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Beretta Cougar hammer spring problems


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Old June 18th, 2007, 11:54   #1
Bob the Angry Potato
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Beretta Cougar hammer spring problems

After my purchase of two matching Western Arms Beretta Cougars with Airsoft Innovations flow-restrictors installed, I had a quick question for any Cougar owner out there.

My slide doesn't always cycle- AI puts it as in warmer temperatures, the propane expands to the point where the hammer isn't strong enough to hit the valve properly. The suggested remedy is a stronger replacement hammer spring- this sounds about right, sometimes when the hammer hits the valve it makes a small 'pop' sound, and the slide moves back a few centimetres.

However, flow restrictors are meant for the .45/1911 family, not the Beretta- however, it works with the M8045 Cougar, luckily enough.

My question was this-

Is it possible to use a different sort of hammer spring in the gun- a stronger one, marginally- and if so, would WA M9 ones be compatible? I'm afraid I don't have a Western Arms M9 and none of the local players have them either to compare.

Any info would be great, links and such would be better.
Age verifier- Halifax region
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Old June 18th, 2007, 16:30   #2
Scotty aka harleyb
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As far as I can tell from this:
It looks like it uses a method similar to the 1911 to retain the hammer spring. The only time I checked out a Cougar, I only looked at the slide portion, so I can't tell you if the hammer spring is anything close in size to a 1911 spring... However, what you can do is open up that spring housing and see if you can cram a BB in there, on top or below the hammer spring, and see if the hammer will still cock. Cheap man's upgrade hammer spring...
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Old June 18th, 2007, 22:03   #3
Bob the Angry Potato
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I'll try that, thanks.

Pictures and other such to follow.
Age verifier- Halifax region
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Old June 19th, 2007, 11:42   #4
Bob the Angry Potato
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Tried with a BB. It's too small, and the hammer refuses to cock when I use something wider.

I'm right now trying to widen the hole in a small nut from a broken tac-light to fit. Should marginally increase the tension.

However, after cleaning all the crap and corruption out and resetting the pieces, the action seems a LOT smoother.
Age verifier- Halifax region
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Old June 19th, 2007, 14:49   #5
Bob the Angry Potato
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Here's how to do it, for any other disgruntled Canadian Cougar owners with flow restrictors installed that are concerned with their weak hammer spring (all zero of them).

First, take a run-of-the-mill cheap ballpoint pen. I used some Bic I found in my room.

Then, dremel a small piece off it.

I really should've taken the picture when my gun was open, sorry.

Here's what remains of the piece I dremelled it from, and my Cougar.

After you do that, drop it in the top with that other metal piece. It works great as a spacer, though there's not much room- you have to get the measurement exactly right, or the hammer won't cock.

A complimentary stretch of the hammer spring won't hurt either.

After I put it back together, I gassed it up and put 10 rounds into a pile of laundry, cocking it back with my thumb- something I couldn't do before (it'd make a 'pop' sound and the slide would move back a centimetre or so).

If a mod could move this to Gas Gun Solutions, that'd be great.
Age verifier- Halifax region
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