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Old October 13th, 2007, 20:24   #1
Mr. G36!
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So I've always used the basic one-piece Tactical Vests, nothing modular. But now, I'm thinking it might be a good idea to invest in one. Now everyone seems to use either a CIRAS vest, or a RAV vest, but what's the difference between the two?

They both seem similar, but whereas the CIRAS seems to be totally MOLLE, the RAV seems to be a mixture of MOLLE and velcro or something. Basically, what I'm asking is what exactly is RAV? When I Googled it, all I got was topics from ASC's about people advertising or looking for them, ha!

Anyway, is one better than the other? Does one work better for certain scenarios? Which do you recommend?

I ran a search to see if this topic already existed, but all it came up with was topics advertising them, which doesn't help me all that much...I know where to get them, I just don't know why I'd want one yet. Help?

Last edited by Mr. G36!; October 13th, 2007 at 21:24..
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Old October 14th, 2007, 01:37   #2
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Both the CIRAS and RAV are MOLLE platforms.

RAV has velcro in the front, at the top near the neck and along the belly. They are there for nametape/ID usage and for attaching the wrap-around cumberbund respectively. There is also velcro on the back for attaching the zip-up back panel.

CIRAS also has copious amounts of velcro, the Maritime has velcro at the sides to secure the side panels, and the Land has velcro at the front to secure the cumberbund.

Both CIRAS and RAV are excellent rigs. Because they are MOLLE platforms, they can be endlessly configured to your particular preference. With appropriate MOLLE pouches, you could build rigs suited for a particular game, a particular setting, or a particular season, all based on one platform, rather than getting several for different applications.

I have experience with all three, and can recommend all of them.
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Old October 14th, 2007, 08:23   #3
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The question is: Are you talking about the real ones or the knock offs?

If your after the real one then there are other options in that price range.

The real CIRAS also has tons of velcro on the inside of it for attaching the shoulder, groin, collar and deltiod panels.
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Old October 14th, 2007, 12:59   #4
Mr. G36!
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I see. Really helpful, guys! Thanks a lot. I think I'd rather go for a replica for now, and if it goes well, maybe upgrade to the Real McCoy. So I guess in the end, it won't matter which you choose, CIRAS or RAV, so I'll see what's out there.

So CIRAS basically resemble a basic vest, whereas RAV seems to have an extra little zip-up dealie on the belly, and that's about the only major difference, am I right? I'll start looking around.
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Old October 14th, 2007, 13:22   #5
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Originally Posted by Mr. G36! View Post
So CIRAS basically resemble a basic vest, whereas RAV seems to have an extra little zip-up dealie on the belly, and that's about the only major difference, am I right?
i'm also wondering about this, and i'm also lookin for a CIRAS or a RAV too
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Old October 14th, 2007, 14:18   #6
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Why do YOU want a CIRAS or RAV? I wanted one for the looks and not for the practical reasons. They are bulky and heavy. If you want a MOLLE plattform, you might want to look at a chest rig or the EPC with cummerbund or the RRS-V. Lots of other MOLLE vest to choose from.
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Old October 14th, 2007, 14:23   #7
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I personally like the Woosatch/Weesatch due to its integral pouches.
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Old October 14th, 2007, 14:24   #8
Mr. G36!
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Personally, I find it very hard to get vests with pouches that'll fit G36 magazines. On top of that, the vests I've always worn aren't of modular design, so whatever's on it is what I get to work with. I figured that if I went with a MOLLE platform, I could get exactly what I wanted and place them exactly where they'd be the most comfortable.

Of everything that I've looked at, CIRAS and RAV appeal to me the most as far as looks go, so it's kind of both style and practicality. I'm just having so much trouble finding any information on RAV that I figured this would be the best place to ask.

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Old October 14th, 2007, 17:43   #9
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Originally Posted by Mr. G36! View Post
I see. Really helpful, guys! Thanks a lot. I think I'd rather go for a replica for now, and if it goes well, maybe upgrade to the Real McCoy. So I guess in the end, it won't matter which you choose, CIRAS or RAV, so I'll see what's out there.

So CIRAS basically resemble a basic vest, whereas RAV seems to have an extra little zip-up dealie on the belly, and that's about the only major difference, am I right? I'll start looking around.
The CIRAS Land Version also has a cumberbund. It's secured by a velcro flap, rather than a zipper.

As to which one, like Bruce said, do you need a vest that carries that much heat?
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Old October 14th, 2007, 19:34   #10
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If you want a vest purely for looks, it's hard to beat something like a CIRAS or RAV. If you need something modular that can cary G36 magazines as well as allow you to attach other pouches, consider the SOTECH Tomcat. The wider integral pouches allow you to store the thicker G36 mags, and it's probably cheaper than buying an Esstac BOAR and converting it to a 7.62 carrier.
Tactical Tailor also sells its MAV as a package, with four pouches that will fit 2 G36 magazines each, and two large GP pouches which you can use for food, water, batteries and BBs. All of these have open backs and thin straps, which are benificial when used with a backpack or camelbak.
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Old October 14th, 2007, 19:52   #11
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I love my RAV, although it is heavy, and bulky and can take some getting used to once you get it. I love being able to customise it with only the pouches I require. However I do miss my good old cross draw vest.

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Old October 14th, 2007, 20:02   #12
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In the end its whatever you feel comfortable buying. The RAV and CIRAS are both well made but are quick release softarmor carriers and thats why they cost more. There are certainly pieces of gear that look similar but arent nearly as expensive. Like the Eagle plate carriers with cumberbunds which are basically the same look but without the quick release mechanism and only carry plates. I dont know if you have looked into the pricing yet but that is certainly a more reasonable route to go as the plate carrier with cumberbund is less then half the price of a ciras. The Rav is more then 4 times more expensive then a paraclete plate carrier with cumberbund , just some food for thought.
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Old October 14th, 2007, 20:06   #13
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Here is the rig i threw together cus i didnt want to spend $1000 on a RAV.
It is a TT plate carrier with a Paraclete cumberbund and cost me less then 200 cdn.
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Old October 14th, 2007, 20:20   #14
Mr. G36!
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Looks nice! This is all great, guys! I guess I'll look into the plate carriers/cumberbund rigs as well. Out of curiosity, where'd you get that set, lupo?
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Old October 14th, 2007, 20:26   #15
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The platecarrier and all the pouches were purchased from daves tactical and the cumberbund was bought used from a asc member. Daves has an even bigger selection of gear nowadays though so you could probably get yourself something similar , all from them.
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