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barrel tightening?


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Old August 24th, 2007, 17:34   #16
Mr. G36!
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Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
I saw a thread somewhere in this forum stating which type of cylinders you should be using.
I take it you're referring to #33?

If so, I should use, for instance, any of the following:
-"Guarder Cylinder (GE-03-01)",
-"Systema N-B Cylinder Type-0 (ZS-04-16)",
-"KM TN Coated Inner Taper Cylinder for Long AEGs (AEGS10)",
-"Prometheus Stainless Hard Cylinder (A)"

Would I correct in that assumption?

Last edited by Mr. G36!; August 24th, 2007 at 17:52..
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Old August 24th, 2007, 17:57   #17
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ya I think that was the thread I saw. just follow it,
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Old August 24th, 2007, 21:01   #18
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Originally Posted by Mr. G36! View Post
I see. The thing is, my gun is, internally, an out-of-the-box TM G36C (6.06 barrel, 247mm length). All I want to do is replace the barrel with a 6.03 tight bore while adding 205mm, increasing the barrel length to 452mm. So since the barrel won't be exceeding even 500mm, would cylinder modification/replacement really be necessary with a mere 20cm extension?
You'll need to upgrade to an unported Marui cylinder, or if you can find a more tuned cylinder, get an AK one (Prometheus Type A, Systema Type-1, etc etc)

Originally Posted by jaa View Post
Is there a place I can go to get an upgrade professionally done? and how much would it cost?
I'm also in Toronto.

Contact me, I do AEG work and parts importation

Last edited by ILLusion; August 24th, 2007 at 21:05..
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Old August 24th, 2007, 21:20   #19
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theres a section here somewhere on the cylinder length and barrel length, and tightbore = awesome, because it increases grouping it also increases range a little bit, and the added tightness increases fps by a little bit too, of course it all depends on what brand of tightbore you buy!
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Old August 24th, 2007, 23:42   #20
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I've dropped a full length TN 6.04 onto a stock G36C mechbox and it worked fine.

I think the whole suction thing is generally ill understood and often exaggerated, specially where stock guns are concerned. First off it implies your gun is shooting so fast that the mechbox has time to cycle for a second shot before the first BB has time to leave the barrel; you'll need a really long barrel or some heavy-as-fuck BB to accomplish that.

Quick math:
300 FPS == 3600 inches per second (1 ft == 12 in)
M16 barrel =~ 20 inches

20 / 3600 = 0.0056s (that's 5/1000th of a second, or 1/200th) -- that's a very gross estimate since you're dealing with acceleration and the speed through the barrel isn't linear/constant. But even if we double that time for the sake of taking acceleration into account (which is a massive exaggeration) you'd still need to cycle over 100 rounds per second.

To put that in perspective, a real steel minigun fires an average 66 rounds per second.

Another way to look at it is that the spacing between the BBs coming out of your muzzle would have to be inferior to the length of your piston stroke.

That being said, airsoft "chambers" aren't exactly sealed; air escapes from the hop up and mag well, and around the BB (especially in a "loose" diameter barrel). You need enough air to get the BB out of the barrel. Shorter barrels don't require as much; they can use ported cylinders to avoid the piston head slamming forward with zero resistance well after the BB has left the barrel.

Mostly what might be experienced with a longer barrel and ported cylinder is not-quite-optimal pressure. You won't get quite as much velocity as you could have. But saying that the piston will somehow suck the BB backwards and slow it down... that's unlikely.
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Old August 24th, 2007, 23:59   #21
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nice writing.
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Old August 26th, 2007, 15:42   #22
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I've proved through empirical tests that "suck back" is not a myth.

The test involved shooting a gun through a Guarder chronograph and recording the velocity. The test platform was an M4 with an M4 ported cylinder and M16 length inner barrel.

First shots in semi-auto recorded typically expected velocities.

However, follow up shots in full-auto bursts would yield lower velocities for the shots that preceded. The last shot in the burst string would return to an expected velocity.

I never recorded the numbers, as I was just just doing an observation. When I have some time, maybe I'll set it up and get some hard numbers to show.
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Old August 27th, 2007, 11:27   #23
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I've seen very precise TMG36C and PTM90 with both 6.03 short innerbarrels vs CAM15A4 SPC with longer inner 6.03 tight barrels. The main difference I've noticed is the +10fps change.

I think how long the barrel is regarding airsoft is less relevent because of the weight of the BB you use that eventually gets caught by the wind and the hopup system itself.

Changing the weight of the bb slows down your speed but gets you more precision.

I've observed this but Is this correct?

Regarding the upgrade option itself, If you ask me, you have the best upgrade friendly AEG out there so I would go for it but I would seriously consider getting a second ''I'll never touch until it's scrap'' AEG because you will feel less frustration when you wont be missing out on good games.

I've seen some very good players using stock AEG. Be patient and read a lot before you try something.

I myself have a CA slr-105 out of the box stock that I loan to friends and use as backup and this AEG has seen at least 10000 rounds in it and still has'nt let me down. I only clean the barrel as for maintenance.

So to sum it up : Get 2 AEG's one stock and one to upgrade. Use a TM G36 for the upgrade base. Best starter you could get.

Certified Level 2 BA Sniper
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Last edited by Metalsynth; August 27th, 2007 at 13:51..
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