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Echo1USA M4A1 SPC Upgrades?


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Old August 27th, 2007, 14:22   #1
Join Date: Jun 2007
Question Echo1USA M4A1 SPC Upgrades?

Hi i am planning to buy a Echo 1 USA M4A1 S.P.C with the following upgrades installed by myself:

-Systema 6.05mm Precision Inner Barrel (increase accuracy)

-New Metal Bushings (This is where i dont know...what the hell are tehse for i just read off a forum you should get them if you use a higher voltage battery.
What size do i get eg. 6mm 7mm or 8mm?)

-Enhanced Spring (Dont know which to get, M100, 110, 120, or 130? Help?)

-Intellect 9.6V 4200mAh - Large Type ( Ni-MH ) (for faster ROF)

-TLP All In One Charger (model 4000C) (to charge the 9.6v batteries)

Im just making sure everything here is compatible and needed, and if any other mods are necessary to make these ones work.

Thanks a lot guys, ill keep researching off the sticky guides here and try to update. Any help is greatly appreciated!
MadLz :cheers:
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Old August 27th, 2007, 14:30   #2
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You will want 6mm brushings. You want them as the plastic ones will start to melt/deform when used with an upgraded spring. For which spring, it depends on what fps you are looking for. Check the spring guide (on the site, not in the mech box.) Most places wont let you go higher than 400 fps with .2s so I would say 120 max with 110 to be on the safe side. Make sure that there is room for the larger battery. What I would recommend is just getting a systema FTK for what ever spring you decide on. This way you know the internals are good and if anything breaks you will have your old internals as spare so you don't miss a game waiting for new parts.
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Old August 27th, 2007, 14:38   #3
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Thanks a lot Dawnbringer. I will most likely get Mad Bull M110 AEG Upgrade Spring since it is readily in stock at As for the FPS i would be lloking at 400, as most places find that acceptable (from what ive seen). Is the battery ok? charger etc? Is there any upgrades that are necessary for this setup to work? I am trying to keep the most basic but performance upgraded / cost effective gun. No need for super flashlights, metal bodies, etc.

Thank you guys very much!

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Old August 27th, 2007, 14:38   #4
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Yeah either the Systema FTK or just purchase one of there complete gearbox setup. I personally like the High Speed gearbox. Do a search on Youtube for the Systema Turbo Motor. Great fps with an unbelievable ROF.
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Old August 27th, 2007, 14:43   #5
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ok so lemme get this straight i can skimp on all the upgrades except the battery stuff and just get the full kits from systema? they are quite expensive at like 310.00CDN is it worthit on a gun like Echo1USA (about 350CDN).

im looking at this one:

If i were to get that, then the only thing left to buy would be inner barrel, battery, and charger/discharger correct?

EDIT: would iT be a better idea to get 2 Intellect 8.4v 3600mah Large Battery ($65x2) instead of 1 Intellect 9.6V 4200mAh - Large Type ( Ni-MH )?

How long would these batteries last on the field anyways? Is 1 battery enough for a game? Thank you guys!

Last edited by madlz; August 27th, 2007 at 14:48..
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Old August 27th, 2007, 14:56   #6
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As for the battery, Im not quite sure how the front end of an m4 is, if and when you remove the two plastic grip parts to reveal the barrel, I know you can fit one battery in there, but Ive heard that some people have cobbled two 8.4v minis together to form some style of nunchuck mini and that it has fit inside the front grip with a little bit of work. Thats one way to do it.

The other way is to have your gun rewired to the rear and either use a crane stock or a battery pouch. In the end that choice i up to you, since theres cost and esthetic prefrences to be considered.

But you know, once you get that systema gear box into place and do a crane stock upgrade, if you get a one piece metal barrel and new reciever, it wont even be a JG anymore! and you will have enough parts left over to build a that JG all over again!

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Old August 27th, 2007, 14:59   #7
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Agreed with TokyoSeven.

Just get jugglez to build you a kit gun. Tell him what parts you want, and he'll build it from scratch.
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Old August 27th, 2007, 15:01   #8
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kos what do you mean kit gun? Like i can order a gun with whatever i want in it and he'll do it, or i say what parts to upgrade and he'll make a custom gun. i dont understand but im down with anything as long as i get a upgraded reliable and accurate gun that isnt as expensive as a systema or the likes!

