is not a kit you install right before going on the field, it need a little love before it really is perfect.

Here are the glamour shots:
I chose to keep using the stock barrel/flashhider as they are better looking and can be aligned properly.

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Old December 17th, 2007, 14:43   #2
Fusion-X's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Winnipeg, MB
i had also recived the G36K handguard from haung, I had bought it to convert my C to a K.

as my g36 is CA, the color match is very close, not perfect but very close

i also had a problem with the orginal handguard pin, it didn't fit in nice and tight after i had installed it (would slide out) so all i did was order a G&P g36 handguard pin and works perfectly!
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Old December 17th, 2007, 14:50   #3
Lakonian's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
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STAR FTW. Remove china clone imitations immediately.

I'm happy that you're giving ms.36 a good home, and feeding her regularly BTW.
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