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Old May 30th, 2007, 03:15   #1
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G36C C-Mag

I am looking for a C mag with an auto feed like one with a motor and a battery kinda thing. If anyone has ordered one and knows a good suplier or brand please tell me.

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Old May 30th, 2007, 03:33   #2
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Contact Echigoya in Tokyo. They have many.
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Old May 30th, 2007, 09:38   #3
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heres where i ordered mine from
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Old May 30th, 2007, 11:18   #4
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Why not the SMAG version which eliminates the pressure switch? It's all internal and mine works pretty slick.
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Old May 30th, 2007, 11:19   #5
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I had a Star Auto winding S-Mag and loved it.

Dont use over an 8.4V battery and it will keep up with your ROF very easily.

Get the Star and dont look back!
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Old May 30th, 2007, 17:55   #6
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i hear hero arms has the best quality, plus it doesnt wind non stop when a bb isnt sitting the right way and wont go into the feed tube.
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Old May 30th, 2007, 19:24   #7
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My less than stellar review of the Hero Arms C-mag for the G36 from the RAAT fourms (posted about a year or so ago). I will post in the Review forums here as well, somehow forgot to when I first made the review.

"I purchased my Hero Arms C-mag (for G36) about a year ago based on good reviews, primarily from ASC, but elsewhere as well. I'd heard of the mag stripping gears, but figured I'd only run 3 batteries instead of 4 to lessen the possibility. The fill issue was dealable as I never went through more than half a mag a game anyhow.

All was well in the land of C-Mags....for 1 1/2 games.

It stopped winding. Just stopped. Motor ran fine, just no bb's came out. Took it home and it took me about 2 hours to get the mag apart. Why two hours you ask? BECAUSE DAMN NEAR EVERYTHING INSIDE IS GLUED TOGETHER!!! WTF IS UP WITH THAT!!! So I carefully disassemble to find the winging spring broke right where it locks into the winding shaft (winder works like hicap mag). No biggie. I replace said spring & housing with a Guarder hicap winder, screw the housing together and install wedges to hold all other components together and in place once the mag is sealed up. This will make additional maintenance much easier.

All was well in the land of C-Mags....for the first five minutes of the next game.

Mag won't wind/feed. Take mag apart on field. Now takes 5 minutes. I find the tabs on the winding shaft that lock the winding spring in place have sheared off. Getting kinda pissed off at this point. I take the shaft to several machinists. Lowest quote I got...$300. That's right, $300 for to replace a plastic shaft on a $200 & change mag. Hmm. Fix original shaft with some small steel pins drilled & glued in it and repair the rest with JB Weld (wonderful stuff btw). Test rigorously to a few days in the shop. All seems well and I'm losing the feeling I'm in a bad horror movie.

All was well in the land of C-Mags....until the start of the next game.

Game day yesterday. It's about -5C. I'm admining but carrying my MG36 with me. C-Mag is loaded and inserted, but not wound. I set it down on the ground in a clearing I made so it won't get soaked in snow. I run the first game of the day (Push) and when the game is done, I pick up my gun to head back to heaven for everyone to reload. I notice bb's falling out from underneath my gun. The mag has physically broken at the two points it attaches tot he C-Mag body!!! WTF kind of cheap plastic is this! It's just kinda hanging there, just held by the screws and not very tightly at that! I didn't drop it or even put it down hard. As far as I can tell, the gun hadn't been moved. I may or may not be able to fix this one.

Now I haven't heard of anyone having as many problems with the Hero Arms C-mags as I have, but based on my experience with this one product I doubt I'd ever purchase another Hero Arms product again. This thing was too cheaply made, too poorly put together and too overpriced to make it worth my while. Especially considering I've put a total of less than 3000 rounds through it, more like 2000 rounds.

I don't rant very often. Those who know me know I'm a VERY patient and layed back guy, but this is stupid. I feel extremely ripped off but this whole experience.

To Hero Arms, I suggest you pick one of the following:

1 - If you're going to glue your product together, make sure it's high enough quality so I shouldn't have to take it apart.

2 - If you're going to make your product so cheap, make sure I can take it apart easily AND have spare parts readily available.

3 - If you're going to make a cheap product and glue it together, price it low enough that I can just pitch it and get a new one. No one likes getting screwed with a sandpaper condom for a POS that spends more time getting fixed than being used. "

I have since purchased a STAR s-mag and a First Factory 5000 box mag and have had zero issues with either.

Last edited by Darklen; May 30th, 2007 at 19:26..
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Old May 30th, 2007, 20:40   #8
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that weird, my friend had a hero arms Cmag for his G36, fired over 20,000 rounds out if it never had any issues
well like all airsoft products it depends on who's working quality assessment the day its made lol
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Old May 31st, 2007, 23:30   #9
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What is the difference between a c mag and an s mag??
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Old May 31st, 2007, 23:53   #10
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C mag's have pressure switches that activate the moter that moves BB's into the firing chamber, were as the S mag is all automatic.
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Old June 1st, 2007, 11:33   #11
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I have also heard many less than savory reviews of the hero arms - that is why I got my Star model.

Its auto winding and the only problem I ever had with it was when I tried to put in a custom battery pack to up the feed rate for my 10.8V main battery.

Went back to 2 AA's and it was fine.

I still highly recommend them. They also dont wind unless needed, and no need to push a pressure switch to get them to work.
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Old June 3rd, 2007, 12:58   #12
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I have a hero's arms c-mag. It is a G3 mag but I dont see that making a huge difference. I have ran ~50,000 BBs through and changed my batteries once. I have had some wear and tear issues but nothing to keep me from playing. My winging spring also broke bit that was around 40,000 BBs which I was surprised it had lasted that long. Even then, it wound up fine as long as it was loaded with 600+ BBs. I will say that the design is accident prone. The drums on either side make it really easy to break where the top of the mag meets the drum. They are bulky and they make a ticking noise as they wind. Your friends will soon recognize that sound, for good or bad. You will not hear BBs bouncing around like a hi-cap though. A hinge spring pushes all the BBs around one drum into a hi-cap inside the mag which keeps all the BBs tight. When my winding spring broke the ticking stopped but every once in a while the spring would slip and unwind its self. Since the winding spring didn't make that big of a difference it was kinda nice to have a completely silent 3000rnd mag. I just had to keep it loaded enough for the hinge spring to keep tension on the BBs. With the tension forcing the BBs into the loader the teeth on the BB gear in the hi-cap had something to grip and the spring would not unwind. I tried to fix the winding spring but the fix didn't last very long. I don't have an extra spring so I'm not going to worry about it. As mentioned before they are accident prone. It has happen to me. Mine was broke when it was loaned out. I had to break the top of the mag right off the drums to set the epoxy right. Its fine now and that happened little before I had any issues with my winding spring. They now have a model that is half the size with the same capacity. They have a single drum the hangs from the mag well. I would think this design would last longer and would be less bulky. On top of that they are cheaper. I've I had to do it again I would get one of these.

I hope I didn't step on any toes but my experience with hero's arms c-mags have been great. I plan on selling mine when I finish my own motor driven magazine.


Last edited by mateba; June 3rd, 2007 at 13:10..
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Old July 1st, 2007, 19:01   #13
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OK I don't think I want a c mag anymore.. I want a box mag, what is the best brand of box mag?? I want an auto winding one... preferably with no bladder switch... Thanks!!

Also if anyone is selling one... cheap... lol :P
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Old July 1st, 2007, 19:14   #14
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hero arms lol
honestly i've heard nothing but good things about the company
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