Last edited by madlz; August 27th, 2007 at 15:06..
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Old August 27th, 2007, 15:04   #9
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SPC has a full stock right? if so then you should have no issues with a large batt. every review has JG m4's shooting stock anywhere from 330-360 why not leave the stock spring upgrade after you have used it if needed. of course the tight bore and bushings can't hurt. 3600 mah or 4200mah will both last a full day.
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Old August 27th, 2007, 15:04   #10
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I believe he means a parts package, you know pick and choose everything you want from his site, externals and with internals he can assemble it all together in a mechbox for you maybe? (for a cost? if he feels nice? if you offer him loves?).

Originally Posted by Tex View Post
3600 mah or 4200mah will both last a full day.
8.4 volt 1200mAH lasted me a full day. I dont shoot a hell of alot, I spend most of my time running and screaming. But still managed to put out 1300 rounds with out a battery change

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Old August 27th, 2007, 15:15   #11
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oh ok great!!!!! i guess ill do that thing with jugglez and keep the echo1 with an 8.4v 3600mah battery.... will 8.4 be a lot slower than a 9.6v or is it minimal difference.

Thanks a lot for the help, you cant understand how many questions have been running through my mind for the last week about this crap and finally i get some nice help this forum is GREAT!
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Old August 27th, 2007, 15:21   #12
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Hey man no worries. Its what this part of the forum is for. Hopefully in the future you will be able to help others out.

As for batteries, if youve got a nice heavy spring (m120) its gona take alot more power for the motor to compress it, so if that motor is drawing more power you'll run your batt out quicker. So you could have a 8.4v 4200mAH to power it, if you could fit it. Or do the same thing with a 9.6v 2200 mAH. Im not gun doc and hopefully if my info is wrong someone can correct me. Im not new to airsoft but Im still learning to. As for those batterys though, remeber they come in diffrent shapes and sizes and its also good to take into consideration if they will fit in your current set up.

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
8.4 volt 1200mAH lasted me a full day. I dont shoot a hell of alot, I spend most of my time running and screaming. But still managed to put out 1300 rounds with out a battery change
Quote myself cause I can, and because I forgot to add crying to that list.
Running, screaming and crying.

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Last edited by TokyoSeven; August 27th, 2007 at 15:23..
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Old August 27th, 2007, 15:30   #13
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Ok great so far this is my semi-final decision:

-Asked jugglez for the mechbox thing if he could do it or not (takes care of springs M120, bushings, anything like that)

-System Tightbore Barrel

- If Jugglez cant do it ill get the Systema pack which will hurt a lot wallet wise ($310 =()

-Intellect 9.6V 4200mAh - Large Type ( Ni-MH ) (for faster ROF)
(about $120 at

-TLP All In One Charger (model 4000C) (to charge the 9.6v batteries)
(about $110 at

Approximate total costs
Total costs of upgrades with Jugglez
Total costs of upgrades with systema pack

so about 1 grand for my gun. Im starting to think i should just get the system PTW for christs sake lol. Can anybody think of a cheaper solution or something! i want an AEG so badly!

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Old August 27th, 2007, 15:33   #14
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You may wanna check out

Not to steal business business from Canadian retailers, but you are spending alot already. Rember to keep in mind the size of your connectors, it would suck to order a batt with a large tamiya when you have gun connections for a small, or if you dont have tamiya connectors at all! haha dont laugh its happened before probly.

"Its only a little bit on fire"

Last edited by TokyoSeven; August 27th, 2007 at 15:36..
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Old August 27th, 2007, 16:02   #15
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Originally Posted by madlz View Post
Ok great so far this is my semi-final decision:

-Asked jugglez for the mechbox thing if he could do it or not (takes care of springs M120, bushings, anything like that)

-System Tightbore Barrel

- If Jugglez cant do it ill get the Systema pack which will hurt a lot wallet wise ($310 =()

-Intellect 9.6V 4200mAh - Large Type ( Ni-MH ) (for faster ROF)
(about $120 at

-TLP All In One Charger (model 4000C) (to charge the 9.6v batteries)
(about $110 at

Approximate total costs
Total costs of upgrades with Jugglez
Total costs of upgrades with systema pack

so about 1 grand for my gun. Im starting to think i should just get the system PTW for christs sake lol. Can anybody think of a cheaper solution or something! i want an AEG so badly!

Eh, if you want a PTW, contact me.

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